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Google Page Rank Updates

October 16th, 2025

It all starts with somebody noticing the PR update in progress. This event will find its way into forums and newsgroups fast. Within minutes and hours the Internet community becomes aware of a Page Rank update. As uses several different data centers for its search engine services and also updates them in different intervals webmasters all over the world will see different results when looking for Page Rank results. A Page Rank update will also not complete within an hour or a day. For several days results will fluctuate.

With that in mind it is a funny event watching the hype surrounding a PR update. Webmasters get nervous if the PR of their website suddenly changes. A change can mean that the PR completely disappears or that the webmaster sees different (conflicting) results. As a high Page Rank can mean higher amounts of traffic and eventually higher income from a website this event often feels like a rollercoaster ride for the people who depend on having a successful website. Imagine the website you worked for so hard suddenly going up and down in Page Rank during a PR update. Now the same people start posting questions and comments in forums and newsgroups. The more experienced webmasters know the game and react professionally. They know that the publicly visible Page Rank is just a moment in time to display a snapshot of what is in Google’s database. They know that PR actually updates daily or weekly internally, but that these more frequent updates do not show up as publicly visible PR updates. But no matter how often it is pointed out that the publicly visible PR is not important - the hype around this topic by a large group of webmasters does not quiet down. “How many links does it take to get a PR 5?” - “Why does my PR suddenly went down? I added x number of back links to my site.” - “I hate Google for doing this.” - These and many other comments or questions will show up. But in the end it all comes down to: Public PR is just a snapshot in time of what is in’s database. PR changes much more often than what is showing up in the Google Toolbar.

And so it comes as no surprise that about every 3 months the tensions go high up in newsgroups and online forums when it comes to discussing Google Page Rank. If you are on the hunt for a high Page Rank for you site - don’t waste time looking for the publicly visible PR. Use the time the others need to discuss PR to actually work on the Page Rank for your site. Establish high quality back links to your site. Grow these numbers slowly. A large increase in a short amount of time is not natural. Back links grow slowly and that is what Google is looking for. Be smart - be in it for the long run and not some short-term PR gain that won’t last.]]>

Google’s Good Writing Content Filter

October 15th, 2025

I was recently struck by the fact that the top-ranking web pages on Google are consistently much better written than the vast majority of what one reads on the web. Yet traditional SEO wisdom has little to say about good writing. Does Google, the world’s wealthiest media company, really only display web pages that meet arcane technical criteria? Does Google, like so many website owners, really get so caught up in the process of the algorithm that it misses the whole point?

Apparently not.
Most Common On-the-Page Website Content Success Factors
Whatever the technical mechanism, Google is doing a pretty good job of identifying websites with good content and rewarding them with high rankings.

I looked at Google’s top five pages for the five most searched-on keywords, as identified by WordTracker on June 27, 2025. Typically, the top five pages receive an overwhelming majority of the traffic delivered by Google.

The web pages that contained written content (a small but significant portion were image galleries) all shared the following features:

Updating: frequent updating of content, at least once every few weeks, and more often, once a week or more.

Spelling and grammar: few or no errors. No page had more than three misspelled words or four grammatical errors. Note: spelling and grammar errors were identified by using Microsoft Word’s check feature, and then ruling out words marked as misspellings that are either proper names or new words that are simply not in the dictionary. Does Google use SpellCheck? I can already hear the scoffing on the other side of this computer screen. Before you dismiss the idea completely, keep in mind that no one really does know what the 100 factors in Google’s algorithm are. But whether the mechanism is SpellCheck or a better shot at link popularity thanks to great credibility, or something else entirely, the results remain the same.

Paragraphs: primarily brief (1-4 sentences). Few or no long blocks of text.
Lists: both bulleted and numbered, form a large part of the text.

Sentence length: mostly brief (10 words or fewer). Medium-length and long sentences are sprinkled throughout the text rather than clumped together.

Contextual relevance: text contains numerous terms related to the keyword, as well as stem variations of the keyword. The page may contain the keyword itself few times or not at all.

SEO “Do’s” and “Don’ts”

A hard look at the results slaughters a number of SEO bugbears and sacred cows.

PageRank. The median PageRank was 4. One page had a PageRank of 0. Of course, this might simply be yet another demonstration that the little PageRank number you get in your browser window is not what Google’s algo is using. But if you’re one of those people who attaches an overriding value to that little number, this is food for thought.

