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Archive for August, 2025

Probably the best piece of advice I will ever give you….

Wednesday, August 31st, 2025

With this in mind, probably the best piece of advice I will ever give you in relation to your Internet business is this:

‘When you are making money with a website, keep your mouth shut!’

In other words, don’t go telling everyone about your site and how much you are earning. Don’t share this information with your ‘friends’ on the forums you visit each day, don’t tell your friends in the offline world, don’t tell anyone that you can’t trust 100%.


Because the world is full of copycats - people that cannot come up with their own original ideas but who are happy to rip off other people’s ideas for their own financial benefit.

Now of course, this happens in the offline world too but far more work and money is involved in opening a new restaurant just down the road from another similar business that is already doing well. Even if you could be bothered with the work and could afford to do it, you would still have to face your competitor every single day knowing that you have basically done something that could have had a huge impact on that person’s income and the quality of life enjoyed by their family. Most people would not want to be in that situation.

Online this isn’t the case. It costs next to nothing to throw up a new site and it is unlikely that you will ever have to face the competitor that you have ripped off.

This means that people do it all the time, so I repeat my comment above, if you have a business online that is making money, keep it to yourself.

Now of course, I am guilty of breaking my own rule in some respects - to the left of this sentence is an advertisement that states a monthly income which is available for everyone to read. This is because there are exceptions to the rule….

Part of my own income is generated from the Internet marketing industry and the competitiveness of this industry means that to have any chance of success, you must already have achieved a degree of success in other areas online. Often, the mark of success is the level of income your businesses are generating.

Here’s the thing though, I own several online businesses that no one in the Internet marketing industry knows about and they generate just as much income for me as my ‘public’ businesses. Some of my closest friends don’t know about these websites!

These sites quietly generate income and several are in completely untapped markets with little/no competition. If I were to reveal the markets, I would be flooded with competition in hours.

I am not alone - most successful Internet marketers keep their cards close to their chests - why wouldn’t they? It is daft to start shouting about what is making you money as this simply tempts the copycats out and into the game. Making a success of any business is hard enough but to invite competition is crazy!

If at some point you decide you want to venture into the Internet marketing ‘how to’ industry then do as I have done and make a couple of your sites high profile but keep the big money earners a secret.

Which brings me to another point - a lot of people first try to make money online in the Internet marketing arena and this is a big mistake. This is an incredibly competitive area and there is just as much money to be made in other markets and most of the time it is, quite simply, a heck of a lot easier….

Think about it, in the Internet marketing industry you are usually pitching to other people that have a much higher awareness of sales techniques than ‘normal’ people. You are used to pop ups, autoresponders, newsletter lists, free ebooks etc and know that they are all designed to get you to spend money. Thing is though it works but how much better would it work in an industry where the customers don’t have the same level of awareness? I can tell you - a LOT better :-)

Protect Your Domain Name

Monday, August 29th, 2025

This happens every day because of a perfectly legitimate process known as “drop catching,” where people quickly snag the domain names owners have let expire and try to resell them or use the links associated with the names, which could be extensive, to create Web sites loaded with advertisements. You can easily avoid becoming a victim of a drop catcher by better understanding how the domain registration system works to protect your domain name.

Your Web site, with all the content you have so painstakingly added, sits on a computer with a unique address called an IP address, which is simply a series of numbers. A domain name is an address forwarding service that directs visitors to the site using this IP address. Domain names are used instead of numbers because most people find it easier to remember a name rather than a bunch of numbers. It’s as if you could dial your friend’s name into the telephone instead of his phone number.

You can purchase a domain name by registering it with a provider of domain services such as , the largest on the Web, or any number of other registrars. The name can be registered for just one year, for about $10, or for as long as ten years, for around $80. Many register for only one year because it’s cheaper, or they only want the site for a limited time.

At the end of the year, the registrar usually sends an email renewal notice to the owner. If the owner doesn’t respond to the renewal notice, the domain name will eventually be made available for purchase by someone else. Roughly 20,000 domain names become available every day because the owners allowed them to expire, or the owners didn’t realize that their domain name was up for renewal

According to the rules established by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers(ICANN), domain registrars have 45 days after the expiration date to notify the owner that their domain name is going to be dropped from the registry. If the name is dropped, the guidelines then call for a 30-day grace period during which the owner can still claim the name. After this grace period and then another five-day holding period, the name is dropped from the registry and anyone can claim it.

