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Archive for October, 2025

Internet Marketing is Suitable for Shy Marketers

Monday, October 31st, 2025

A very important one is to make the call on the prospective customer.

At the beginning of one’s career as a salesman, there is usually that inherent fear on what to expect from the sales call on the prospect.

As one encounters rejection, which is typical of the sales profession, some take it personal and eventually give up.

They believe the sales profession is for those who are bold and daring – those who are regarded as extroverts, outspoken, sociable.

Fortunately, the skills and qualities required to market in the offline world can be learned if one develops the right attitude.

For those who still feel skeptical on this possibility, I have good news for you:

the Internet addresses the challenge of fear of customer rejection in that it is suitable for those who are customer shy and do not want to experience the disappointment associated with customer rejection.

The Internet allows you to market in one or a combination of several ways without meeting the customer face to face. Some of these ways are:

(1) E-mail: this is one way of reaching prospective customers. It involves one having a prospective or existing customers’ base list. It usually takes time to build however, if one decides to do it on his or her own.

The advantage of this option is that one can use the list for future purposes and earn a recurrent income with those who buy again and again since a relationship will have been established from previous transactions from satisfied customers.

It would also require you having a website and a sign-up form where your prospects elect to join to get your newsletters and/or offer(s).

This is one of the most important means through which successful Internet

Marketers operate – what is known as the opt-in-list marketing. There are also companies that have a list of prospects that they sell to clients to use for their marketing. You could also get this on the Internet with careful search.

(2) Conference Calls: In this method, the prospect is introduced to the opportunity over the phone and at times it involves video where both parties see each other.

One can also use this method to make a presentation to multiple clients who are interested in the sales offer where a prior appointment has been gotten to make the presentation.

(3) Online Chat: the beauty of this method is that you get to chat online real time with your prospects and a deal could be sealed in the process.

Again, you don’t get to meet the client face to face but you could use a web camera (or webcam for short) to see the client who would also see you if he or she has one.

Whatever offer you have is presented by typing over the keyboard and the client responds in the same way too.

For a new person, it may be tedious having to type the information necessary to get the client interested but with time you get used to it and increase your speed of typing.

Alternatively, you can have a website that has all the full details of your offer and after getting to know the client and make your offer, you then refer them to the website that has the details, while not forgetting to leave your contact information (e-mail address, telephone, etc) on your website through which the prospect can get back to you.

(4) Voice Chat: This method is similar to the online chat in that you are interacting with the client in real time but without using the keyboard to type - voice is used like in a telephone conversation.

Again, you can use a webcam to see the client while making your presentation.

The beauty of Internet marketing using any of the above methods is that whether the client is interested in your product or not will be seen in their response – but you are not there to witness their reactions and so you do not feel humiliated if the presentation ends in a rejection.

So you can continue to transact your business over the net without any fear knowing fully well that the client may as well be a thousand miles away from you but you are dealing with him or her either online real time or via e-mail.

Internet Marketing Website Promotion -The 7 Biggest Mistakes I See People Make With Websites!

Sunday, October 30th, 2025

People need to get independent opinions from a knowledgeable person. Someone who doesn’t have a biased agenda. Most businesses have a product or service they try to push customers toward because they make a greater profit on these items.

Many businesses that deal with the internet can be narrowly focused on their one main niche. They may do webpage design and development and for their ease they either knowingly or not don’t consider other important attributes like optimizing the page for search engine placement. Some example are weblinks in java scripts. Search engines don’t read these. Another example is the over use of images to display text on webpage. Search engines develop your webpages reputation based upon the words on the page. If the words are in images they can’t be read by the search engines. A simple test to search for words is in your internet browser click on Edit and then click on Find and search on any suspect words.

2. People put too much emphasis on their Company name in their website title. The title should be geared toward keywords, etc. They don’t take into account search engines and keywords and that starting out nobody is going to be searching on their Company Name.

3. People don’t wisely choose their keywords or market. Planning here is key – do some sample searches and see what comes up - who is your competition?

4. This is kind of a subset of number 3 above,– lack of adequate planning. I.E – What is the purpose of your webpage – is it to sell them right there or perhaps gather their information for further use?

