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Archive for March, 2025

Why have a website?

Thursday, March 31st, 2025

There are so many valid reasons why owning and operating a website is important. Reaching your target market in your own area is one thing, but having a website allows you to reach your target market world wide. Many more individuals and companies are becoming computer and internet savvy, this means to stay atop of the competition, you need to have a website that is not only informative but functional and professional. If marketed properly you should have sales or contacts via your website that are valid and valuable.

Every business needs to have an advertising campaign, and including your current website in that is vital to success on the internet. It’s not good enough to just have a website; you need to invest time and money into your online business. Between pay per click advertising and the search engine marketing, it is more important than ever to keep the online public aware of the services and goods you provide. Whether you decide to hire out these tasks to a web design or marketing company or do the job yourself, it is the most important factor to getting your website awareness out there to the public.

If you own a business and it is not online, this is really a huge factor that needs to be considered. Not only will owning a website help your current clients, with items such as your office hours, prices or services available, it will allow your online audience to see what great products and services you offer, and possibly inspire them into action!

Why Search Engines Purging ODP Clone Websites?

Monday, March 28th, 2025

What is Dmoz Directory (ODP )
The Open Directory Project is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory on the web. It is owned by "Time Warner" and constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors, and is truly unique in many ways. The Open Directory, also known as DMOZ (the domain name of ODP), is a large, categorized directory of websites and pages, which is staffed by volunteers. Every website and page that is added to the directory has to be manually reviewed before it is included. Since its index is manually constructed and edited, categorization and relevancy is superior to any other index of its kind and equally as unique, is the fact that this data is open and free to the public for replication. As of July 2025, ODP had about 4.6 million listings organized into over 580,000 categories derived from the contributions of some 69,000 editors.

How is this free data been used to make Dmoz Clone?
There are a lot of ODP scripts to make clone of the ODP. These scripts enables you to add live data of the Open Directory Project at to your own website using a very easy to customize template based system. Users can browse and search categories of websites. These scripts that grabs live contents of the Open Directory dynamically and formats them to make your own version of the Open Directory. These are small scripts have few files to just uploaded on your server and you can get Thousands of Dmoz directory pages on your site in your own templates design. These scripts just get live data from and it has no original new contents.

Does Dmoz Clone bring traffic?
Webmaster do not like Dmoz clone websites as they have not original content rather have duplicate contents and no body will like to link a site or vote a site which has duplicate contents. Most people will not even browse your directory. Most people will just browse 2-10 pages of your directory, they will just leave and never come back.

Why Search Engines are against Dmoz Clone?

There are various reasons which are explained as:

1. There is no Original Content which is required to make a Quality Site.

2. Duplicate contents as all scripts extract live data from Dmoz and create thousands of similar pages on the web.

3. The Dmoz directory has more than 580,000 categories If thousands of site will grab the live contents from Dmoz it will results into creation of millions of similar pages which is making web a junkyard of similar pages with nothing new.

4. The Dmoz clone sites has thousands of pages created on fly with no extra hardwork and lot of spammer are using it for advertising or Google adsense program

5. The lot of webmaster has just created a section of Dmoz to get inbound links from thousands of pages to increase link popularity and search engine ranking

6. Text link advertiser also created Dmoz clone to sell links on thousands of pages to increase artificially link popularity of text link ads buyers.

Which kind of Dmoz clone Search Engine’s will Like

Search engines are concerned with presenting quality results to there users If you can modify and enhance the data retrieved from Dmoz and present in unique format it will definitely be preferred by Search Engines, Webmaster and Web Surfers. Google has got its own directory for which it has got data from Dmoz but enhanced by Google technology i.e ranking of sites on each directory page by Page Rank.

Using ODP Clone Scripts just to make simple odp clone will get your site banned from search engines due to duplicate contents. Therefore it is advised not to use this virtually useless script on important sites or sites that rank well on search engines. Lot of ODP Clone Scripts makers sites were banned, because too many websites with duplicate content ( as they all have Dmoz clone) were linked to them. These scripts owner require there site URL to be linked at the footer as "Powered by …" Which results into link farming or inbound links from similar pages.

Therefore if you want your site or directory to be safe and run for longer times then have original and unique contents in it which will not only make it rank but also get good traffic on your site and increase its popularity.

