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Archive for July, 2025

Gay Does Not Equal Porn

Monday, July 31st, 2025

I’d never been to ( prior to all the brouhaha. Now, unless the site has had a major overhaul in the last four days, I don’t see what the problem is. I’ve seen raunchier stuff at cartoon There appears to be absolutely no porn to speak of at, and frankly, homosexual men going there to look for it will be highly disappointed.

The director of the group called Article 8 Alliance ( denounced the site in no uncertain terms as a gay hook-up site. And what’s wrong with a hook-up site? I belong to a handful of straight dating sites. You can’t tell me that most of the men that go there are not just looking for a “hook-up.” All of a sudden because the hook-ups are between gay men the site is lewd and obscene (read pornographic)?

To better understand the story you have to realize that Article 8 is a pro-family, very conservative group. A lot of things they say at their site have a definitive slant to their rants. I have to take Clear Channel to task for being a victim of their bullying, right-wing methods (As per the article, the media giant has subsequently removed the offending advert).

The article calls into question the manipulation of the American flag, but I’ll leave that alone: I honestly don’t know what is proper, ethical, legal, and fair in the handling of a national symbol (and besides, that is beyond the scope of this article). But if this had been a man and a woman in prominent display and the site in question had been named (or something of that nature) would this have been such a big deal? Obviously not, as far as Alliance 8 goes.

I’ve seen pornography. And believe me ain’t it. It’s just one of the more comprehensive and well-designed sites out there. I think we could at least Come Together on that opinion.]]>

Get personal with Google

Sunday, July 30th, 2025

Anyone who’s been on the net any time at all knows that

Google has been the search engine of choice for many for a

while now. Whether that continues remains to be seen, but for

now, with MSN still in development and Yahoo going through

some growing pains, many still feel that Google is the

leader. As such, it’s worth dropping in to the Google Labs

every now and then to see what’s going on there.

For example, Google’s Personalized search offers a fun and

useful way for searchers to interact with part of the

mysterious and closely-guarded Google search algorithm. You

can set a search profile that’s stored as a cookie on your

computer. The easy-to-use Google profile interface allows you

to pick specific topics that interest you. Once chosen and

saved, you can then do a search from the Personalized search

page. At first, you’ll see normal Google results. But at the

top of the page is a slider bar, and by moving this to the

right, those same search results will be dynamically altered

to narrow in to focus on your personalization settings.

For example, a standard search for “restaurants” (without the

quotes), will return several large, well-known sites among

the first 5 results. These include, zagat.

com,, the official Subway corporate site,

and the Yahoo restaurants directory. But let’s say you’ve

selected Texas as a geographic area of interest in your

personalization profile. Move the personalization slide all

the way to the right on the same search, and now the top 5

results are from ,, Houston

Citysearch, and Austin360, followed by . Each

of your personalized results are marked with small spheres of

red, blue, and yellow.

There are many personalization topics to choose from,

including Arts, Business, Computers, Health, and many other

categories which can be further narrowed.]]>


Saturday, July 29th, 2025

The most common color groups are the RGB, HSB (Hue, Saturation and Brightness), CMYK and CIE L*A*B. Vector and bitmap graphics are always associated with the RGB and CMYK, so we must familiarize ourselves with these modes.

CMYK stands for cyan, magenta, yellow and black. The letter K was taken from the last letter of the color. The first letter was not used because there are other colors that start with the letter b. in this way, confusion of the colors will be eliminated.

CMYK colors are the inks used in the printing process to produce full-color photographs and designs. In the principle of graphics design, these colors are called subtractive colors. When you combine two of any of the first three colors (cyan, magenta and yellow), it will produce the three primary colors (red, green and blue), called additive colors. In other words, CMY is the product of combining RGB and RGB is the product of combining CMY. When the CMY colors are mixed you will have black. But there are still other colors produced from CMYK.

Graphics files are best printed in the CMYK mode. CMYK is referred to as the standard color model, or the four process color, used in offset printing.

Why do we use CMYK color model? We use this type of mode because it produces the greatest number of printable colors. But it is not applicable to all types of printing, particularly when only a single color is needed and when the spot inks, such as metallic silver and gold, are used.