5. People don’t either set up their website to collect names and leads (email list) or they just collect everyone’s name in one big box. For example if you have several categories of interest on your site try to collect the person’s email tied to their specific point of interest.

6. Over Targeting – I see this problem all the time. People have a small website and they try to over target every keyword remotely associated with their website on each individual page. Each individual webpage should be targeted as much as possible. A variation of this is people try to optimize their sales page for good search engine ranking. A much better approach is optimized pages, which direct people to their sales page.

7. And of course they do a any number of things that are not friendly with search engines. (Here are just a few examples)

Like using frame pages incorrectly.

You are hosting your Web site at a free Web space provider.

Your Web site has a low link popularity.

Bonus Tip: When requesting links from other websites vary the linking text (title) you provide them, so that the linking text coming to your site isn’t always the same. Think of it like this, in nature you would have a variance of linking texts. So if you do what is more natural, you should rank better with the search engines.

Internet Marketing Without a Big-Picture Strategy Dances in Circles

Saturday, October 29th, 2025

It seems like everyone is beating the drum for one Internet
marketing method or another. And in the process they create
plenty of hype and conflicting messages.

Website owners are left to wonder whom to believe when it
comes to impressing the search engines. Which approach can
deliver the “magic bullet” they’ve been promised? Is it time
to jump to the next “sure thing,” that will entice both
search spiders and web surfers?

The primary methods promoted to attract search engines and
Web traffic aren’t new:
- Links and reciprocal links
- Pay-per-click (PPC)
- Search engine optimization (SEO) in all its variations
- Blogs and forums
- Writing and posting articles or press releases
- Paid placement with ads and banners

But each of them shares a common limitation. At its best,
each is only part of the answer. An answer that won’t hold
still long enough to get nailed down - before the next “must
have” appears.

The Internet is Maturing, and so are Search Engines

In recent years, the capabilities and sophistication of the
search engines have exploded. Public use and expectations
have grown to match it. The public’s reliance on the
Internet as a reliable source expands ever faster. Recent
studies found the Web to be the most trusted source of
information for making major purchase decisions, second only
to spouses for finding referrals.

A Harris Interactive consumer survey (2004) reports that 73%
of adults are now online - 156 million users. That’s up from
69% eight months before. Most Internet users (80%) expect
that they’ll find reliable, detailed facts online (Pew
Internet and American Life Project). So they go online first
when they need information. And they have confidence in what
they’re able to find.

Now more than ever, access to that gigantic pool of
information-hungry Internet users depends on a website’s
relationship to the search engines. Is it possible for
people to find it? The stakes are high.

Integration of Methods is the “Next Big Thing”

Refined keyword and page optimization are the standard
anymore. SEO has morphed into Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
The key difference is integration. SEO method aren’t seen as
separate solutions, but as parts of a multi-pronged
endeavor. Success now depends on how well they all dovetail.

That’s a fundamental shift from the lurching “do this…,
now that…, now that… approaches, which have
characterized the on-line norm. And anyone who’s still
playing by that game plan will be left behind.

Be suspicious of any SEO strategy that’s wedded to a single
method - no matter what impressive statistics they cite. And
when the search engines “burp,” (as they surely will now and
then) a site’s visibility can be lost. A diversified
approach to links and search engines reduces vulnerability.
Achieving that requires shifting focus to a bigger, more
inclusive picture.

My Experience with Reciprocal Linking

As a person who has been in SEM for years (and fine-tuned
hundreds of websites) I’ve gotten good at spotting trends as
they develop. And I’ve seen too many “can’t lose” methods

No question that linking is important for search engine
placement. There are effective and targeted ways to acquire
incoming links that don’t require a link exchange. However,
I saw some problems with the way many reciprocal links are
pursued. My concerns led me to write an article, Reciprocal
Linking is Dead,
back when most insiders were proclaiming it to be the way to
go. (Fresh articles about why you should develop reciprocal
links appear daily.)

An integrated search engine marketing strategy is vital for
your website’s visibility and survival. Resist the
shortsightedness of putting too much reliance on what
everyone is recommending.

