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Archive for May, 2025

6 Easy Ways to Create a Website

Wednesday, May 31st, 2025

How? Here it is…

1. Conceptualize an idea. Think what you like your future website to be. What audience will you cater? Everything you do must redound to their fulfillment. They will be visiting to get what they need. Be sure that their needs are answered. That way they will be satisfied and will keep coming for more. Not only that, they can recommend your site to their friends if they find it functional and nice.

2. Find a host. Having a host is not that expensive. In fact you can get one at $70 for two years. However, if you don want to spend a single penny, there are lots of sites that are hosting for free. The only consideration is that their banner must be placed in your site. That for one is a great deal, isn’t it?

3. Start with your first page. Do the layout and design your first page. It will be easier and better if you have basic knowledge in HTML. Though there are hundreds of What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editors, but you will create a better site using HTML. There are tutorial sections available online. Take advantage on them and apply your knowledge to the web design you are creating.

4. Edit your page. Observe the loading and the navigation. Are they doing well? How about the web design, is it pleasing to the eyes? Are the fonts readable? Is the content helpful? Are there errors in spelling and grammar? Better check all these little details. They may be tiny details but they make up the whole website. Be careful in dealing with them. If there is a need to redo the page do it. It will be disastrous if you are displaying a total trash.

5. Do the rest of the pages. The goal is to attract visitors, keep them and to gain more.

Edit, proofread and edit more. It pays off to have everything in order. Never sacrifice the quality of your website. It is your frontline. It is the one capable of attracting visitors that makes your business sell.

6. Submit the pages to your host. After you are done with the pages and the editing, you can submit them to your host. Wait for it to be shown in the net. Do not forget to update the pages regularly. You have to be updated in order not to lose your target market. Otherwise, they will look for a better site that can satisfy their needs. You don’t want that to happen, do you?

You may not realize it but your site is already done. Easy as your ABC’s!

Linking - This is it!

Wednesday, May 31st, 2025

Well I find it time to speak again about linking as I have a couple of times in the past two years. I think I have gone the cycle and I think I have arrived.
What do we want linking to do for us and what can linking actually do for us?
Well we want it to get us traffic. Most of us think it can get us traffic two ways. One way we hope to get traffic is by making the search engines think we are good because of all the links to us. We are hoping that will rank us higher in those search engines.
All the SEO companies want to help us be on the FIRST PAGE of Google. Well with the billions of websites now and all the keywords maxed out – can we all be on the first or second page? Of course not!
So, how much does it really matter where you rank in Google?
Let me give you an example provided by David Notestine from Zeus link management programming. He will provide server logs to back up stats that show:
-they get 6000000 hits per month for Zeus
-about 20 of those hits are from search engines
-about 3 percent result from paid adwords (not profitable he says)
-the remainder are from hits from links on other websites
What should we really expect from our linking strategy. Let’s get hits from links on other sites. Forget that other stuff about pleasing the Google Gods!
So why don’t we all help each other with good linking practices? If you are going to link to me so that others can find my site, why in the hell don’t you make it easy for those visitors to go from your home page to your link index? WHERE IS THE DAM Text to click on for links? If I can’t find it to verify my link, then I know damn well that your site visitors won’t find it or even look for it if it’s that hard to find. As you can see, this really irks me.
Secondly, for your link site to be useful to me, visitors need to find me or my product in that huge directory that we all are trying to develop. The best way to make it easy for searchers to find a link to a website or product is with a “search utility” installed and kept current on the page of that big link directory. Visitors can then search for a product, name or contact and get easy and immediate results.
The difference we see here is that a few little things like this will make linking work the way it should for ALL of us and not for just ten or twenty websites!]]>

7 Golden Rules to Financial Prosperity

Tuesday, May 30th, 2025

I believe that most people haven’t got enough money for everything they wish to have - the more you have the bigger your plans, and you have a feeling that you have less and less money.

Whether you have lots of money or just so-so, you need to economize and take proper care of your money ie your income, expenditures, savings and investments.

Below I give you 7 Golden Rules to a Financial Prosperity:

1) Always have several streams of income: never rely on one income from one source only.

2) As soon as you start to earn, start to put aside a certain amount to create an automatic money source: I remember I have always had my own portfolio since I was a child, and can tell you that I needed it several times. Even if you have property, you may find yourself in a situation when you need fast cash. In such a situation, you will not sell your property, but you can sell part or even the whole of your portfolio.

You don’t need to start your portfolio with thousands of dollars, you can develop it.

You only need to set a rule that you won’t touch it when you don’t need it, and keep it for vital urgencies. To buy a better car or a bigger house is not an urgency.