Why Some Experts Are Completely Wrong About Linking…

Sunday, March 27th, 2025

If you have read some information about reciprocal linking and other linking tactics in order to better promote your website, you have probably found some seriously differing opinions as to what the purpose of linking is.

There are a wide range of articles and books about linking that come from polar opposite views as to why and how you should conduct a linking promotion campaign.

Most people, to this day, think that linking is solely for search engine results and link popularity as it is defined by Google. In fact, that is the sole reason thousands and thousands of webmasters exchange links.

They think it is for “pagerank” and link popularity as a boost to search engine rankings.

One of the biggest misconceptions about my own courses, Power Linking and Power Linking 2: Evolution, is that what I teach is for the purpose of manipulating search engines. Not at all!

I have said many times over the years that search engine positioning and traffic come as an added benefit to a solid linking campaign. Although I teach what you can expect from a good linking campaign with regard to the search engines, there is no reason to go out of your way to get good rankings - they are automatic if your site is basically optimized and has good content.

What isn’t automatic is the spread of your URL across the web on thousands and thousands of real websites. (Not FFA pages or junk “neighborhoods”)

Hard working webmasters and business owners are missing the boat due in large part to the misinformation and misguidance of hobby experts who think they know what the real power of advanced linking tactics are all about.

Someone wrote to me today and said “If you are the linking expert, why don’t you have a lot more backlinks? I just checked Google and they only show…”

This is the problem with so many people expecting that the world revolves around that search engine. I love Google and the traffic I get from them. I think they are the best search engine hands down right now. But judging my success through them and what they deem as important is a big mistake.

Here’s Why

Google only counts links that have a certain pagerank. Everything else, even if it is MORE relevant and sends me MORE traffic than the links Google chooses to show you when you check backlinks, is left out.

Well, that’s because Google wants to show stats that way. It’s their search engine and they can do what they want. But from a Power Linking perspective, the stats you get when checking backlinks at Google are totally irrelevant. I never use them to check how many people are REALLY linking to me because I am not playing the “linking for ranking” game the majority of other website promoters are.

I am interested in links from sites where my target market surfs and will likely SEE my link and visit. This was the original intent of linking since the beginning of the internet. And it will be no matter what any search engine deems important or not important in the future.

I try not to link with sites that hide their partner directories. You can see my explanation of this at one of my new partner directories here:

Linking is the only constant in website promotion. It was the first form of promotion and it will always and forever be the core of any successful website promotion campaign.

I have a piece of software I use to find ALL the links to my sites regardless of their pagerank. For one of my sites Google shows only 243 links - this software shows all 3900. It shows ALL the people who are linking to me, which is so incredibly more important than just the links with a pagerank of 4!

You can download the software for free here and see for yourself with your own site:

The software above will not only tell you exactly how many links you really have pointing to your site(s), but it has very valuable and useful SEO and linking resources.

Chances are you never knew just how many people were already linking to you, even if your site has been only marginally visible on the web for 6 months or more.

Now you can clearly see why there is a glaring lapse in logic in the argument that a site is not important if only so many backlinks show up in Google.

My stats are showing me that, on my Power Linking site, I got traffic from over 3000 referrers last month. Google was ONE of them.

If Google goes down, a LOT of people are going to be out of business until they come back up. Not me. Not ever. People who practice Power Linking using way more than just reciprocal linking directories never have to be slaves to the search engines or be fearful of changing algorithms and search engine updates.

I don’t pretend to be a search engine expert by any stretch. I dabble in SEO tactics. I have business associates I trust who know way more than I would ever care to about search engines.

My principle purpose in promoting my site is to get visitors
(and send visitors) to and from my linking partners and from non-reciprocal links I place all over the net every month.

In many peoples’ search for the “holy grail” they have completely skipped over the basics of website promotion and usually they end up nowhere. You cannot grasp the higher end stuff if you have no concept of the basics.

Linking, even in advanced tactics, is far safer, more stable, yet far easier for the layman to understand and implement. And it takes you less time to learn than trying to constantly reverse engineer search engines trying to “break in” to the top ten.

Lots of people found out what a waste of time that was when the Florida update came around. All the work thousands of sites put into their rankings vanished in the blink of an eye. Because they didn’t have any backup source of traffic. Because they only did search engine marketing and optimization.

My site, surprisingly, stayed right where it was through the whole thing. It didn’t move up, but it didn’t go down in rankings either. (Not that it would have mattered terribly much since most of my traffic comes from other sites anyway!)