Beat the Pack by a Country Mile

If you’re ready for the “Next Big Thing,” stop chasing the
flavor of the month. The trend is toward building an
integrated strategy where all the options mesh. Achieve all
the added benefits that come with integrating every method
your website employs. Now that’s a next thing with staying
© 2025, Michael Pedone

Internet’s free online communities

Friday, October 28th, 2025

Social networking sites serve as social connection builders, allowing you to find new contacts, meet people, make a new online friend, discover old friends you may have lost touch with and above all, explore new business opportunities with new found contacts.
In this age of information technology, when we are leading “virtual” lives, it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain contacts the traditional way. With sites like BizGround you can develop a whole new network of online friends and start your very own online community!

Some of these sites are geared towards business especially, while some focus exclusively on social networking Many of these sites are free, some that offer exclusive features charge nominal membership fees.

For instance, BizGround serves as an online community where you can find and establish contacts, network, invite contacts and friends, find employment, recruit people, explore business opportunities, look for new business contacts and develop new ideas. And there is more! You can join in discussion forums, start your own discussion forum, host your own events or participate in other announced events, in short, re-energize your social networking.

The key to your presence in BizGround lies in putting in as much information as possible about yourself into your profile. This helps others to discover your characteristics as it makes it easier for you to search and find people who share your interests and can be potential contacts.
Sites like help you find contacts who share your interests. You can invite and add your contacts in this wonderful networking platform hassle free. Check BizGround FAQs. Most probably your questions will be answered here. For an overview of the functionalities of BizGround, take a tour.

Irish Graphic Design Industry

Thursday, October 27th, 2025

With the 1584 Gutenberg Printing Press, graphic design took on a whole new meaning. Now, text, coupled with visual appeal, could reach a wider audience than ever before. Although the use was - at first - primarily for Biblical and other important writings, the trend would soon spread to visual-appeal. Graphic design, as we know it, didn’t reach its boom until the computer era. With companies finding it increasingly necessary to have a corporate identity solution, visually-pleasing logo, and an online presence, graphic designers are definitely getting all the work they can handle.

Today, graphic design and website design are two separate, but closely related, entities. Most all websites offer some visual appeal - that is, they include graphical elements. When one understands this, they can really begin to grasp the widespread effect that graphic design can have. Creating something with aesthetic appeal is a laborious task, when one considers all the elements of graphic design, along with the viewing audience. Attempting to convey an emotion or theme is especially difficult. Special consideration to the following principles is necessary - mood, style, message, and hierarchy.
Moreover, one must consider the audience. Although anyone can view a website, logo, or corporate identity package, only a few are really in the ‘target audience.’ With graphic design’s worldwide appeal, designers have developed geographic markets in which to showcase their talents.

With Ireland’s technology boom, a widespread graphic design industry has developed. A search for “Irish Graphic Design” yields almost 2 million results, a true testament to this unparalleled growth. One of the front-runners in this burgeoning population of graphic design studios is Red Fly Studios. While Red Fly is a full-service firm offering web application development and design, their attention to graphic design detail is unmatched. Take a look through Red Fly’s portfolio, compare to other Irish design firms, and you’ll see that the company has a lot to offer.

Joint Ventures and WHY They Are A Great Way To Jump-Start Your Online Business

Wednesday, October 26th, 2025

First, do you have a online business that you just finished setting up that has an affiliate program and are looking for ways to give it a Jump-Start with NO advertising budget?

My next question is… would you like to get your Product or Service infront of thousands of targeted customers within a matter of hours at absolutely NO cost that are hungry for what you have to offer and are willing to wip out their credits cards for?

If you answered ‘YES’ to either of these questions then your in luck.


Because ‘Joint Ventures’ will do just that.

But, let me first explain to you what a Joint Venture is and what there advantages and disadvantages are before you get to excited.

There are always Pro’s and Con’s to everything so I think it’s best you hear both.

First, let me define a Joint Venture. If you already know what a Joint Venture is, read it anyway. A Joint Venture is simply an collaboration or partnership undertaken by two or more entities(webmasters) for a mutual gain, usually profit sharing.

That’s as simple as it gets.

