Internet Marketing is Suitable for Shy Marketers
Monday, October 31st, 2025A very important one is to make the call on the prospective customer.
At the beginning of one’s career as a salesman, there is usually that inherent fear on what to expect from the sales call on the prospect.
As one encounters rejection, which is typical of the sales profession, some take it personal and eventually give up.
They believe the sales profession is for those who are bold and daring – those who are regarded as extroverts, outspoken, sociable.
Fortunately, the skills and qualities required to market in the offline world can be learned if one develops the right attitude.
For those who still feel skeptical on this possibility, I have good news for you:
the Internet addresses the challenge of fear of customer rejection in that it is suitable for those who are customer shy and do not want to experience the disappointment associated with customer rejection.
The Internet allows you to market in one or a combination of several ways without meeting the customer face to face. Some of these ways are:
(1) E-mail: this is one way of reaching prospective customers. It involves one having a prospective or existing customers’ base list. It usually takes time to build however, if one decides to do it on his or her own.
The advantage of this option is that one can use the list for future purposes and earn a recurrent income with those who buy again and again since a relationship will have been established from previous transactions from satisfied customers.
It would also require you having a website and a sign-up form where your prospects elect to join to get your newsletters and/or offer(s).
This is one of the most important means through which successful Internet
Marketers operate – what is known as the opt-in-list marketing. There are also companies that have a list of prospects that they sell to clients to use for their marketing. You could also get this on the Internet with careful search.
(2) Conference Calls: In this method, the prospect is introduced to the opportunity over the phone and at times it involves video where both parties see each other.
One can also use this method to make a presentation to multiple clients who are interested in the sales offer where a prior appointment has been gotten to make the presentation.
(3) Online Chat: the beauty of this method is that you get to chat online real time with your prospects and a deal could be sealed in the process.
Again, you don’t get to meet the client face to face but you could use a web camera (or webcam for short) to see the client who would also see you if he or she has one.
Whatever offer you have is presented by typing over the keyboard and the client responds in the same way too.
For a new person, it may be tedious having to type the information necessary to get the client interested but with time you get used to it and increase your speed of typing.
Alternatively, you can have a website that has all the full details of your offer and after getting to know the client and make your offer, you then refer them to the website that has the details, while not forgetting to leave your contact information (e-mail address, telephone, etc) on your website through which the prospect can get back to you.
(4) Voice Chat: This method is similar to the online chat in that you are interacting with the client in real time but without using the keyboard to type - voice is used like in a telephone conversation.
Again, you can use a webcam to see the client while making your presentation.
The beauty of Internet marketing using any of the above methods is that whether the client is interested in your product or not will be seen in their response – but you are not there to witness their reactions and so you do not feel humiliated if the presentation ends in a rejection.
So you can continue to transact your business over the net without any fear knowing fully well that the client may as well be a thousand miles away from you but you are dealing with him or her either online real time or via e-mail.