All display devices, such as your computer monitor, use the RGB (red, green, and blue) mode. CMYK is based on printing and ink absorbing into paper. Before you can have your graphics printed in CMYK mode, you must first convert the RGB colors into CMYK colors. This is done through color matching. Color matching is the process in which colors are used to produce another color without altering the original color. You can also convert the colors using the Adobe Photoshop or a desktop printer. In converting colors during printing you must have different sheets of film for each color. The sheets must be arranged in the CMYK format.]]>

Great Printing Expectations

Friday, July 28th, 2025

Images generated by scanners and digital cameras are combinations of three colors namely Red, Green and Blue (called “RGB”). Computers make use of these colors as well in displaying images. A different set of colors are used by printing presses in printing colored pictures. The colors Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black (“CMYK”) are used here and this difference will force us to make needed color adjustments.

If we want to print an image with an RGB format, it is required that we convert this file to CMYK as this is the format used by printing presses.

Since printing presses use a standard-value conversion of RGB images into CMYK, the output may not be enough for your taste. What must be done is for you to make the conversion. Through this, you will have the final say on the appearance of the image that you want to have printed. Worry not, there are software like PhotoShop and Corel PhotoPaint that you can use in the conversion process. I highly recommend doing this because it certainly is worth the effort to have great results being realized.

A limitation though that must be known though is that some colors in RGB cannot be made using CMYK. These are dubbed as “out of the CMYK color gamut.” The closest that can be done here is a good approximation of the original image, nothing more.

Problems like this can be avoided if you have made a thorough assessment of your needs beforehand and have made the necessary provisions. Consulting with your printer won’t hurt and they can even give you pointers that will prove to be very useful. Like I always say, things like this always need a very good planning. It pays to be prepared.]]>

Greeting Cards, Never Forget Another Birthday

Thursday, July 27th, 2025

A free service for you to consider is offered on the website, This service is a great tool to have because it can help you stay connected to the long list of birthday reminders you probably have. By allowing you to receive instant reminders of when birthdays are happening, this service really can prove to be invaluable. The service allows you to program birthdays into it. When the date arrives of the person’s birthday, you will receive a text message reminding you of the birthday. The message will show up whenever you plan for it to. It will display the person’s phone number which allows you to instantly call them and wish them a happy birthday! You can also set up reminders for later in the day as well.

Again, this is a free service that helps to keep you connected with the loved ones around you. You will no longer have to see the disappointment on the faces of those you love when you forget to call. They won’t feel like they are second best. And, you will not feel as if you have failed again. This simple to use product is a great way to help you to remember all of those important days. By the way, you can also use this service to program in all those anniversaries that you tend to forget as well! Come home with a bouquet of flowers on your wedding anniversary! It is easy to use, which makes it right for just about anyone who has a cell phone with text messaging service. Getting started is as simple as registering and adding those individuals into your cell.]]>

Hackers And Hoaxes

Wednesday, July 26th, 2025

By Trina L.C. Schiller

Everyone who has an ISP, understands, or at least knows about how hackers use viruses, Trojans and other web nasties, to infect and mess up your computer. No headline news there. (Unfortunately, we still don’t understand why they do it, or at least I don’t.) But hackers don’t have to write malicious code or hijack your browser to do some serious damage to your system. Oh no… A well written email with no attachments, can do the trick. They only have to start a rumor.
Hackers can easily manipulate you into trashing your own computer. All they have to do is begin a hoax.

What do I mean by that? Let me explain.

Have you ever gotten emails from people you know that say something like: Scan your hard drive for such and such a file! If you find it delete it immediately! Pass this on. Warn everyone you know!

These emails are originally generated by a hacker and spread throughout the Internet to get you to delete files you need, thus creating havoc for your system. They are hoaxes.

Hoaxes work incredibly well for getting average people to cause their own computers to malfunction. the hacker doesn’t have to spend any time creating malicious code and a method of distribution, all they have to do is play on the human tendency for hysteria; send out a warning that something evil is spreading, and if you find it on your computer, get rid of it!

Recently I was tracking a thread on a forum, where the moderator warned everyone about a file that he found on his system that was a keylogger. (A keylogger is a malicious program designed to track your every move through monitoring your keystrokes.) He warned everyone to search for a file, ans2000.ini and, “delete the booger.”