Since 2025, however, a number of domain service providers, starting with, have created an auction process for expired names which bypasses the original drop process and makes the names available in as little as thirty days. begins the auction process even before the names have officially expired, although it does warn the auction participants that the owner could still claim their name.

These providers of domain services each have tools on their sites to make it easier to grab expired names. They provide constantly updated lists of expired names, various auction services, search engines, and other free tools for anyone to quickly and easily find available domain names. Some sites also offer software for sale that further simplifies the search for expired and soon to be expired names.

With the surge in online advertising, drop catchers will continue to seek out domain names from sites with good traffic, anxious to exploit the established links. Protect your site and your business by checking the expiration date of your domain name. Relying on the registrar to send a renewal notice that could easily be sent to an old email address or get lost in the spam catcher, could cost you years of hard work.

Proven Techniques Help You blogging - Guaranteed!

Sunday, August 28th, 2025

If writing is an art, then, blogging is one way of using words to come up with an art. This is because people who are into blogging are the ones who are artistic on their own sense, carefully choosing words that would best describe their feelings, sentiments, wishes, desires, and everything.

Basically, blogs were first introduced as weblogs that refer to a “server’s log file.” It was created when web logging hit the virtual market. Since its inception in the mid-1990s, web logging gradually saturated the virtual community making the Internet a viable source of greater information.

However, with web logging, you still need a web site and domain names, but with blogging, you do not need anything just an account with blog providers. In most cases, these kinds of blogs are free of charge.

With the onset of blogging in the industry, personal journaling had been a common ground for people who wish to be known all over the world. However, not literally famous as this is not a case on being popular or well-known personality.

Generally, blogs are created for personal use. Like a journal, people can write their daily adventures, sentiments, and whatever ideas they want to express online.

Nevertheless, with the advent of the online businesses, blogs had gradually taken the limelight in providing businesses a chance to boost their productivity online. This is where the business blogs have taken the limelight.

Business blogs are, basically, created to advertise the services or products of a certain web site or online business in order to increase online sales.

Moreover, business blogs are also one way of promoting the company so that the other readers will know that a certain company exists online. With blogs, entrepreneurs are able to establish a name in the virtual market through articles that can be very useful in the reader’s life.

From there, you can make money out of blogs by simply syndicating it to your business’ web site. This can be done through the RSS technology.

So, if you are thinking to create a blog, whether for business or for pleasure, you need to know some tips that could help you get through and make your blog one of the interesting blogs online.

Here’s how:

1. Consider your audience

Even if your blog is generally personal, still, it would be better to consider the minds of your readers. You have to think of something that would interest them.

It’s really a good idea to probe a little deeper into the subject of Blogging. What you learn may give you the confidence you need to venture into new areas.

After all, most of the reasons of people who write blogs are not at all confined to their own personal motives. Most of them would love to be “heard” (or read) and would love to be known, in some way or another, even for just a minute. Hence, it is very important to come with a write up that everybody can understand, not necessarily that these people can relate to it but they can understand it.

2. Pictures speaks a thousand words

To make your blogging worth the browsing effort of your readers, it would be extremely nice if you will put some pictures in it. It does not necessarily mean you have to place a picture of yourself. Any photographs will do as long as it does not pose danger or insult to anyone who will be reading your blog.

3. Make constructive and beneficial blogs

Even if you are free to write anything you wan to say to the world, still, it would be better to create some write-ups that would be beneficial to your readers.

After all, its information technology that you have there so better be inclined to provide information rather than sheer quirky entertainment.

4. Avoid making multifaceted and complicated blogs

In order to have an interesting blogs, try not to use some highly technical and highfalutin words. After all, it is not a science discourse or a debate that you are making, so better stick to simple facts and short blogs.

Bear in mind that most people who use the Internet usually do more scanning than scrutinizing each site word for word. Therefore, it would be better to come with blogs that will not bore your readers just because you have these lengthy articles.

5. Make it interactive

As much as possible and if your capacity will allow it, make your blog interactive. Yu can do this by placing some video or audio clips in your blog.

You can even place an area for comments or for some feedbacks. In this way, you can get some impressions or reactions of other people. Who knows, you might even gain some friends just by making them feel at home in your blog site.