Frames. The top two web pages listed for the most searched-on keyword employ frames. Frames may still be a bad web design idea from a usability standpoint, and they may ruin your search engine rankings if your site’s linking system depends on them. But there are worse ways you could shoot yourself in the foot.

JavaScript-formatted internal links. Most of the websites use JavaScript for their internal page links. Again, that’s not the best web design practice, but there are worse things you could do.
Keyword optimization. Except for two pages, keyword optimization was conspicuous by its absence. In more than half the web pages, the keyword did not appear more than three times, meaning a very low density. Many of the pages did not contain the keyword at all. That may just demonstrate the power of anchor text in inbound links. It also may demonstrate that Google takes a site’s entire content into account when categorizing it and deciding what page to display.

Sub-headings. On most pages, sub-headings were either absent or in the form of images rather than text. That’s a very bad design practice, and particularly cruel to blind users. But again, Google is more forgiving.

Links: Most of the web pages contained ten or more links; many contain over 30, in defiance of the SEO bugbears about “link popularity bleeding.” Moreover, nearly all the pages contained a significant number of non-relevant links. On many pages, non-relevant links outnumbered relevant ones. Of course, it’s not clear what benefit the website owners hope to get from placing irrelevant links on pages. It has been a proven way of lowering conversion rates and losing visitors. But Google doesn’t seem to care if your website makes money.

Originality: a significant number of pages contained content copied from other websites. In all cases, the content was professionally written content apparently distributed on a free-reprint basis. Note: the reprint content did not consist of content feeds. However, no website consisted solely of free-reprint content. There was always at least a significant portion of original content, usually the majority of the page.

Make sure a professional writer, or at least someone who can tell good writing from bad, is creating your site’s content, particularly in the case of a search-engine optimization campaign. If you are an SEO, make sure you get a pro to do the content. A shocking number of SEOs write incredibly badly. I’ve even had clients whose websites got fewer conversions or page views after their SEOs got through with them, even when they got a sharp uptick in unique visitors. Most visitors simply hit the “back” button when confronted with the unpalatable text, so the increased traffic is just wasted bandwidth.

If you write your own content, make sure that it passes through the hands of a skilled copyeditor or writer before going online.

Update your content often. It’s important both to add new pages and update existing pages. If you can’t afford original content, use free-reprint content.

Distribute your content to other websites on a free-reprint basis. This will help your website get links in exchange for the right to publish the content. It will also help spread your message and enhance your visibility. Fears of a “duplicate content penalty” for free-reprint content (as opposed to duplication of content within a single website) are unjustified.

In short, if you have a mature website that is already indexed and getting traffic, you should consider making sure the bulk of your investment in your website is devoted to its content, rather than graphic design, old-school search-engine optimization, or linking campaigns.]]>

40,000 new blogs are started daily - how your web hosting business can cash in

October 14th, 2025

While it is true that a vast majority of blogs are hosted free, it is also true that many blogs are gaining high traffic so quickly that they are forced to quickly find paid web hosting as they exceed their allocated bandwidth.

The other fact to bear in mind is that virtually all successful bloggers own several blogs. This is significant because it is not easy to own several websites since lots of technical know-how and time are required to maintain a single website, let alone several. This is not the case with a blog that mainly requires content and very little technical knowledge to run very successfully. In terms of business volumes this simply means that a web hosting business that targets blogs is bound to grow a lot faster than the one that only seeks clients from the ranks of traditional websites.

The other significant factor in blogs that should be of great benefit to any web hosting business is the huge traffic that blogs seem to enjoy almost effortlessly.

All a web host entrepreneur needs to do, is to find a way to advertise their web hosting services to this blog traffic. There are several ways of doing this. You can for example look for acceptable ways of creating as many links from the blogs to your web hosting sites as possible. You can even start your very own blog on the subject.]]>

5 Basic Rules on Typography

October 13th, 2025

One of the elements considered in graphic design is typography. This is how you utilize and create your text to come out with a result that complements your images and design of the whole media material, whether it’s for print or web.

For typography, here are five of the basic rules to follow (or to break, whichever suits your creativity at the moment):

Rule No. 1- DO NOT use all the fonts in one document.

Every designer has his or her own collection of fonts, which he or she uses for each design project. As one designer would say: “If you’re a designer, it almost goes without saying that you own fonts- Lots of fonts.”

Aside from the existing fonts in the software program being used, most designers have their own lists that were added to the already existing list. And because of the availability of so many fonts, one may be tempted to use as many, if not all of the fonts that he or she owns.