And what makes Joint Ventures SO powerful you ask?

The answers simple. They allow you to leverage other peoples web assets(ex. Opt-In Lists and/or High Traffic Websites).

This is why Joint Ventures are such a great way to Jump-Start your online business, especially if you have a affiliate program in place.

Now your probably thinking, who makes the BEST Joint Venture partners?

Here’s two simple answers - Newsletter owners and Website owners related the your Niche market.

Okay, those were the Pro’s, now for the Con’s.

The con’s are… Locating them and Approaching them with an offer and getting them to accept.

That’s it.

But, this can be quite the daunting task for someone new to Joint Ventures since the Internet is such a BIG space. Notice I said “space”. That’s why I wrote a Free *16* page special report just on this topic to give those just starting out some insight into Joint Venture marketing and its many benefits and at the same time take away alot of the guess work involved.

You can find out more about my special report and what you’ll find inside through the link below ==>

Lets face it, we all only have so much time in a day to get things done, so the more you know, the better off you’ll be to getting the results you want to obtain through Joint Venture marketing.

So, before I end this article I’ll leave you with some quick references for you to start with on where to find some responsive Joint Venture partners.

First, start with the Search Engines. Use the keywords that target your Product or Service. You’ll then get a list of results. Now simply click through the links you think would make good potential JV partners.

(TIP: Just focus on the first 2-3 pages of results, then move on using a different keyword)

If you like what you see simply contact them by locating their contact information from their website.(That’s were your approach comes into play. VERY Important!)

Other places to find them would be Forums, Newsgroups, Newsletter Directories and Membership sites like the JV-Network at ==>

Give these a try to start with.

I guarantee once you do your first Joint Venture and see the results for yourself you’ll be hooked and on the look for JV partners every time you turn on your computer and surf the net.

Joint Ventures and WHY They Are A Great Way To Jump-Start Your Online Business

Tuesday, October 25th, 2025

First, do you have a online business that you just finished setting up that has an affiliate program and are looking for ways to give it a Jump-Start with NO advertising budget?

My next question is… would you like to get your Product or Service infront of thousands of targeted customers within a matter of hours at absolutely NO cost that are hungry for what you have to offer and are willing to wip out their credits cards for?

If you answered ‘YES’ to either of these questions then your in luck.


Because ‘Joint Ventures’ will do just that.

But, let me first explain to you what a Joint Venture is and what there advantages and disadvantages are before you get to excited.

There are always Pro’s and Con’s to everything so I think it’s best you hear both.

First, let me define a Joint Venture. If you already know what a Joint Venture is, read it anyway. A Joint Venture is simply an collaboration or partnership undertaken by two or more entities(webmasters) for a mutual gain, usually profit sharing.

That’s as simple as it gets.

And what makes Joint Ventures SO powerful you ask?

The answers simple. They allow you to leverage other peoples web assets(ex. Opt-In Lists and/or High Traffic Websites).

This is why Joint Ventures are such a great way to Jump-Start your online business, especially if you have a affiliate program in place.

Now your probably thinking, who makes the BEST Joint Venture partners?

Here’s two simple answers - Newsletter owners and Website owners related the your Niche market.

Okay, those were the Pro’s, now for the Con’s.

The con’s are… Locating them and Approaching them with an offer and getting them to accept.

That’s it.

But, this can be quite the daunting task for someone new to Joint Ventures since the Internet is such a BIG space. Notice I said “space”. That’s why I wrote a Free *16* page special report just on this topic to give those just starting out some insight into Joint Venture marketing and its many benefits and at the same time take away alot of the guess work involved.

You can find out more about my special report and what you’ll find inside through the link below ==>

Lets face it, we all only have so much time in a day to get things done, so the more you know, the better off you’ll be to getting the results you want to obtain through Joint Venture marketing.

So, before I end this article I’ll leave you with some quick references for you to start with on where to find some responsive Joint Venture partners.

First, start with the Search Engines. Use the keywords that target your Product or Service. You’ll then get a list of results. Now simply click through the links you think would make good potential JV partners.