Indeed, blogs are not created just for the mere fun of it. It also has its own purpose in the world of the Internet.
Therefore, for people who wish to harness their craft, as far as writing is concerned, blogs are the best way to do it.

As they say, blogging is the contemporary term of creative and commercial writing.

Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action.

Public Domain Works Marketing Made Easy

Saturday, August 27th, 2025

Public domain information includes works published before 1923, which includes a whole host of literary works, government documents and the like that are still used today. For instance, Shakespeare, Ben Franklin and other famous figures’ writings are available in the public domain free for the taking. Also, any work published in the United States between 1923 and 1963 in which the copyright was not renewed is also available in the public domain.

Tons of the information available in the public domain is still used in education and daily life. Because of this, there is still a market for these works. As a result, there is a market for individuals to take the information available in the public domain and sell it for personal gain. This is not illegal and is done by many individuals and companies. In fact, there are a whole host of businesses that are dedicated to this alone. Be careful, however, to make sure the information you are using and selling is available in the public domain because if you infringe on someone’s copyright there are some stiff penalties.

There are four types of public domain information that include works that copyrights have expired on, works donated to the public domain for public use, anything printed by the government, and general forms, facts, numbers and things of this nature. As you can see, there is an incredible amount of valid information that is available online and free for the taking. However, you might be wondering how to gain access to this information in order to pack it together in a way that you can market and sell. The answer is to search, search and search some more. It might take some effort to find all you are looking for, however it is out there and all you have to do is look until you find it. When you do, it is free to use, market, and sell however you like. Compile a website, book, e-book, or any other product you might be able to sale or supply access to. This is an amazing way to make money and to use information that is free and ready to be published again. A lot of the original work has already been done, so after compiling the information, all you have to worry about is marketing your product!

Public domain works marketing and selling will be easier once you have your information compiled and know who your niche and target markets are and how to reach them. With a little effort, you will be able to make money from a product that was free to begin with and only cost a little effort and time to compile into a new and sellable product.

Publishing With RSS

Friday, August 26th, 2025

By Trina L.C. Schiller

RSS is the interactive communication tool being popularized by bloggers. It is also the newest method for ezine publishers to deliver their content to the web.

RSS puts control back where it belongs. Publishers have control over their content, and subscribers have control over what they read.

This system requires that subscribers manually subscribe to the feeds they choose to read. One simply cannot just enter an email address and hit a subscribe button, attached to an autoresponder.

RSS feeds require an aggregator to read them, similarly to the way a browser reads HTML on a web page. As a result of this necessity, absolutely no one can be subscribed to a feed without consent. This makes the reader 100% responsible for the acceptance of the content to which they have subscribed. The receipt of feed content can never be unsolicited, nor can it be redundant. One cannot have more than one active subscription to a particular feed.

Rather than having to open an over-flowing mailbox, to find the information you are looking for, RSS acts as a special delivery agent, placing the content right next to your toast and coffee. Feeds are delivered straight to the desktop of the subscriber via the aggregator, providing the subscriber with freshly updated information, as it is refreshed by the source [publisher].

The subscriber receives the most recent headlines available, not a bulky periodical, and from there, can choose which articles they want to read, by clicking on that particular headline. When the reader finishes reading the feed, they just exit the program. There is nothing to store, nothing to delete.

Because RSS is set up as a dynamic, interactive system, publishers can allow, and often encourage, reader comments. This fascillitates dialogue between authors and readers, in real time. It invites the reader to express opinions, or ask questions. It provides readers with access to their mentors, that is non-invasive, yet direct.

One consideration to keep in mind is that not all RSS feeds are created equal. Not all aggregators can read all feeds. This is not a case of one size fits all. There are several different versions of RSS feeds, and they are completely different from each other, not mere upgrades of the previous.

More on RSS versions…

Does this mean that one must carry several different aggregators to read various feeds? Not at all. The folks over at, Jim Gray and Carolyn Peltier, have, in their mastery of code, developed their own aggregator, QuikView, that will read all RSS feeds, regardless of version. They offer their ‘channel viewer’ free of charge to anyone wanting to receive information via this medium. If you want to learn about and utilize RSS in your communications, these are the people to follow. They are not your run of the mill gurus, Jim and Carolyn are the ones writing the code and manipulating it to meet their vision. Believe me, these two are not short sighted individuals either.