I scan my system every day, with several different virus/ spyware programs, and I never picked up this file with any of them, so I decided to do a Windows Explorer search for it. Sure enough, I found it on my hard drive. Oh My God!

Before hitting the delete key though, I looked it up on the web. I Googled the specific file and found quite a bit of information on it. The file ans2000.ini is used in the keylogger program known as ProBot SE. However, it is also used in many other legitimate programs as well. Ok, so now what do I do?

Well, I contacted my go-to guy, Jim Gray, owner of Quikonnex, and asked him what his thoughts were. He told me to open the ini file, in Notepad, and read it. Sure enough, this file did have an association to another program on my system. It is part of ActivEbook Compiler. It was right there in print, at the top of the file.

Now had I just freaked out when I found the file, and deleted the booger, I would’ve trashed my ebook compiler, making it useless to me. Two points for the hacker who started the hoax!

Hoaxes are just as dangerous as live viruses, because they inspire you to destroy your own programs. I am sure they are a particular kick for the one starting the hoax, as they are getting you to do bad things to your own system. Fear is a powerful motivator, and hoaxes, by design, are created to cause panic and fear in the less experienced Internet traveler.

So, before going and deleting files from your hard drive, go check them out. Do a search for them and read the information you find. Don’t just go deleting things without learning about them first, or you just may end up cutting your own throat. And, NEVER forward these types of warning emails to others until you know for a fact that the information is correct, or you’re likely to have your friends and family after you for misinforming them.

Resources for validating virus/ hoax information:

Copyright © 2025
The Trii-Zine Ezine]]>

Hard Disk Detection Problem With BIOS

Tuesday, July 25th, 2025

Connected to the system. After checking the processor and RAM it checks for devise such you’re hard disk, CD-ROM, etc., and display them on screen with messages such
As ‘detecting IDE drives…’ and Found Primary Master….’etc. Sometimes your BIOS
Just refuses to recognize your hard disk, basically making it useless-there’s no way windows will recognize your hard disk if the BIOS doesn’t. Let’s see why this happens:

The most common reason is a loose or badly connected data cable. Make sure the data cable is plugged in properly, both into the hard disk, as well as the motherboard. The same goes for power cable, so check that as well. Also, make sure that the red lines on the data cable and power cable are adjacent to each other.

One you’ve ruled out any cable problems, check the jumper setting on the drives. If two drives are connected to a port, make sure one is set as master and the other as Slave, or else both are set to Cable Select.

Next, make sure your drive controllers on your motherboard are not disabled. These controllers control IDE devices, and without them the BIOS cannot detect the drives. Go to the BIOS setup, and under the Integrated Peripherals menu, make sure that ‘On Board HDC’ is enabled for both Primary and Secondary channels. Also ensure that all drive types are set to AUTO under the Standard CMOS Setting. If you are not comfortable with changing the BIOS values, just reset the BIOS to factory defaults.

When all else fails, so has your hard disk send it to a technician for servicing.

Hard Disk Recovery-Secrets

Monday, July 24th, 2025

Antivirus Protection
New viruses are invented every day, and system security is a concern for every business. Malicious software can damage your system to the point where it will not even boot up. The latest versions of Windows are the favorite targets of malicious programs such as spyware and viruses, and it is helpful to use 2 or more antivirus/anti-spyware programs to prevent destruction or theft of your data.

Spyware Scanner
The clues that spyware is on a computer include a barrage of pop-up ads, a hijacked browser,a sudden or even repeated change of your computer’s Internet home page, the appearance of a new toolbar or new screen icons, malfunctioning keys, random error messages, and most of all, sluggish computer performance. Any sytem with access to the internet is prone to this problem, but there is software to block spyware installation. In addition, make sure all employees using the office network do not download from unknown sites, and set your internet browser security at “Medium” or higher. Install individual firewalls to prevent uninvited users from accessing your network. A firewall blocks unauthorized access to your computer and will alert you if spyware already on your computer is sending information out. Purchase an anti-spyware program from a vendor you know and trust. Set it to read on a regular basis, at least weekly and if possible each time you run your computer. Delete any programs the anti-spyware program detects on your computer.