Always remember that simplicity is more attractive than disarray and confusion. When you start using many fonts in one document, the message most often get lost in the jumble. In addition, too many fonts can distract the reader from the original intent of the design- to get a message across. Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that you have to be dull and boring by sticking to the conventional “two-font rule”, which states that you had to have one font for headings and another for text. So where’s the creativity in that? Just make sure to have a reason why you want to deviate from the rule and chose to use the fonts.

Rule No. 2- “Serif type is easier to the eyes than sans serif.”

There’s an old principle in the graphics world that goes “Serif type is easier to read because the serifs draws your eye from character to character.” Hence, sans serif type is oftentimes used for headings and short quantities of text.

Truth to tell, all fonts can be made readable (except, well, maybe for Wingdings) with the ideal design. With sans serif, although it needs more leading than serif type, it can give your documents a very modern look, and is the popular body text in Europe.

Rule No. 3- Putting two spaces after a period is a no-no.

In the olden times, when typewriters are the thingamajigs for writers, two spaces after a period was the rule to indicate the end of a sentence.

With the onset of technology, fonts have characters of their own, with different widths, that putting two spaces after a period is no longer needed. Sometimes, this rule can create a rather annoying flaw that creates a stop rather than help you pinpoint the end of every sentence.

Rule No. 4- DO NOT use all capital letters.

One designer said that when using all capitals in the text, there are no ascenders or descenders. The two are what makes it easy to identify the shape of a word. “The shape of almost every word becomes a rectangle, and it’s harder to read.”

But this doesn’t also mean that you cannot use capital letters. Where can you use capital letters? Short phrases or headings do look attractive in all caps. Sans serif also works better in all caps.

Rule No. 5- DO NOT center large quantities of text.

The eyes go from left to right when reading. It’s the way to go. It rapidly scans one line, then goes from the right side of the page back to the left side of the page. When text is centered, it makes it harder for the eyes to be told to find where the next text begins again on the left side of the page, and makes it easy for the reader to skip down lines of text.

This time, it’s not too easy to bend the rules. The best way is still to save centering to headings that don’t run more than several lines deep.

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Color Printing Wholesale is a company that offers a wide range of quality digital printing services from brochures, flyers, business cards, postcards and posters, to digital, inkjet and web solutions, as well as laminating services. For further information, visit their website at]]>

Mobile Phone Unlocking

October 12th, 2025

In the world today, you will but a phone, and it will be locked to one single network. This is because the network providers lock the phones to only accept their SIM cards, so you don’t change network. Well, what if you wanted to change network? There is a simple solution. Unlock your phone!

Reasons to unlock your phone are:

-There are many websites and shops that unlock your phone for around £5.
-You can change SIM card whenever, wherever you like.
-Changing your SIM can save you money, different networks offer different tariffs.
-When you buy a new phone, unlocking your old phone to sell it, or giving it to a friend, means that you will either get a lot more money for the phone (you will attract more people rather then just one group of people on the same network) or you will be able to give the phone away without hassle. Your friend can keep the same card and number.
-You don’t have to take the phone with you to most shops, and you won’t have to send anything off to websites! It is all done remotely, and you receive your codes within 25 hours. All you need is a few details about your phone!

Reasons why not to unlock your phone:

-There are no reasons!
-The price? No! It doesn’t have to cost as much as £5! Many places including my website offer unlocking for a lot of phones for a very small amount!
-You can buy software to unlock you phone for very cheap prices, and the software works for unlimited use!
-Buy cables for your phone to update and flash your phone!

So unlock your phone now!]]>

Mobile SMS Basics

October 11th, 2025

The Basics of SMS

In the age when science is dominating the world, SMS via our mobile phones is a boon of technology. We simply type a text message in the ‘write message’ section of our mobile. This message can be formal or informal. But every phone has a fixed limit of number of characters that can be written. For instance, some have it at 160, while others allow you to type 190 characters on a single page. Once through with writing, we send the message to its desired destination by entering the number of that individual’s cell phone. As soon as the message is delivered, it is signaled by a delivery report. The instant conveyance of message depends on the network of the company whose mobile connection we have.

The Merits of SMS

1. Cost effectiveness- the foremost wonderful aspect of text messaging is its inexpensiveness. While an international call made to say hello, exchange greetings or for any such reason will cost you several dollars, an SMS will do the same job in a significantly smaller amount.

2. Comfort- text message is perhaps the most convenient way to communicate. It enables you to chat with your friends and relatives anywhere anytime. The abbreviated coded text message language is pleasing and time saving.