(TIP: Just focus on the first 2-3 pages of results, then move on using a different keyword)

If you like what you see simply contact them by locating their contact information from their website.(That’s were your approach comes into play. VERY Important!)

Other places to find them would be Forums, Newsgroups, Newsletter Directories and Membership sites like the JV-Network at ==>

Give these a try to start with.

I guarantee once you do your first Joint Venture and see the results for yourself you’ll be hooked and on the look for JV partners every time you turn on your computer and surf the net.

Jump from Unknown to Widely Quoted in One Week

Monday, October 24th, 2025

Dr. Lynella Grant

Start by Being Quotable
It’s tough to stand out online. With millions of experts and
websites on the Internet, what are your chances of getting
noticed? Long odds, certainly. But that’s not your biggest

Most fail to grab attention because what they’re dishing out
is dull - rehashing what’s already been said, time and
again. Content has been over-sold. It is NOT king if it’s
mediocre. Ezine editors and webmasters are selective about
what they’ll share with their readers. They know that too
much of what’s being submitted to them isn’t worth passing

First, you must have something worth saying that connects
with readers in a fresh, engaging way. People are starved
for that - it’s why they keep looking. There’s less good
stuff being written than you’d expect, given the vast sea of
Web pages.

Jettison the bland and run of the mill. Spend sufficient
time at this step because here’s where many writers drop the
ball. Write from your unique vision and real-life
experiences. Make your words so interesting and relevant
that people remember them. That’s what gets your articles
forwarded along and mentioned in passing (making you widely

Articles can quickly blanket the Internet with your
Writing and posting articles to many websites or newsletters
rapidly spreads your message. Systematic submissions soon
brand you as a trustworthy expert.
- Focus your content to satisfy the interests of a
definable group or niche
- Develop a list of websites and ezines that reach them,
where you can submit your output

To illustrate the speed that Google responds to posted
articles, this is article #2 for my new website. It just
went up November 1 -

Two weeks after submitting article #1, I queried Google:
“What Posting Articles Online did for my Google Page Rank
in 90 Days”. Results already showed 673 cites (many were
repeats), and that’s sure to increase. Remember, it’s a
brand-new site, so Google only learned it existed from that

The fact that you’re already reading this one (submitted Day
14) demonstrates article marketing is working.

People go to the Internet to get information needed to make
Reliance on the Internet keeps growing. A Harris Interactive
consumer survey (2004) found that 73% of adults are now
online - 156 million users. That’s up from 69% eight months

The Pew Internet and American Life Project found that most
Internet users (80%) expect that they’ll be able to find
reliable detailed information online. They will go online
first when they need information. Internet users say it
matters to them that businesses have a Web presence, even if
they intend to make purchases locally.

Other studies have found the Web is one of the most trusted
sources for making major purchases and decisions - second
only to spouses for finding referrals. Your well-placed
articles bring you to the attention of people looking for
what you have to say (wherever they are).

Get your article and message widely distributed and read

- Make it informative and useful
An article is not a sales letter. Resist the temptation to
sell. That should be confined to the signature (Sig,
resource box) at the end. That’s where you provide a link
back to your own site from every website posting your

- Make it interesting
Net surfers are unforgiving. If you’re boring they’re gone.
Flat articles won’t enhance your reputation or credibility.
Your title needs to be a zinger that pulls the reader into
the topic. Most readers won’t read more than that.

- Make it relevant to specific people
Too many articles fail to connect because they’re written
too generally to hit anyone’s “bulls eye.” Attempting to
speak to “everybody” results in not speaking directly to
anybody. There’s no substitute for knowing precisely who
you’re trying to connect with, so you can address their

- Make it as unique as you are
If you have a distinctive or quotable viewpoint, let it
shine. Expose your personality. A little wit or self-
revelation is welcomed. And if you can sustain it across
repeated articles, readers will search you out.

Better than shouting from the rooftops
Your posted articles provide your soapbox - as broad as the
Web. So make the most of that exposure, and get you voice
heard. Create a ripple of interest which you can continue to
build on about yourself, your website, your book, etc.
That’s how reputations get made.