3) Always take care of your money personally: it’s not necessary to do everything personally as soon as you can afford it but never allow any other person to have a right to handle your money without your knowing, or your express approval. If you think that you don’t have time to supervise this or that it’s not important, you will have to find it later for much more unpleasant things when you lose your money.

Many of you will ‘hate’ me for what I’m going to say now and I will receive lots of disapproving messages but I have to say it: don’t even allow your spouse to do this - love and money is not the right association, and I know what I am talking about. Keep these apart.

Don’t supervise your investments and expenditures only - Always strictly collect your money. Never allow people to owe you - again: with no regard to how much money you have, always demand every dollar you earn to be paid to you.

4) Strictly distinguish between expenditures and investments: it’s very easy to put everything as cost or overhead: don’t do this. Apply an easy rule: expenditure or cost is money thrown out of the window - you can’t expect any return money on it, while investment is desirable (of course, not every investment is desirable): this should bring you more money, more property able to make you more money - the only questions you should carefully consider are whether you can/should afford such an investment at the moment, how much you’re going to get back, how fast and whether it is acceptable.

5) Keep your expenditures at the minimum with no regard to how much money you have: expenditures are killing for everyone. It’s useless to tell you stories about big fortunes lost by unwise costs. I’m sure you know many yourself from your neighbourhood.

6) Avoid loans, don’t borrow if you don’t know for sure you can repay. Never purchase anything on future incomes or promises.

Just a little example: if I have a notice that a payment is on its way to my account and I need the money today for some reason (however, I can’t see any reason like that :-) - never mind), I can borrow. But, if I think I will sell 1,000 books next week, I mustn’t borrow.

7) You must always earn more than you spend. In case you don’t earn more than you spend, then you must spend less. In other words, you must always be in green.

If you think that you must swap your car every six months even if you should borrow, then it may easily happen that you won’t drive anything in a very short time.

I don’t want to waste hours of your precious time by long essays on savings and wise advice. Just adopt one principle and whenever you want to do something with your money (- whether it’s thousands or millions or just a couple of bucks), just think about it: take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves.

Local Search on Cell Phones will Derail Yellow Page Directory Usage

Tuesday, May 30th, 2025

Local Businesses have Been Slow to Capitalize on Search Engine

Yellow Page directory usage has been falling for years. But most
merchants who’ve always relied on their directory listing for new
business have not taken the necessary steps to promote
themselves online as well.

Local Search by search engines makes the Internet a vital
component of more and more retail sales. Buyers can find
convenient sources of products or services (the time-honored role
of the Yellow Pages) with queries that include a geographic

They narrow their search by adding a specific city, zip code, region
(Pike’s Peak), county, etc. Only nearby businesses appear in the
results. Suddenly, even the smallest business (without a website)
has a chance of being easily found online.

The Public’s Buying Habits Have Changed

Over 25% of all search-engine queries are for Local Search results;
and that percentage is growing quickly. Last year, both Google and
Yahoo committed to expanding the value of Local Search results
they deliver. People want them and are driving the trend. Small
businesses that don’t get aboard risk being left behind (and

Increasingly, customers go online first to find product information
and sources-even if they intend to spend their money locally.
Instead of opening the fat Yellow Page directory (which is months
out of date, since it’s only updated once a year), they let their
fingers do the walking online.

That could be Internet Yellow Pages (IYP), a search engine query
such as Google or Yahoo, or visiting a specialized online directory.
There are many demographic reasons why people no longer make
the Yellow Pages the first step in their buying process. They still
want to research their options, but are often looking for different
information than Yellow Page ads provide.
Get Local Search Results on your Cell Phone

Add convenience to the search, since Google brought out Local
Mobile Search in March, 2025. Google Local lets
callers find everything from restaurants to retail outlets using their
mobile phone. This option is available in most American cities.
People can access the mobile web browser on any mobile phone or
device that supports XHTML (WAP 2.0).

Visualize yourself driving down the street, and you decide you’d
like sushi. You park and enter your town plus sushi into a
Google search on your cell phone. Within seconds you know your
choices. You can even get driving directions, maps and click to
call, if you have a question.

Now, that’s miles ahead of finding a payphone and digging through
the directory, assuming there is one.

Conduct a Local Search from your Cell Phone
₪Enter your local search query in the ‘What’ box
₪Enter your location in the ‘Where’ box
¡₪Select and hit the “Google Search” button
₪Scroll through your search results
₪Locate a business’s exact location
₪Get driving directions to your desired location
₪Place a call directly to a listed business

Callers can also get Local Search results by going to the Google
home page on the phone’s web browser

Business Owners Must get Listed so they’ll Appear in Search

Given the widespread use of cell phones, Google’s new feature will
create an immediate impact. People on the go (and who isn’t,
anymore?) will have less reason than ever to look in the printed
Yellow Page directory.