I don’t pretend to understand why my sites all pulled through that big update and I don’t much care. A visit to a few of the top SEO forums had me more confused than ever. No one ever seems to agree what’s going on, nor can they accurately predict what will happen with the search engines.

Many of them carry titles of “SEO Expert” yet the experts are all fighting each other over how to get high rankings. I just leave them to their arguments and keep Power Linking.

Links are and always will be the lifeblood of any website. Sticking to a well-planned and constantly implemented linking campaign grounded in proven results, time and again, will always get your business through the massive changes that seem to come and go with the search engines.

Search engine companies have a job to do which is provide results people are looking for. That is not our job. Ours is to provide visitors with good content and products and get as many “avenues” of traffic coming in from as many different static, relevant sources around the net as possible.

If you do your job properly, the search engines will reward you with traffic by default. If, in fact, your site is one of the most relevant to a particular search phrase, you WILL show up. You don’t have to understand intimately all the workings of the algorithms and programs that make it happen. That’s not your job.

You just have to know that your site should have good content, be basically optimized, and have as many links as you can find pointing to it, and all the other great things will follow.

Only working on the parts of linking that affect the search engines is leaving out a free traffic bonanza and putting you in a position of depending solely on the search engines for traffic.

Lots of people take that risk. I have sites I risk with just engine traffic too. But I knew the risks going in and for those sites, if I lose my rankings because of a new shift in policy in a big engine, I am able to take the loss because they are not part of my core business.

Plus all of the sites I have that fall into that category are being developed to be power linked so that they evolve into solid sites that don’t continue to rely just on search engine traffic.

Many search engine experts are more comfortable in the lopsided focus on search engines marketing. But they are experts and know what to do to roll with the punches. Most people are not experts and should focus on a well-rounded promotion campaign so that you are never at the whim of a single or just a few traffic sources.

It seems like common sense when you look at it that way, but it is so easy to get caught up in the allure of search engine marketing and leave your other responsibilities on the sidelines while you focus all your attention on understanding and playing the search engine game.

That is not something, especially if you have a board of directors, that would be approved of in most businesses. You owe your business more than that. Being responsible and covering all the website promotion bases is what gives your business stability and provides growth in the long term.

For further insight you can navigate to my marketing web log and check out a telling statistical study I did on one of my sites to see where my traffic comes from. You might be surprised at the results!

See the report here:

Why wont your advetising work!

Thursday, March 24th, 2025

This atricle shows you how!

The Electric Money Tree Organization is going to explain here, exactly how you can generate a huge income which flows in every day for the rest of your life with minimal effort on your part by using that much-hyped tool the Internet. And as society becomes more accustomed to the Internet the following principle will only become more efficient.

Probably you’ve heard about all the money that can be made on the Internet. Maybe you’ve tried Internet Marketing and been unsuccessful. I very much doubt that anyone reading this has been successful because most of the talk about how you can make your fortune on the Internet is hype to take your money.

This hype is spread by those who are seeking to profit from the hopes and naivety of entrepreneurs new to the Internet by selling them bogus but expensive marketing tools.

Lets be precise here: What you want and need is a way of bringing in large volumes of visitors to your site, most of whom are interested in buying your chosen product.

The following are the most common methods offered to the aspiring entrepreneur and NONE of them work. We thought it best to share them with you first of all.

What Doesn’t Work?

(This list could save you a fortune in wasted advertising money)

Mass Mailing Programs: These are programs which you load into your computer and which then enable you to mail thousands of addresses per night with a sales letter. They do not work because you cannot ordinarily obtain good addresses. (See below) You have to buy the program to learn this of course.

Mass Mail (Spam) Lists: These are sold cheaply by the million for use with the programs above. People do not realise that not only are the addresses random rather than targeted-by-interest but they are all mailed thousands of times by everyone who purchases either the Mass Mailing Program or lists. Results: Expect one per ten thousand with a good letter and appealing, cheap product. And your ISP will shut down your Web Site.

Opt-In Lists: These rented mailing lists are much more expensive and hardly any better than those above. The names on the lists have allowed incoming mail in a certain subject in return for some other benefit. This does not mean they are interested in buying anything and they usually get 500 offers per day. You never see the names but have to trust the list owner that the names exist and are mailed. You have no recourse following a negative result. And a negative result is what you will get.