3. Express your opinion- didn’t you vote via an SMS to your favorite singer in American Idol? SMS is an excellent way to state your choice in matters of public concern. SMS also gives us a chance to win numerous contests happening on TV.

4. Spontaneity- another remarkable feature of text messaging is the speed with which it connects us to people. SMS surpasses the oceans and seas and reaches its target in a few seconds. Text messages can be written and sent while you going to the office, sitting idle in a bus, waiting for a cab, having your meal or even watching television.

The Drawbacks of SMS

1. Text messaging can be addictive especially in case of children. Excess of messaging not only contributes to your cell phone’s monthly bill but it also results in lack of concentration in studies. Porn pictures and clips sent as SMS steer the budding minds in wrong direction.

2. Though SMS has an edge over making phone calls yet it might not serve us with the authentic situation of the person concerned. X might write of his being fine while he is unwell. Whereas speaking to someone over the phone, by and large makes you aware of his actual condition.

3. SMSes are liable to failure due to network problems and the like.]]>

RFID for Beginners

October 10th, 2025

Two Types of RFID Tags

There are two types of RFID tags; active tags, and passive tags. Passive tags do not have their own power supply, but rather receive their power from a tiny electrical current present in the antenna that is induced by an incoming radio frequency scan. Because of the small power present in the system, passive RFID tags are used only in short distances (such as an ID card).

Active RFID tags have a power source and therefore are much stronger and can be used over larger distances and are therefore more highly effective. Active RFID tags also have the potential to store more information than their passive counterparts. Some active RFID tags have a battery life of up to ten years.

The System of RFID

RFID works off of a system that relies on tags, tag readers, tag programming stations, sorting equipment, circulation readers, and tag inventory wands. RFID is generally used in security, because security gates are programmed to read the RFID tags and then either open or close accordingly. The system helps the information be easily transmitted via an RFID device. Systems have evolved over the years along with RFID chips. The hope is that RFID will one day be available to everyone (meaning consumers) because it will be more efficient and cost effective to implement RFID processes.

Where is RFID Used?

RFID can be found almost everywhere. RFID can be found in bookstores and CD stores. The little alarm that sounds if a CD has not been scanned is made possible by an RFID chip. RFID chips are found on animal tags, on books in libraries, in car alarms and car lock systems. RFID can also be used to detect motion. This could be very useful in the coming years in terms of prisons. In 2025 the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRH) approved a $415,000 contract to test RFID technology in prisons. The idea is that the prisoners will ware wristbands that will watch their movement. If there is any movement, which is out of the ordinary, security will be alerted. This technology will be employed in many states in the coming years.


RFID technology seems to have endless possibilities. Some critics of RFID technology say that it violates the privacy of citizens. This is based on the fact that RFID can be used to track whereabouts of people and obtain personal information. Putting all of this power into a little chip makes it undetectable. However, RFID can also possibly be used in driver’s licenses for faster police scanners, and as a way to monitor hospital patients. With every potentially harmful application of RFID, there are several wonderful applications. It will be interesting to see all of the wonderful applications of RFID in the future.]]>

5 Tips For An Unbreakable Password

October 9th, 2025

There are certain specific guidelines you need to follow to choose a safe and secure password. Use the following tips as a “how to” on making your password secure.

1. Your password must be alphanumeric. That simply means a mixture of numbers and letters such as xpf2778z. Why? When a hacker tries to break into a system they often use what are called dictionary or brute force hacks. A dictionary hack is an application that simply uses standard words and word combinations in an attempt to guess your password. For example many computer users use the word “password” as their actual password. A dictionary hack would crack that password in a few moments. Using alphanumeric passwords increases the number of possible password combinations by millions.

2. It should be 6 - 8 characters in length. The longer the password the harder it is for a hacking program to get around. If your password was abc then there are 6 possible password combinations. If your password was abc123 there are now over 720 password combinations possible. If your password was abc1234 there are now almost 6,000 possible combinations. Never, ever use a short password only comprised of letters.

3. Never use personal details in your password. People often use their home address, their age, husband or wives name, their social security number or their date of birth. These are incredibly easy to get access to by either a fellow employee or potential system hacker. Your password needs to be secure and hard to guess and personal details meet neither of these criteria.

4. Do not write your password down anywhere. Keeping a record of your password for somebody to find is as dangerous as keeping a copy of your ATM pin number in your wallet beside your ATM card. Create a memorable password that you’ll have no problem recalling. This is not as hard as it sounds and if you jot some password ideas down you’ll quickly come up with some good ones. Obviously burn the piece of paper you jotted your ideas down on.