What to do? provides step-by-step how-to,
so your business gets found when suitable buyers are looking.
Make life easier for yourself - and customers relying on their cell
phones to decide where they should spend their money.

It’s time to develop your marketing strategy beyond what the
Yellow Pages can deliver. Be sure your operation is easy for people
to find, whether they use a print directory or the Internet. Get your
share of the free exposure that Mobile Local Search will be able to
send your way.]]>

Looking for the latest opinion regarding computer science.

Monday, May 29th, 2025

Hoovers: Computer Sciences Corp. Company Research
Find information on Computer Sciences Corp with operations and products, financials, officers, competitors and more at Hoovers Online.

Now we would like to offer you some advice which we recommend you think of using when you’re searching for information about computer science. It is important to remember that the guidance we put forward is only applicable to internet advice about computer science. We are unable to offer any assistance or guidance when you are also conducting research in books or magazines.

Computer Degrees and Training Online
Earn your computer degree fast & advance your career. Free tool to compare top online schools to find the degree program thats right for you, no obligation. Your future is waiting!

A great tip to pursue when you are presented with help or advice concerning a computer science page is to research who is behind the website. This may show you who owns the site computer science qualifications The quickest way to work out who owns the computer science website is to look on the ‘contact’ page or ‘about this site’ information.

All reputable sites providing information about computer science, will almost always provide an ‘about’ or ‘contact’ page which will list the owner’s details. The fine points should tell some indication about the site owner’s capability. This permits you to make an informed assessment about the vendor’s qualifications and experience to offer help regarding computer science.]]>

7 Steps To Running a Killer Link Exchanging Campaign

Sunday, May 28th, 2025

Well, there’s a right way to link exchange and a wrong way – if you want the most out of your linking, then be sure to follow these 7 steps:

1. Develop a spreadsheet file (in Excel) and create the following columns:

Website URL
Contact Name
Website PR (we’ll talk about how to figure this out in a minute)

Contact 1
Response to Contact 1

Contact 2
Response to Contact 2

Contact 3
Response to Contact 3

2. Finding a Website’s PR.

Go to Google and download the free toolbar. This toolbar has a feature on it that will tell you the PR for any website you visit. If you plan on optimizing your website for search engines, this tool is a MUST.

3. Choosing websites to link to.

Go to any search engine and start typing in keywords for which you’d like to rank highly. Visit each website and add them to your excel file. Once you hit 50 websites, spend some time contacting them. We recommend contacting each website personally and not using any automated software (it’s very easy to see when someone uses software).

There are many programs out there that will do a mass link exchange mailing, but we strongly advise you NOT to use them (at least in the beginning). These programs can get you in a lot of trouble with SPAM laws. Also, if each email is personal, you are MUCH more likely to get a link back.

4. Write your contact email.

Make sure to address the email to someone specific. Always insert some details that you enjoyed about the site. It’s evidence that you actually visited the site and made a conscious decision to link to it.
Briefly introduce your website, and send them the URL of your link to their site. Finally, ask for a link back to your site.

TIP: Give them specific directions on how to link back to you, what keywords to use, and what URL to link to. It always helps to give them the exact HTML coding that they would need.

5. Respond to replies.

If you get an acceptance of your offer: Thank them, and add them to a separate Excel file. This will become a list of people you will constantly stay in touch with (to submit articles, free viral reports, etc.). Register the reply in your “Reply to Contact 1″ section. This way you will know NOT to send a follow-up email.

If the person rejects your offer: Add that note to your Excel file so that you don’t contact them again. A good technique is to highlight that entire row with a red highlighter so there’s no danger of a mistake.

If you get no reply: Follow step 6.

6. Send follow-up e-mails.

Wait one week to follow-up with those who have not replied. This is the second contact. In this e-mail, state that you wrote to them the prior week. Rephrase the email to keep it fresh.

Wait for replies, then repeat Step 5. Do not contact a “no-reply” website a third time unless you have a very good reason to.

7. Find more web sites.

After finishing your initial batch of 50, repeat the process for another 50. Once you begin getting incoming links, you will slowly start seeing similar “link exchange requests” coming to you. This will decrease your leg work.

There you have it – those are the 7 simple steps to starting an effective link exchanging campaign. Remember, a small percentage actually accept and respond, that’s OK. The trick to getting lots of links is to send lots of requests so make this a daily habit.