Quikonnex provides its members with audio and video training, weekly workshops, one-to-one live support, and a forum that is filled with knowledge. Cost of membership: FREE.

RSS is certainly the new generation in communication. There is a learning curve involved, but isn’t that true of anything? We all had to learn to connect to the Internet, surf the web and use email. Learning how to use RSS is no different.

Copyright © 2025
The Trii-Zine Ezine

Purchasing Websites vs Building Your Own

Thursday, August 25th, 2025

Building your own website from scratch is a lot of work. You will have to work very hard, and unless you have thousands of dollars up front to get started, you shouldn’t expect to start earning any serious money until after a year has passed. It takes time for a brand new site to build link popularity, traffic, and content. It is necessary for a website to have these things before it can begin to earn money.

When you build a new website, you may find it hard for seasoned webmasters to take your site seriously. I’ve found that some webmasters will even refuse to exchange links with your site if it is brand new and has a zero page rank. You can avoid this to some extent by adding lots of content to your new site.

Purchasing a website is easier in the sense that if you buy a site that is already established, there is no need to wait long periods of time in order to get it to the point where it is earning money. If you purchase a good website, you should begin earning money within a month of making the purchase.

However, there are a few things you need to know before going out to purchase a website. You need to do careful research on the site you’re interested in to make sure it earns what the owner says it earns. Request from the webmaster a copy of earning statements for the last twelve months.

Join webmaster forums and ask other veteran webmasters their thoughts on the site you’re interested in. Listen carefully to their answers. If more than one person says that they wouldn’t buy it, and gives good reasons for doing so, you may want to take their advice. It is also important to get the website appraised. Make sure that is is worth exactly what the seller says its worth.

You also want to make sure you buy a site rich in content. Check to make sure the content is original and not copied from another source. If you are a busy person who doesn’t have time to build a website from scratch, purchasing a website would be an excellent choice.

However, purchasing an established website which is earning money will not be cheap. You can expect to pay at least $10,000.00 for a three year old website with a pagerank of 5 or 6 which is earning $500 per month. It is important to do your research and look at all the factors involved in both building and purchasing a site.

Reality Check

Wednesday, August 24th, 2025

By: Sandi Moses

In the world of business, there are a few things to watch out for before you get involved as an owner, affiliate, or investor. These are important everywhere, but nowhere more important than for the so-called “internet newbie” who is looking for additional income and/or a better lifestyle. Hype and unrealistic promises that sound oh, so good are everywhere. Let’s pick a few of them apart. Learning to step back and think logically can be a financial lifesaver. It might even help to look at each offer and ask if you would want your kid or your grandparent or your best friend to get involved. If the answer is “NO!” then you shouldn’t, either!

The following is a list of hype and unrealistic promises that should make you think about just what is being offered. Always remember that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

1) Join for FREE! This is, I believe, a legal mandate. They can’t charge somebody to join. And if they could, they shouldn’t! This is about as meaningful as advertising that a certain brand of corn oil has no cholesterol, as if that made it better than other brands of corn oil. Corn oil is a vegetable product and cholesterol is an animal product. No matter how appealing the claim sounds, NO corn oil has cholesterol, ALL corn oil is cholesterol-free, so the claim is meaningless. “Join for FREE” is just as meaningless.

2) Make $12,000 your first week, or make $30,000 a month every month or even . . . Unlimited Monthly Income! Pick whatever dollar value and time frame you want here. It may be theoretically possible, it may be mathematically possible, (that’s how the ads avoid getting into trouble with truth-in-advertising laws) but not at all realistic. It is also theoretically possible for every child born in the United States to grow up to be President, but the likely-hood of that happening for any given kid is miniscule. The same line of logic applies to these wild promises of vast income.

3) No Sales! No calls! No inventory! No work! Spend nothing, do nothing, sit back, and watch the massive residual profits roll in! Earn Money Just Sitting At Your Computer!! GET REAL! If nobody does anything or spends anything or sells anything, where the heck is the money supposed to come from? Remember, everybody joined for free, just like you did! And no matter what they tell you and want you to think, there are no crazed drooling people running around “out there” with fists full of cash begging you to let them spend that wad of money on your latest “business venture.” It just ain’t gonna happen. Do you know anybody like that? Neither does anyone else.