5. Do not use the same password for more than 90 days. Create several variants of the same password and recycle them every 60 - 90 days. This adds an extra layer of security to your data. By recycling your password frequently you make your data 1000% more secure. You’ll notice that most large corporates force their employees to change their password every month for this exact reason.

Hopefully these tips will help you choose a password that’s both safe and secure and that you’ll have some fun creating your new passwords too!]]>

5 Ways to get your website noticed

October 8th, 2025

We hear your cries for cyber attention. Here are five ways to get people clicking on to your site.

1.)Make sure it’s professional looking.
No one likes looking at website that reminds them of a book report they wrote back in school. Invest in learning a good web design program (Dreamweaver MX and Microsoft Frontpage are good picks), and let your creative juices flow. Make sure it’s compelling, well-designed, and organized. People don’t exactly find it fun to weed through haystacks of cyberfiles to get the information that they want.
On that note, don’t make it a heavy site. Putting up some flash intros may be great eye candy, but the average internet surfer only waits 10 seconds for a page to load, and then they’re off to the next.

2.)Put your URL on every search engine possible.
Putting your URL on business cards and bugging your family and friends to check out your site won’t exactly increase traffic. Submitting it to search engines will make it easier for people to find you, provided that your webpage carries the topics they’re looking for. To understand how a search engine works, think of it as a “spider”: it crawls through your website, picking up words and information which would later be indexed in the search engine’s database. So make sure you pepper your site with keywords you think are relevant to what people are looking for. Web directories, like Yahoo!, are operated by humans who actually categorize the websites themselves.
If you don’t feel like submitting your website to numerous directories, consider subscribing to sites like, who, for a fee, will automatically submit your site to search engines and directories for you.

3.)Link everywhere.
Find other sites that carry similar content as yours and ask to exchange links. Create banners to be placed on other peoples’ websites, and offer to the same for them on your site. Add your URL on your e-mail signature. Join webrings if you must—there’s nothing like strength in numbers.

4.)Advertise offline.
The world of cyberspace isn’t enough to get you noticed. Write up press releases and send them to local newspapers and magazines. Print out fliers to be distributed. Just make sure that your site is already up and running to avoid giving people a bad impression (no one likes getting pumped up for something only to get disappointed).

5.)Interact with your readers.
Put up forums or message boards for your visitors to interact with each other. Chat rooms are often time-consuming for some, while message boards allows them to check back every so often for replies. Create an e-mail list so you can update your visitors about new developments, and always be open to feedback—that’s what will make your site even better.]]>

5 Zero Cost Solutions to Spam

October 7th, 2025

There are dozens of porgams available for fighting spam. The major problem is that most of these programs cost money.

What I’m going to do is show you 5 different ways of combating spam - all free.

1. Don’t give out your personal email address.

This is stating the obvious but it’s the first big mistake people make. DO NOT use your personal email address for

sign up forms, competitions, surveys or any other nonsense that may result in you being spammed. It’s much easier to prevent spam, by never giving out your personal email address, than it is to cure the problem once you’re on 100’s of junk email lists.

2. Use a free email account

Set yourself up with a Hotmail, Yahoo or any other free email account and use it as a spam holder account i.e. use it on all those popups or sign up forms that you *suspect* may try to spam you. You can then periodically check your free email account for both legitimate and spam email and

delete the rubbish you don’t want. This single step can save you countless spam related headaches.

3. Use a disposable email address

You could also try a disposable e-mail address from This is a brilliant idea. Once you’ve registered your forwarding email address (your personal

email address) with them you can then create

self-destructing email addresses that stop working after receiving a specific number of emails.

4. Use a free spam filter.

Unfortunately even when you follow all the correct steps you can still wind up getting junk email. There’s only solution at that point - install a spam filter on your PC.

The best free spam filter I’ve come across so far is Mailwasher. An excellent

program that won’t cost you a penny.

5. Newsgroups and forums

Spammers love newsgroups and forums. They especially love the way people post their personal email addresses there. It doesn’t matter if it’s a paid, private or free forum spammers have their harvester programs hunting for email addresses every minute of every day. If you have to post

your email address then use the following format:

username AT If that doesn’t make sense then what I mean is instead of posting as you’d

post as test AT

Spammers can harvest 35,000 email addresses per hour from newsgroups and forums - don’t let your email address become one of those.

There you have 5 simple, free solutions to drastically reduce the amount of spam you receive every single day. If you want to learn more about fighting spam then

drop by]]>

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