Banner Advertising: For a set (and hefty) fee your advertisement appears a certain number of times on the screen of a number of computer users. (Allegedly) The ad can be slightly targeted but, again, there is no reason to suppose the viewer wants to buy anything. Banner ads do not give a cost effective return for anyone other than the person who sells the banner space.

Affiliate Programs: These are where you recruit and set up people to sell your product for you on the Internet. The system has part of an idea which works and which we will examine elsewhere, affiliates in principle are a very good thing, but normally it involves other people trying, hopelessly, to do what you cannot - find clients on the Internet. You end up with a large recruiting bill and lots of affiliates doing nothing. (Unless you know how to sell on the Internet and can tell your affiliates. See below.)

News Groups: There are tens of thousands of news groups on the Internet where people meet to exchange ideas on all manner of subjects. Some are concerned with marketing. If you post an advertisement on a news group which is not related to your business the members get really cross and do not buy - they shut you down. If you post to a group which accepts marketing your ad is buried under thousands of other ads which people post and no one ever reads. Expect zero results.

So What Does Work?

Targeted Emailing: This is similar to direct mail by post with one vital exception - The % take-up rate is lower. Delivery is cheap but the rental lists are still quite expensive. Rental prices are coming down and there are now some “fair” lists around. This will improve as the Internet gains acceptance amongst the population and people become more used to buying directly from an email approach. The advantages are that return on investment is already much higher than snail-mail and it is much quicker and more amenable to automation.

Internet Two-Step Is Currently By Far The Best Way To Sell Effectively Using The Internet.

This is how it is done: You have to use a web page as a sales brochure and run it like “Two-Step” in a conventional mail order business. We call this - strangely enough - “Internet Two Step”. Using this secret, known only to a few marketing professionals, is how you can make your own fortune and keep the money rolling in for the rest of your life.

What Is Conventional “Two Step”? In conventional mail order there are two ways to sell a product: Either “Off the page” or “Two Step”. Off The Page involves a large and expensive advertisement in a magazine or newspaper. It includes the order form and asks for payment with order after “selling” the product. The disadvantage is the size of ad-space, and therefore expense, required to explain and sell a product. The advantage is that with low cost products, say under £20, it “pulls” well and avoids the immense amount of administration and expense necessary to handle many thousands of enquiries.

Two Step is where a much smaller, cheaper ad is used to attract the potential client’s interest and he is asked to telephone for free details. The disadvantage is that there is a great deal of expense and administration involved in collecting names and sending out a sales brochure to each enquirer. The advantage is that the ad is much cheaper. With conventional media it’s a case of “Horses for courses.”

How Does “Internet Two Step” Work? First you set up a web page as your “sales brochure”. The Internet is extremely well suited to this use with full color display and also sound and movies available. An Internet web site can be immeasurably more appealing and effective as a sales tool than can a printed brochure. Your potential market for the right product is the entire civilised world and you can offer your web page in translation to reach everyone.

You doubtlessly know it is possible to collect money over the Internet by credit card. Be aware that many people still prefer to send cash or cheque so you might offer this facility with a “print out” order form if your product is appropriate. The hurdle which stops most businesses is that, having put up their Web Site Brochure, they then try to use the Internet to drive clients to their site: This is difficult to do cost effectively as you have seen above so do not try.

Instead, run the same type of ad in conventional media that you would use to attract enquiries for “Two Step” but ask the reader to visit your Web Site instead. A huge number will if your ad is right. You gain the same advantage of a far lower advertising spend and combine it with zero brochure production and distribution costs.

You also obtain a much higher conversion rate on enquiries because a well designed site sells the product better than a brochure ever could. Once your site is set up you just have to get an advertisement in front of your target audience and the orders will flow in as fast as you can process them. And orders can be processed automatically with the right product and set-up.

A few (pounds or dollars) invested in advertising can bring in tens of thousands of (pounds or dollars) worth of orders.

Internet Two Step is the future of mass marketing and you are among the first entrepreneurs to learn of it. Use it well and MAKE YOUR FORTUNE.

Taking That Vacation….

The beauty of the Internet combined with the power of computers is that just about everything can be automated.

Running a shop you have to be there or get a headache employing staff.

Running a direct snail-mail program you spend all your time chasing mailing houses and fretting over delivery and responses. There is also masses of work to handle a successful response - orders to process, cheques to bank and orders to ship. There is more work than an outsider would credit.

Selling from a web site, however, is a different animal entirely.