4) Make $5 stuffing envelopes. Businesses have machinery that folds the paper and stuffs it into the envelope faster than your eyes can follow. Why the heck would they pay people $5 to stuff each envelope when they are mailing out hundreds or thousands of them every day? They are in business to make a profit, not keep you off of welfare, and all of this mindless, mechanical stuff is done by machinery. This is an out-right scam. You pay somebody $5 to find out that in order to get your money back you have to con some other sucker into paying you $5 so you can tell them to con yet another sucker out of $5, and so it goes. I see these on Google AdWords and AdSense often. Google should have enough integrity to refuse such ads.

5) Double your money every few hours or days. Money doublers are Ponzi schemes and illegal. The first people in might make their money back, but it comes only out of the pockets of the later arrivals. It is not mathematically possible for the last people to even break even. These scams always collapse on themselves, leaving most of the participants as losers. People who start them up are thieves, taking advantage of the financially desperate, knowing full well they will fleece the pockets of people who have little or nothing and skipping off to another internet address to do it all over again. People of integrity should avoid them because they always leave a trail of victims. If the perpetrators are tracked down and caught, they go to jail.

6) Promising to share “secrets” with you. What kind of secrets? How the “big dogs” or “gurus” make a gazillion bucks, and you can, too. Secret Strategies, Insider Secrets, Secrets of how ordinary people (like you) made megabucks and now live the lifestyle you want (usually accompanied by photos of models - singles, couples, families - at the beach, in front of a mansion, with an expensive car, etc.) Many of these “offers” are hyped in extremely l-o-n-g sales pages, which include a lot of verbiage designed to make you believe you are really losing out if you don’t take advantage of whatever they have to offer. At the bottom of the page, after telling you how much more it is worth than this, you will see a price of $97 or $x97 or even $xx97! Sometimes you have to click on a link before you find out how much of your money they want. Either they are embarrassed to admit they are charging so much, or it’s a case of “if you have to ask, you can’t afford it.” Neither is good. The sad truth is; there are no “secrets.”

7) Beware of “lead capture pages” that entice you with benefits but don’t tell you a darn thing about who they are or what they do. You know; remind you of how much you hate your boss, hate your commute, hate missing out on your kids’ activities, hate being unfulfilled, hate being broke etc. They offer you the moon in exchange for your name and email address. Gotcha! If they are not willing to tell you anything about them, don’t tell them anything about you. Find something else. Many affiliates will post such pages on traffic exchanges, because they only have 15-20 seconds to get your attention, but if you do a Google search for the business you can often find out more about the company either from their own website or from posts on various forums. Find out all you can before you sign up for anything.

8) Guarantees. Some places will guarantee to get you traffic to your website. Are all those visitors surfing for credits just to get traffic to their site? Some will guarantee to get you sign-ups. Do they speak your language? Can they send money from their country to yours? If not, how will you communicate with them and how will they pay you? Some guarantee to get your website listed at the top of the search engines. Think about it. Only one site is at the top of the search engine listing for any given term. These people are promising something they cannot possibly deliver to thousands of potential customers. How are they going to get thousands of new customers into the same #1 spot????? Don’t fall for it. Some almost guarantee a certain level of income. None of them have the power to guarantee any of that or almost anything else. Some will guarantee to do something for you such as create a website, and the implication is that the money will start flowing in. They will create the website, but they cannot cause money to flow into your bank account. You will have to learn how to market whatever is on the site before you start making any money.

This is a long article but a short list. Please spend your money wisely. Don’t be in a hurry. Genuine business opportunities will still be there in 6 months and six years. Some of the garbage will be gone (with your money) in six weeks or even six days.

Reasons to Start a Blog

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2025

Blogs, otherwise known as web logs, is both an online diary and a guestbook. Anyone can set a blog account or function on their website and then post entries on it. As part of the blogging function, it can either be set up as a private journal where people can just read what is posted or it can be set up in such a way where readers can get together and then place their own comments on your entry or to each other.

Blogs can be considered as opinion pieces on a particular topic or field. There are topic specific blogs where entries are limited to the topic set by the blogger. There is also an area specific blog which can be a resource on particular place. There are also blogs that are set up as a source for news on a highly specialized topic of field that would otherwise be ignored by the general media. Blogs can be used by internet marketers and business owners to promote a website or use the internet traffic generated by the blog to promote a product, service or an affiliate program (as a separate source of income).

