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Archive for the 'Hardware' Category

Mobile Phone Unlocking

Thursday, October 12th, 2025

In the world today, you will but a phone, and it will be locked to one single network. This is because the network providers lock the phones to only accept their SIM cards, so you don’t change network. Well, what if you wanted to change network? There is a simple solution. Unlock your phone!

Reasons to unlock your phone are:

-There are many websites and shops that unlock your phone for around £5.
-You can change SIM card whenever, wherever you like.
-Changing your SIM can save you money, different networks offer different tariffs.
-When you buy a new phone, unlocking your old phone to sell it, or giving it to a friend, means that you will either get a lot more money for the phone (you will attract more people rather then just one group of people on the same network) or you will be able to give the phone away without hassle. Your friend can keep the same card and number.
-You don’t have to take the phone with you to most shops, and you won’t have to send anything off to websites! It is all done remotely, and you receive your codes within 25 hours. All you need is a few details about your phone!

Reasons why not to unlock your phone:

-There are no reasons!
-The price? No! It doesn’t have to cost as much as £5! Many places including my website offer unlocking for a lot of phones for a very small amount!
-You can buy software to unlock you phone for very cheap prices, and the software works for unlimited use!
-Buy cables for your phone to update and flash your phone!

So unlock your phone now!]]>

Mobile SMS Basics

Wednesday, October 11th, 2025

The Basics of SMS

In the age when science is dominating the world, SMS via our mobile phones is a boon of technology. We simply type a text message in the ‘write message’ section of our mobile. This message can be formal or informal. But every phone has a fixed limit of number of characters that can be written. For instance, some have it at 160, while others allow you to type 190 characters on a single page. Once through with writing, we send the message to its desired destination by entering the number of that individual’s cell phone. As soon as the message is delivered, it is signaled by a delivery report. The instant conveyance of message depends on the network of the company whose mobile connection we have.

The Merits of SMS

1. Cost effectiveness- the foremost wonderful aspect of text messaging is its inexpensiveness. While an international call made to say hello, exchange greetings or for any such reason will cost you several dollars, an SMS will do the same job in a significantly smaller amount.

2. Comfort- text message is perhaps the most convenient way to communicate. It enables you to chat with your friends and relatives anywhere anytime. The abbreviated coded text message language is pleasing and time saving.

3. Express your opinion- didn’t you vote via an SMS to your favorite singer in American Idol? SMS is an excellent way to state your choice in matters of public concern. SMS also gives us a chance to win numerous contests happening on TV.

4. Spontaneity- another remarkable feature of text messaging is the speed with which it connects us to people. SMS surpasses the oceans and seas and reaches its target in a few seconds. Text messages can be written and sent while you going to the office, sitting idle in a bus, waiting for a cab, having your meal or even watching television.

The Drawbacks of SMS

1. Text messaging can be addictive especially in case of children. Excess of messaging not only contributes to your cell phone’s monthly bill but it also results in lack of concentration in studies. Porn pictures and clips sent as SMS steer the budding minds in wrong direction.

2. Though SMS has an edge over making phone calls yet it might not serve us with the authentic situation of the person concerned. X might write of his being fine while he is unwell. Whereas speaking to someone over the phone, by and large makes you aware of his actual condition.

3. SMSes are liable to failure due to network problems and the like.]]>

RFID for Beginners

Tuesday, October 10th, 2025

Two Types of RFID Tags

There are two types of RFID tags; active tags, and passive tags. Passive tags do not have their own power supply, but rather receive their power from a tiny electrical current present in the antenna that is induced by an incoming radio frequency scan. Because of the small power present in the system, passive RFID tags are used only in short distances (such as an ID card).

Active RFID tags have a power source and therefore are much stronger and can be used over larger distances and are therefore more highly effective. Active RFID tags also have the potential to store more information than their passive counterparts. Some active RFID tags have a battery life of up to ten years.

The System of RFID

RFID works off of a system that relies on tags, tag readers, tag programming stations, sorting equipment, circulation readers, and tag inventory wands. RFID is generally used in security, because security gates are programmed to read the RFID tags and then either open or close accordingly. The system helps the information be easily transmitted via an RFID device. Systems have evolved over the years along with RFID chips. The hope is that RFID will one day be available to everyone (meaning consumers) because it will be more efficient and cost effective to implement RFID processes.

Where is RFID Used?

RFID can be found almost everywhere. RFID can be found in bookstores and CD stores. The little alarm that sounds if a CD has not been scanned is made possible by an RFID chip. RFID chips are found on animal tags, on books in libraries, in car alarms and car lock systems. RFID can also be used to detect motion. This could be very useful in the coming years in terms of prisons. In 2025 the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRH) approved a $415,000 contract to test RFID technology in prisons. The idea is that the prisoners will ware wristbands that will watch their movement. If there is any movement, which is out of the ordinary, security will be alerted. This technology will be employed in many states in the coming years.