Discover everything you need at the Article Marketing
Academy, to find in-
depth how-to from the experts. You, too can start finding
yourself widely quoted in as little as a week.
© 2025, Lynella Grant

Know this before you start your home business

Sunday, October 23rd, 2025

This New Year would bring many new home entrepreneurs to the net. How many of them would continue with what they started? How many would leave disappointed and disgruntled? How many of them would become a source of inspiration for others in waiting? How many would detest many others just because they failed.

I hear crackers bursting as people welcome New Year with full celebrations.

For those who have left, I feel sorry. They have left a road to wealth, richness and freedom from daily grind.

For those who are about to begin, I extend my welcome. 2025 is predicted to be the best year till date for home business. Equally for those who are making millions right now or just starting.

Whatever kind of business you are in, wherever you are from, home business will make you rich.

The reason many people do not start a home business is because they think they can’t do it. The reason why people leave it is because they expect instant results.

Every body knows good fruits take time to yield. It is same with your home business.

Whether you plan to sell your own products or join affiliate programmes, patience and perseverance is the name of the game. You must maintain your efforts. Give your business time to mature. Otherwise one falls into traps of frustration and frustrated man cannot think clearly.

Clarity of thought is must for success.

Without going into finer details these are prerequisites of home business. Each of that can be searched for and you would get enough details

•A product to sell (Create your own or sell other’s). Your own product can be either digital (e-book) or physical (book). Internet sells almost everything. With some efforts you can sell your product too.

If you do not have one you can join affiliate programmes of already selling products. It is simple. you sell their product and they give you commission on every sale. They have made a sale, they are happy.You make money you are happier.

•A website for your products. This is you web store to host the product you choose to sell. If people who visit your store choose to buy, you make money. Millions of people use internet everyday. You can imagine the scope.

•Hosting. This is space on the web land where your web site will be placed. These services are available both free of cost and at a price.Price varies as per service provider and what you are looking for. But if you aim for professional results use the paid ones.

•Promoting your site. This is to let people know that you have a store which sells those products. This is the difficult part but as you gather knowledge it becomes easier too. Various marketing strategies are available in plenty. You can use as per your budget.

Just a word of caution. Don’t spend your money on hypes promising instant results. There is nothing like that even on the net.

Once you start, start with full throttle. Do not hesitate for hesitation will hold you back. Learn the essentials as you go along. Gather knowledge and use it for expansion of your business.

I again welcome you decision to start home business. It will be a promising year, I promise.

Good luck.

Lead Me On - Learn About Internet Marketing Leads

Saturday, October 22nd, 2025

Selling to internet marketers is a tough market segment to compete in. New products and services are released at an amazing rate. These new products and services are sometimes driven by new technology, other times by changes in market conditions or search engines, and still others are variations of existing products. Some of these products are themselves designed to help capture internet marketing leads!

There are several basic ways to capture new leads online. The most commonly recommended method is to build an email list. There’s an old direct marketing axiom “The money is in the list”, and this has held true on the internet as well. Email marketing may not work as well as it used to, due to spam filtering, but that’s not to say it’s not effective. After all, other than your time, it’s free to send, and response rates for email that does reach the intended recipients have remained steady. The theory of this type of internet marketing leads generation is that an email list works as the first part of a funnel system, whereby subscribers get some incentive to sign up for the list. It may be a free product, program, or report, or some other incentive t will then “funnel” responsive customers to your main products and services.

Other common lead generation techniques include using pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, adding information about a site, product, or service to an email signature file, and posting and answering questions on marketing related forums. Just think, for someone selling to other marketers, what better free way is there to generate internet marketing leads than posting in forums where other marketers “hang out”?

Whatever the lead generation techniques a marketer uses, the most important thing to remember about finding internet marketing leads is this: to be effective, they must be targeted. This means that the leads you generate must be generally interested in the product or service you offer. For an extreme example, it probably wouldn’t make sense to try to generate leads for a knitting product on a site that is football-related. The target audience of a football site isn’t generally going to be interested in knitting products.

As you begin to build your marketing-related web business, be sure to plan a good internet marketing lead strategy from the outset. It shouldn’t be an afterthought that you’ll take care of someday - Give it a lot of consideration early on.

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