Internet marketing professionals highly encourage website and business owners to start their own blogs because they acknowledge that it is a powerful tool for internet marketing.

Here are some reasons why starting a blog is a great business move:

Blogs allow you to stay in touch with the subscribers and clients. A blog allows you to keep communication lines open with so that you can always interact with subscribers or readers. It also helps nurture trust in you as an individual and owner of a business owner.

It’s a great way to get regular feedback. A blog’s feature that enables readers to post comments is a great way of getting feedback from your clients. Clients and readers can comment on what you have posted and these replies can help you determine what they need.

A blog is not labour intensive. You don’t need a knowledge of HTML or other web designing skills to make and post blogs. Most bloggers use WYSIWYG HTML editors to help in the blogging function. These very easy to use and require very little technical skills, if at all.

A wonderful way to disseminate information. The biggest benefit of blogging is that you can post articles in the form of articles or reviews. These articles can help lift your reputation as an expert in your field.

It is a big help to your page ranking. Blogs are so rich in content that search engines can’t get enough of them. The fact that blogs also offer new content makes it attractive to search engines.

It is a great vehicle for advertising. Blogs can be a great venue for advertising because of the potential for the community to achieve a massive number of participants. It is also a cost effective advertising platform.

Reciprocal Link Building That Works

Monday, August 22nd, 2025

However, gone are the days of simply asking for a link (in exchange for a link from your site) and actually getting one. These days, bland reciprocal link requests such as these almost never yield any benefit because they are simply ignored. Think about this old-school approach from the email recipient’s point of view to understand why your link requests are ignored.

Webmasters of quality sites, the ones you want to get links from, are constantly dealing with link requests. 9 times out of 10 the webmaster simply sees “Link Exchange” and deletes the email. I know I do. I have more important things to do than to entertain requests that are most likely for sites that are not even relevant to mine.

And like most webmasters, I don’t give the link requester the chance to even prove if it is relevant (meaning, I don’t read the email). I’ve seen so many of these emails that they seem to hit the “Deleted Items” folder as fast as the Viagra spam emails.

So, this is the first hurdle, getting your email read. If your subject line resembles a link request at all, busy webmasters will see it as such and simply delete it. You have to put yourselves in their shoes. What would get you to read the email?

Well, how about starting off by telling them what YOU can do for THEM, instead of the other way around. This simple tactic works much better. Which one would you open:

A) Subject: “Exchange links with”
B) Subject: “Love your site! As my way of saying thanks…”

In the body of the email you can introduce yourself and your site, and explain what you are trying to accomplish with your site.

Now, the following method varies slightly depending on what type of site you have that you are trying to get links for. Most sites fall into 2 categories: content sites and e-commerce sites. Is your site offering valuable content to your visitors (such as information on the best local golf courses), or is your site selling something (software or an ebook or something)? Your site will be one of these types.

If it’s a content site then the process of acquiring links is much easier, because you simply have to convince the potential link partner that your site would be of value to them and their visitors. You could use an email such as:

“Hi there,

I just saw your site at _______ and think it’s a great resource for our new _____ site. Our _____ site is unique because ______(here is where you would stress the value of your site)_________. Check it out at _________. Since our ____ site is like nothing else on the net, and we are quickly becoming the favorite resource for ____.

I am going to add your link to my site in a prominent location (with few outbounds on your link page) and was wondering if you would do the same.

The traffic we can send each other will be highly targeted and both of our visitors would appreciate and benefit from this link swap.

Again my site is at _________. Check it out!

Let me know if you would like me to add your link to the site.


____ (name)”

This type of email works well, and should net you a bunch of links if your content site truly is of value to the email recipient and his/her visitors.

Now, if your site falls under the second category, an e-commerce site, you need to put a little more work into your requests using the following approach. The body of the email would go on to explain that, as your way of saying thanks for a great site, you would like to offer them a complimentary copy of your ebook…or a copy of your software…or provide a service to them (copywriting, ebook design, graphic design)…whatever…in exchange for a link from their site. If they link to your site, you will provide them with something in return, other than simply a link back from your site.