Make Money Fast With Google Adwords

Sunday, May 28th, 2025

talk about one of the fastest ways to make money online. Making
money fast is not only possible there are people doing it
everyday thanks to Google Adwords.

Google Adwords are designed so you can reach the targeted market
of people looking for your product. It’s easy to set up your ads
and you control the amount of money you want to spend on a daily
basis. What makes GoogleAds a way to make money fast is that you
can see your ads online in just minutes of creating them. It
only costs $5 to set up your account and there is no spending
limit so this is a great way for anyone to get started making
money online right away.

Google offers some great tools to track the success of your
marketing campaign. They provide you with cost estimations and
tools to help you control the price of your ads. They are very
interested in your your success and seeing you attract qualified
prospects in the most cost effective way possible. This is the
backbone of the success of Google Ads. It works because the
keywords you choose to advertise under bring up search results
that match what your prospect is looking for therefore
increasing your chances for a sale.

Here are some of the most common terms you’ll see as you get

Keyword - The keywords you choose for a given Ad Group are used
to target your ads to potential customers.

Campaign - A campaign consists of one or more Ad Groups. The ads
in a given campaign share the same daily budget, language and
country targeting, end dates, and distribution options.

Ad Group - An Ad Group contains one or more ads targeting one
set of keywords. You set the maximum price you want to pay for
an Ad Group keyword list or for individual keywords within the
Ad Group.

Impression (Impr.) - The number of impressions is the number of
times an ad is displayed on Google or the Google Network.

Keyword Matching Options - There are four types of keyword
matching: broad matching, exact matching, phrase matching, and
negative keywords. These options help you refine your ad
targeting on Google search pages.

Maximum cost-per-click (CPC) - With keyword-targeted ad
campaigns, you choose the maximum cost-per-click (Max CPC) you
are willing to pay. Our AdWords Discounter automatically reduces
this amount so that the actual CPC you are charged is just one
cent more than the minimum necessary to keep your position on
the page.

Maximum cost-per-impression (CPM) - With site-targeted ad
campaigns, you choose the maximum cost per thousand impressions
(Max CPM) you are willing to pay. As with Max CPC, the AdWords
Discounter automatically reduces this amount so that the actual
CPM you are charged is the minimum necessary to keep your
position on the page.

The fastest way to make money is to start a Google Adwords
campaign in the next 15 minutes. Other people are doing it. Why
not you? Google has a great sign up demo that you can view here.

An excellent book on making money fast with Google Ads is Google
Cash by Chris Carpenter. This book includes 20 online videos
that will take you step by step on making money online with
Google. It includes tips on writing your ads and several bonuses
you can get with instant access by downloading it in eBook form
immediately after you purchase it here:

The internet offers many ways to make money fast. The nice thing
about Google Adwords you can be advertising online with the most
used search engine in minutes at a price you can afford. This
truely allows you to make money fast and you can do it over and
over with as many products as you want.

A program that is excellent to build a Google Ads campaing
around is the Plugin Profit Site.

The Plugin Profit Site will give you your own website,
newsletter, follow-up training, and an easy way to get started
in 3 steps for less than $100.]]>

8 Killer mistakes for ezine failure you must avoid.

Saturday, May 27th, 2025

1) Be Careful with the “from” field.

Although many consider this as a detail, it is the first thing a user will see. Who is sending the email. Use either your name or your business name. Avoid any kind of other phrases in that field .It will cost you a lot.

2) The subject line.

This is the second more important field in the email. Avoid hype in that area like “Earn 50.000$ in 2 weeks” e.t.c. People are smarter than you think. You will never be believable. Emphasize to the purpose of your newsletter .Do not use more than 7 words in your subject line.

3) Call to buy in the first mailing.

This is a common mistake most ezine publishers do .They have sales pitch on the first time. Research has proved that you will gain your subscriber trust after 6 to 7 mailings according always to the content you offer.

4) Use death words, which spam filters ban.

For God’s sake, do not use words or phrases like free, make money, hello, your family, and other. Your newsletter will go directly to junk mail and will be erased without notice.

5) Avoid too much personalization.

Although personalization is important in order to create a friendly ambience, do not overdo it. Some people will consider this as rudeness. Use their name only once in your mailings on the first line of your message, not more. Otherwise, some of your subscribers will be insulted and unsubscribe in a second.

6) Use more verbs, not adjectives.

The best internet marketers and advertisement agencies has proved that verbs are much stronger than adjectives. Especially the “call to action” verbs are so strong that could increase the response rate up to 700%! For example, use the verbs, boost, and explode instead of the word “increase”. See how stronger they are?

7) Use auto responders not web pages.