Yes, you do have to get the site set up in the first place and complete the following once-and-for-all tasks:

Choose the right product

Design your Web Site

Arrange to accept payment by credit card

Arrange for the automatic despatch of the information-based product

Publish your site

Place your advertising and recruit your affiliates

When this list is completed you have little else to do because the advertisements or affiliates bring the visitors to your site. The site sells and ships your product automatically.

You can check your bank account over the Internet from any beach in the world.

You can even re-book advertising from your deck chair.

Do you know a better way to make money?

Why You Must Have More Than One Niche Sites.

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2025

No? Well, it’s extremely famous in financial planning.

Those financial planners will tell you that in order for you to minimize risk of lost, you should have different types of investment to generate multiple income streams.

This is to lower your risk of putting all of your eggs in one basket.

Do you know that the same concept applies to your online business?

Let’s say you have a niche website targeted for dog owners and you’re making a good income each month from it.

Do you know how fragile an internet business can be?

Once someone find out how profitable your online business is, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how you’ve achieved it.

Don’t believe me? Here are some food for thoughts for you.

If you are getting traffic from Jv partners, what’s stopping your competitors from contacting them to offer a better compensation than yours?

Ooh. You think your Jv partners won’t take the bait because they are your friends. Fine.

What happen if your competitors end up becoming their friends by end of the month? Heck, they might be sipping coffee together at StarBucks!

Oops. You’ve just lost 50% of your income when that happens.

Or maybe, you are getting traffic from the search engines. With today’s easy-to-use software, it’s just a matter of time before your competitors figure out how you get top ranking at Is it fair for me to say that they’ll want to copy you legitimately to get the same success as yours?

And here’s the scariest part of all - As long as they are not copying apple for apple, they have the rights to copy you!

You can’t stop them from contacting your Jv partners.

You can’t stop them from writing the same book as yours but with a different angle.

You can’t stop them from reading your salesletter and hiring a better copywriter to write for them.

The only way for you to ’save’ yourself is to have more than one niche sites. So, if you have 4 niche sites and each of them is generating the same amount of income, you know that each site is giving 25% income to you.

If one of your niche sites is taken over by the competitors, you still have 75% income to support you financially.

And remember, we don’t live in an ideal internet marketing world.

Your website hosting, email database and etc can give you unforeseen problems. And you can be wiped off overnight because of this.

Prevention is ALWAYS better than cure. If you already have a profitable niche market, don’t just sit in front of your Tv hoping to cash out money from it each month. Build more online niches, then you can do whatever you want with ease of mind.

If you need to make sure you have a profitable online niche, you can use Niche CheckList to check it out. Go to:

Why you should open an online store for your collectibles, stuff and crafts

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2025

An eStore is a special place where an individual seller can show all of their items and tell buyers more about their business on their own customized pages.

Among the benefits:

-Customization - have complete control over the look and feel of your Store (colors, graphics, content, etc.)

-List items in Store Inventory format for and longer durations. Organize and display your items with your own custom categories

-Buyers can do keyword searches within your Store

-Control which of your other items are cross-promoted when buyers view, bid on, or win an item

-Your Store can have its own Web address (URL) that you can promote to buyers

-you can open a free e-store here:

Why You’re Missing Out on Hundreds of Visitors If You Aren’t Doing This.

Sunday, March 20th, 2025

But I’m an oddball- that’s why you need to remember this one very important fact:

Almost everyone in the online world would rather listen than read if they can.

(And people like me will buy your audio if you let them - I’ve paid for free audio streamed seminars to be sent to me on a CD.)

I can’t name one friend who doesn’t own at least 25 CDs, but only five have more than 7 books. Yes, even if it’s the same material - when faced with clicking an audio link to listen, or reading, they’d rather listen.

Not everyone is a great writer. But just about everyone can talk — or get someone else to talk for them. So here are three reasons why you need to figure out how to have an audio-enabled site today.

1- Visitors love audio. And your site is about the preferences of your visitors, not you, right?


Whew! You scared me for a second there.

2 - Audio keeps people on your site longer.

In a recent conference call by the makers of Instant Audio, a discussion was sparked that detailed many of the reasons why visitors stay longer at your site - particularly on your sales pages - when they are also Audio-enabled.

3- I’ve got one word for you. Podcasting.

If you run a business that has even the simplest web site, even if you don’t have an audio-enabled computer, there’s a way that you can widen your audience, perhaps up to one hundred visitors by this time tomorrow.