And it doesn’t have to be your main product either. You can put together a valuable little bonus for link partners, or you can acquire master resell rights to something that you think would be of interest to them and offer them this. The key is to be creative. If you think about it just a little bit, I’m sure you can come up with something to give away in exchange for some highly valuable links.

I have used this tactic successfully several times and it always works beautifully. People love this because there’s actually something in it for them, unlike the dozen other boring reciprocal link requests they simply deleted. Trust me, it works.

But the key is that you have to approach the right sites - RELEVANT SITES. I can’t stress this enough. You cannot simply use this tactic as a blanket approach and send out as many emails as you can. If you do that, there goes the personalization and credibility you are hoping comes across in your email. You have to find only relevant sites that are truly valuable to you as a link partner.

And if your goal is simply to get top search engine rankings and not just the desire to have a ton of links pointing to your site, you don’t have to send out hundreds of these requests - if they are properly targeted. This is especially true if you are in a relatively untapped niche market, because only a handful of the right links will get you top search engine rankings. After you get these links you will get listed at the top of MSN in a couple days, Yahoo in a couple weeks, and Google in a couple months. They all index and rank pages differently, but they share a common trait in that they all place an extremely high value on relevant backlinks. More so than any other SEO tactic out there, in fact.

So, how do you find relevant sites? Well, ideally these sites would not only be relevant but also would have a decent Page Rank as well as few outbound links on the page you would like to be linked from. As a rule of thumb, the higher the Page Rank and the fewer the outbound links the better. The PR Prowler program does exactly this. It allows you to enter in the keywords that relate to your site and specify a minimum Page Rank for your potential link partners, then it returns a list of highly valuable and, more importantly, relevant link partners for you and shows you the value of each one as a link partner. It can also email these sites from within the program (and customize each email), so you just have to craft your message and click “Send”.

Bottom line: You have to be smart when you approach sites these days. With all the spam laws and email regulations in place, not to mention the resource drain on all those involved, you must only contact relevant sites to get links back to you. And by doing this in a creative fashion whereby the email recipient actually gets something of value in return for a simple link on their site you increase your chances of landing these valuable links tenfold. Not only does this boost your link popularity and search engine rank, but these relevant links are great traffic generators in and of themselves. It’s a double-whammy, and an internet marketing tactic you should not take lightly.

Put some work into your link requests, and it will pay off in the end.

Redscowl Bluesingsky SEO Contest

Sunday, August 21st, 2025

Search engine optimization (SEO) helps a website easily appear in the radar of a search engine. Webmasters are fully aware of the needs of SEO for the best performance of their websites in search engines. SEO is important as millions of internet users use search engines to find out what they want. So Redscowl Bluesingsky SEO Contest has started at Dec-25-2005.

There are both ethical and unethical SEO practices. In the Redscowl Bluesingsky SEO Contest everything is allowed. They are broadly called White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO. The black hat SEO artificially improves the ranking by trading links with a lot of websites. A White Hat SEO works within the guidelines of search engines, and while not looking for the loopholes in the rules. Professional SEO consultants offer both.

It is good on your part to select the SEO company that offer SEO service, with permitted SEO techniques. James Saunders is a SEO Expert The SEO company that offers affordable SEO services can help in the optimization or SEO-ing your site. Make sure you choose professional SEO consultant James Saunders who is an expert SEO who uses permitted SEO tools.

James Saunders has joined the Redscowl Bluesingsky SEO Contest at Feb-14-2006 (very late — 14 Days before contest ends) with the domain:

To find more about this SEO contest visit:

Rules to join this contest:

The domiain must be new (registerd after December 25, 2025) to be eligible.
One prize per person
One prize per domain
Any tld is okay.
All entries must have a username (email address) clearly posted somewhere on the page (If you are worried about spam, feel free to register a new email address or use [at] instead of @)
Only one username must exist on each page entered
White Hats, Black Hats, Green hats, Tinfoil Hats… All kinds of SEOs are welcome.
You may enter as many sites as you want, but you must include your user name (email address)
Choosing the Winners

The winners will be chosen from only.
SafeSearch Filtering will be OFF
1st Place must rank #1 in for the keyword phrase without quotation marks.
The winners must hold the winning position in most Google Data Centers.
The winner will be chosen on Friday, March 3rd 2025.

Dates and Rules are subject to change if necessary (just in case of another jagger happens in march). will make the final decision of the winners of the SEO contest.

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