Many people use on their mailings or other advertisement campaigns their web page mostly. That is big a mistake. The estimate shows that 30% max will subscribe from your web site. On the contrary if you promote your auto responder the percentage, goes from 80% to 100%! Of course, you can use both. It is effective too.

8) Too much info in the submit form.

This is another typical mistake. Some ezines require submitting more personal information such as: email, first and last name, area and other. The info you really need is the first name and the email. Many internet users consider any more than that as violation of their personal info. That means fewer subscribers for your ezine.

Make your client’s life easier: The power of an extranet

Saturday, May 27th, 2025

What is an extranet?

An extranet
is a web-based collaboration tool that allows a defined group of internal and client users to access projects and documents in a secure environment.

One way to think of an extranet is as a shared filing cabinet. It allows clients to access documents immediately, all organized by project. It is particularly useful when groups of people need to access the work at the same time, and need everything organized in the same way.

Who uses extranets?

Any company that shares documents with clients can benefit from using an extranet. Advertising agencies, law firms, real estate brokers, financial service companies, architectural firms – the list can go on and on.

How does an extranet enhance client relationships?

Enhanced relationships result from the many benefits extranets offer to clients.
The most important is time savings. Rather than searching emails or paper files, everything is organized in one place to assure a quick review and response. A client extranet
assures that nothing is lost and that the correct version is being reviewed. Many extranets feature an alert system to assure that documents are posted and reviewed on a timely basis.

Other benefits include easy client access to past work through the use of an archive, the ability to limit access to selected individuals when needed, the documentation of all activities, and a higher level of security than is offered by email.

The bottom-line

Enhancing client relationships supports retention and saves administrative time. At minimum, this impact on both revenue and costs often allows the extranet to pay for itself, and in many cases can result in increased profits.]]>

8 Things I have Learned As An Internet Marketer

Friday, May 26th, 2025

1. Choosing The Right Program

Choosing the right program to affiliate with is still a relevant way of making money on the internet. I learned not believe all the hype surrounding every affiliate program on the net. Instead I look for affiliate programs that pay at least 30% commissions and are run by reputable internet marketers.

2. Choosing The Right Tools

I learned quickly that you need much more than just a website to become successful. Choosing the right tools to optimize your internet business is crucial if you hope to succeed. Tools like auto responders, professional emailboxes, and software that help with linking and submitting your site to search engines is very important information to have. However, some of these tools can be expensive, but the return on investment is priceless.

3. Targeted Traffic

Getting the right people to your website is something all internet marketers are constantly working to achieve. In this business you find a lot of tire kickers, these are the people that may download a free product or tour your site but they have no intentions of ever buying any of your products or services. Finding targeted traffic is what you need, people that our looking for a home-based business or a product or service you are selling.

4. Quality Leads

Quality leads are very important when talking about targeted traffic. there are plenty of companies that offer leads and subscription services, and I suggest trying a few different companies out, because you just do not know what type of leads you will get. One of the first companies I used to buy leads from provided me with leads from people all over the world, most of whom did not speak English, or they wanted me to either give them money or go out on a date! So I learned to ask around and investigate a few companies out before I invest in leads.

5. Publishing A Newsletter

Publishing my own newsletter is very important, probably more important than I first realized. With your own newsletter filled with relevant content that can help your prospects, you gain trust and credibility. Your prospects are more willing to buy your product or service if they feel as if they know you.

6. Reciprocal Linking

This was a powerful lesson to be learned. Search engines love reciprocal links when deciding your page rank and position in their search engine. This was an eye opener. With the right software I was able to make reciprocal linking work to my advantage, without having to manually do it myself. Reciprocal linking has helped me with my alexa ranking as well as in the search engines.

7. Finding JV Partners

Finding Joint Venture (JV) partners is also very important is building a successful online venture, in a sense reciprocal linking is a JV partnership in that you are hoping your link on someone else site will bring you visitors and vice-a-versa. However, there are also other JV partnerships available and are quite easy to find, if you know where to look ( see below). I have a few JV partners that I work with to mutually make our businesses profitable. It is the old adage of “you scratch my back, I scratch you back” where each partner brings something different to the table and combined they form a JV partnership.

8. Business Forums

I found reading and posting to business forums to be invaluable to the success of my business. These are great places to learn from people that have been doing business for a long time. I also told you about finding JV partners, well business forums is where to find people you would like to do business with. Most forums allow you to use a signature file that you can use as “free” advertising for your business.

In closing, I would like to add that there are probably a hundred more lessons I have learned since starting my online business. I continue to learn something new everyday that only helps me in my goal of becoming a successful internet marketer. Good luck.

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