Computer Maintenance
The best way to avoid having to use file recovery software is to be sure that no corrupt data is stored on your computer. Companies like Norton sell disk optimization programs keep your network running at top speed, correct problem files and maximize the available space on your hard disk. Run disk optimization and anti-virus programs at least once a week.

Hard Disk Recovery
There are disk recovery applications specifically geared to recovering files of a certain format, like graphics files as opposed to word document files, and there are general-purpose programs to hunt for any type of misplaced file regardless of the format. There is no program on the market that can guarantee recovery of every lost file, but you are able to increase your chances for recovery by selecting the appropriate program for the file you are trying to save.

Do-it-yourself programs are a lot less expensive than hiring a data retrieval company that specializes in information recovery, and to save money you should at least attempt to utilize of this type of program before calling a professional.

In addition to recovering deleted files, there exists information recovery programs that can restore files after you have formatted the drive, after a power failure, natural disaster, or even files damaged by a computer virus.

RAID is short for Redundant Array of Independent (or Inexpensive) Disks, a category of disk drives that employ 2 or even several drives in combination to improve data storage fault tolerance and performance. RAID disk drives are frequently installed on servers but can also run on individual computers. Because of the duplication of data, it is possible to recover files from one or another disk when the need arises.

As you might expect, RAID disk repair is quite a complicated process. However it is one of the most foolproof methods of data storage because the RAID architecture strategically distributes information randomly across the array. However, this sort of architecture demands the services of a recovery professional.]]>

Has anyone punished you? Down with Sisyphean toil!

Sunday, July 23rd, 2025

You bought a computer and started turning it into a habitable thing by installing various useful programs for work and entertainment. But then you opened the Start menu one day and all of a sudden became confused: ‘Where’s the program I need in this huge list?’

Catalog – True Solution For Arranging Information
The first librarians have encountered the same problem: ‘How to put great amounts of all this information into order?’ Catalogs solved this problem. A catalog allows you to focus on a certain category instead of paying attention to all items. It is possible due to the catalog structure based on the fact that all items have been already sorted by categories. This method turned out to be so good that catalogs continue to serve as a source of trustworthy information even centuries later, in the age of search engines, both for people and for search engines.

The More, The Worse
One huge list makes you look through a lot of unneeded items when you are looking for something. The longer the list is, the more attention and time your search requires. You can observe this oppressive situation on most users’ computers, it is enough just to open the ‘All Programs’ item in the ‘Start’ menu. If it is not the case with you, it is just a matter of time.

What To Do?
So how can you solve the problem of your menu being overfilled with various programs? Restrict your needs? No need to do that! The program Start Menu Tuner will easily solve your problem. Use it to create program categories you need and sort your programs by them. You will do it easily and visually. You will spend minimum effort even if you are new to computers.

Result – Quick Access To Any Program
What will you get as a result? Now you will not fall into a stupor at a mere sight of a large choice when you open the menu. Your choice is easy and visual: you see a category, open it and look at a brief list of programs that does not require a bloodhound’s skills. You have made your everyday life yet more simple and comfortable. It means that the quality of your life has increased and I congratulate you on that!]]>

Have you been looking for the most up-to-date assistance with reference to computer lessons.

Saturday, July 22nd, 2025

computer lessons in the Free Online Encyclopedia
Read about computer lessons in the free online encyclopedia and dictionary. Over 600,000 articles on any topic and completely free access to the entire content.

Now we’d like to give you some tips which we recommend you think of using when you’re seeking information about computer lessons. It is important to remember that the wisdom we’re offering you is only appropriate to internet information concerning computer lessons. We don’t really offer any advice or guidance when you are also conducting research in books or magazines.

3 Free Computer Learning CDs
Video Professor provides 3 Free computer lesson CDs. Learn Windows, Word, Excel, Access and much more. Order Now and also receive a Free Personal Organizer. Only 6.95 shipping. Affi.

A good pointer to follow when offered information and suggestions on a computer lessons web would be to confirm the sites ownership. This may reveal the operators computer lessons credentials The fastest way to determine who owns the computer lessons website is to look on the ‘about’ page or ‘contact’ page.

All highly regarded sites providing information about computer lessons, will always have contact information which will list the site owner’s details. The details should let you know major points about the owner’s skill and understanding. You can then make a judgement about the site owner’s knowledge and skill, to advise you on the topic of computer lessons.]]>

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