This is not an exaggeration.

Podcasting, in lay-persons terms, is simply a way to incorporate audio and other types of media into RSS Feeds.

Some podcasts are full-fledged amateur broadcasts, and others, like the one at my main site, are just quick daily tutorials, tips or greetings, that I like to call mini-casts.

(There’s a free video that will teach you how to do a mini-cast at and there are free how-tos all over the Net.)

Through the power of RSS, folks can then find out about your site in a variety of ways, not just as a one-time visitor, but as a subscriber to your feed, often on their daily trips to their personal pages at My Yahoo, CNet’s Newsgator, or MyMSN.

Just like with regular RSS, every time you update this file with information, your subscribers get an automatic notification.

This is often more efficient in delivery than email marketing - and although ezines and other email communications have not gone the way of the dinosaur, not having an RSS Feed from your site is like being a television network station with only one or two shows. You can think of your average static twelve-page website or weekly newsletter as examples of these shows.

Once the “program” is over, they don’t have a reason to be back. Many web surfers return to your site only because they are reminded.

With an audio-enabled feed, you are taking care of these issues in one shot.

• Update frequently (meaning at least daily) with news, tips or editorials that are relevant to your audience and they’ll be back to listen to and/or read what you have to say.

• Search Engines love sites with feeds. It meets their needs of finding fresh, keyword specific information. If you’re maintaining an updated feed and/or blog, you’re giving the search engines more chances to find you and more reasons to list you. Combine your text posts with audio and you’ve got a search engine magnet.

• With audio, even if your visitor surfs away from your site, your voice is still with them and they’ll start tuning in to your “station” the way they would with traditional broadcasts.

If you put together a podcast feed, whether it’s a quick tips daily show that lasts five minutes, or a weekly half-hour audio show coupled with shorter text-based updates, you’re giving your site an air of distinction.

But don’t listen to me.

Listen to USA Today, or the Washington Times. Both recently ran prominent stories on Podcasting and its growing popularity.

So how do you get yourself properly audio or podcast-enabled?

That’s a little more complex - but starting out can be as easy as filling out a few forms and making a phone call. Now that you don’t even need to have a microphone , money, or a bunch of fancy equipment, there’s nothing stopping you from being able to compete with other sites that offer audio.

Wiki Reek-y Havoc

Saturday, March 19th, 2025

It’s a new form of insidious spam and like its inbred email cousin, it’s staggeringly stupid.

People are vandalizing “Wikis” in an attempt to get free advertising for their business.

First, what’s a wiki?

If you’re not familiar with this little web phenomenon, you should immediately dig in and learn. “Wiki” (pronounced “wee kee”) is Hawaiian for “quick.” And quick it is. The word is used on the web for a page that *anyone* can edit.

When I first heard of this concept I immediately thought “there is no way it will work - it will be utter chaos” but the mass proliferation of wikis and their clear success have proven me wrong.

The medium lends itself to some amazing ideas. For example, the “wikipedia” project is an online encyclopedia that anyone can edit. It’s surprisingly accurate and useful.

Alas, as with all great things on the Internet, there are forces out there ready and willing to muck it up for everyone.

A “wiki vandal” is someone who goes to a wiki and posts erroneous information. Sometimes this is for fun (like posting your boss’s phone number and sexual habits under a wiki entry about “bondage” - hehe), sometimes it’s for damage (like totally erasing an entry just because you are bitter about life), and sometimes it’s for advertising (like editing an entry with links to your bazillion dollar business “op*ortunity”).

Luckily, there are people out there watching the wikis who will change erroneous information quickly. However, sometimes the vandalism is hard to catch and it sticks.

Now, if the wiki vandals were smart, they’d create a relevant encyclopedia entry about themselves and link to it from other wiki entries.

Do it relevantly and intelligently enough and it may just stick and bring you some appropriate attention.

But, of course, we’re talking about spammers here, and there is already an encyclopedia entry for “Down’s Syndrome.”

Wiki - What SEOs can learn from it

Friday, March 18th, 2025

One such opportunity is a Wiki. And while a Wiki won’t suit all sites, there are those that can use a Wiki effectively. If you think you are one of those sites, take a look at this article.

What is a Wiki?

Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit web page content using any Web browser. Wiki supports hyperlinks and has a simple text syntax for creating new pages and links between internal pages on the fly.

Wiki is unusual among group communication mechanisms in that it allows the organization of contributions to be edited in addition to the content itself.

Like many simple concepts, “open editing” has some profound and subtle effects on Wiki usage. Allowing everyday users to create and edit any page in a Web site is exciting in that it encourages democratic use of the Web and promotes content composition by nontechnical users.

A History of Wiki

The first ever Wiki site was created for the Portland Pattern Repository in 1995. That site now hosts tens of thousands of pages. Since then they have grown to become one of the most popular community and web based applications available.

One of the most well known and popular Wiki projects is the Wikipedia.

Why Use a Wiki?

Wikis are growing at a phenomenal pace. This is because, at their core, they are about as simple as can be. That simplicity means that people find them easy to use, just like e-mail and blogs and like e-mail and blogs, Wikis also perform a very useful service in a simple way. A Wiki allows a group of people to enter and communally add or edit entries. These entries can be viewed and edited by anyone who visits the Wiki.

What this means is that, when you come to a Wiki, you are able to read what the Wiki’s community has written. By clicking an “edit” button on an article, you are able to edit the article’s text. You can add or change anything you like in the article you are reading.

This simplicity and the utter openness of a Wiki cause many people to instantly reject the idea. They assume that because anyone can edit a Wiki at any time, the Wiki must be flawed. But Wiki supporters claim this is an incorrect assumption.

This is because users involved in Wikis tend to be self policing. They check and re-check facts entered by themselves and others. Much like bloggers who can spot a spam blog quickly, Wiki users also know when a Wiki looks fraudulent.

Also, while not many Wiki employ it, there is the ability to have editorial control over the Wiki. That means that the Wiki owner can hold approval rights to all entries. Plus many Wikis require a simple registration before allowing entry or editing of articles.

SEM Benefits of Wiki

The biggest benefit of a Wiki likes in its use of heavy interlinking between pages. As a Wiki grows to become a resource it refers to itself more and more often through these links. For example, look at this wikipedia page about Wikis:

One would think that such heavy interlinking would cause the search engine to review the site more closely, potentially marking the site as spam. However, provided the site is useful, and because of the fact that it is a Wiki, search engines tend to let this type of heavy interlinking pass their usually rigorous spam tests.

Also, because it is community based, the Wiki provides an almost endless supply of new and fresh content to the website.

Wiki Resources

If you are interested in Wiki projects and how you could perhaps use one on your site, take a look at these resources.

Will Better Ad Copy Endings Equal Better Sales?

Thursday, March 17th, 2025

Absolutely! The way you end your ad copy can and does make a difference between sale or no sale!

Read these 10 Power Packed Ways To End Your Ad Copy and you will start to see what I mean.

Do not just pick one of these methods at random and assume it will punch up your sales.
Experiment with each of these methods. Or perhaps one or more of these methods will inspire you with a similar idea of your own to try.

The point is and I cannot stress this enough - if you are willing to take the time to check out the different approaches you will soon find one that could

kick your sales over the top.

1) End your ad copy by telling people what will happen if they buy your product. Use your most powerful benefit as the example.

2) Or try ending your ad copy by telling people what will happen if they don’t buy your product. Use a problem that they will not be able to solve without


3) Use this method to end your ad copy, a question they will always say yes too. They then will be used to saying yes when you ask them to order.

4) Or end your ad copy with a short review of your whole ad. Repeat all the major benefits and features they will receive.

5) You could end your ad copy with a deadline. Tell them it is a limited time offer and they need to order by a specific date.

6) Try ending your ad copy with a powerful guarantee. Give them a lifetime or triple your money back guarantee.

7) You could end your ad copy with a testimonial. Use one or two of your customers’ testimonials that is believable and includes specific results. Make

sure you ask your customers permission to run their testimonial in your ads.

8) Or you could end your ad copy with a free bonus. When you give them a free bonus it increases the product’s perceived value.

9) Try ending your ad copy with a discounted price. Just list your regular price and then offer a discounted price off the order right now.

10) Or you could end your ad copy with a free sample or trial of your product. If your ad didn’t attract them to buy, maybe a free sample or trial would.

Do not forget to keep track of your sales during your running of the different ad approaches or you still will not know which method is working best for you.

If you like this information you’ll L-o-v-e the other things we have for you in our F-r-e-e newsletter. Go subscribe right now before you forget, click

this link the sign up form is on the left side of the page.

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