RFID technology seems to have endless possibilities. Some critics of RFID technology say that it violates the privacy of citizens. This is based on the fact that RFID can be used to track whereabouts of people and obtain personal information. Putting all of this power into a little chip makes it undetectable. However, RFID can also possibly be used in driver’s licenses for faster police scanners, and as a way to monitor hospital patients. With every potentially harmful application of RFID, there are several wonderful applications. It will be interesting to see all of the wonderful applications of RFID in the future.]]>

Advice about the latest and accurate help concerning computer components.

Sunday, October 1st, 2025

CDW: Computer Hardware
Shop for the latest desktops, notebooks, printers, electronics and more. Pay just $9.99 for Ground Service shipping of any order up to 70 lbs.

Here’s a few guidelines which we really think you should use when you’re seeking information about computer components. You need to realize the advice we tender is only pertinent to internet based information concerning computer components. We don’t offer any guidance or advice if you are receiving information offline.

Dell Small Business: Hardware & Accessories
Offers weekly specials on a range of computer hardware and accessories.

A great hint to follow when you’re presented with information and advice about a computer components article would be to determine who owns the site. This may show you the people behind the site computer components authority The easiest way to find out who is behind the computer components website is to look on the ‘about’ page or ‘contact’ page.

Any reputable site providing information concerning computer components, will almost certainly provide an ‘about’ webpage which will list the site owner’s details. The info should make known some specifications regarding the owner’s proficency and credentials. You can then arrive at a decision about the webmaster’s familiarity and qualifications, to advise you on the topic of computer components.]]>

Advising on the best opinion in relation to ultraviolet lights.

Friday, September 29th, 2025

When you’re after better advice about ultraviolet lights, you will find it hard unscrambling quality advice from foolish ultraviolet lights proposals and support so it is wise to know how to moderate the information you are offered.

Here’s several guidelines which we think you should use when you are searching for information about ultraviolet lights. Please understand that the advice we offer is only applicable to internet based information regarding ultraviolet lights. We don’t really offer any assistance or guidance for researching in ‘real world’ situations.

Ultraviolet Light - Bargain Prices
Shop fast. Buy smart. Shopzilla for Appliances! Every product from every store means you get a bargain price. Dont just shop, Shopzilla!

An interesting tip to pursue when offered information and advice about a ultraviolet lights page would be to confirm the sites ownership. This may reveal the operators ultraviolet lights authority The easiest way to work out who is at the back of the ultraviolet lights site is to find the ‘about’ page.

All reputable sites providing information about ultraviolet lights, will almost always provide an ‘about’ or ‘contact’ page which will list the people behind the site. The fine points should detail some indication about the owner’s skill and understanding. You can then arrive at a decision about the webmaster’s familiarity and qualifications, to offer help regarding ultraviolet lights.]]>

Backup and Save your business!

Friday, September 22nd, 2025

Laptop, and all of a sudden the strangest thing happens.
The screen goes black, extinquished like a candle in the

A message appears saying: “The file hal.dll is missing or
corrupt. Windows can not start.” Well you know that 95% of
computer glitches are solved by a simple reboot, so
click…oops, can’t click, no Windows. Ok then, you reset,
and you think you are sure to be OK when the reboot

Wrong! The same error message appears “The file hal.dll is
missing or corrupt. Windows can not start.” How is it
possible for one measly file to kill your system?

DISASTER…What to do now? Phone your tech friend and ask
his advice. He tells you the bad news. You are obliged to
re-install Windows from the original disc! Oh My God! Will
I lose all my programs and data? Yes, you will have to re-
install all your programs. No your data may be safe, but
only if you don’t have to reformat your hard disc.

But, your friend asks, I hope you have all your backups.

DO YOU, because that is the key to saving your business.
You know that in today’s business world, 95% of your
business information is stored on your computer. This
applies not only to online businesses, but also to offline
ones. In this paperless society of ours, business people
are printing less and less of all their transactions.

Think hard. Where the heck did I hide my original Windows
disc? Really, are you organized enough that you can easily
find your original installation discs, along with the code
numbers they need to re-install.

You own some programs you downloaded off the Net, but they
are stored on your hard drive. Are they backed up? When is
the last time you backed up your data, the lifeblood of
your business.

What backup system do you use? Do you use the old-
fashioned tape systems, or do you backup to CD or DVD?
Whichever one you use, the key is that your backups must be
frequent enough to keep you out of major trouble.

Program backups do not have to be constantly repeated like
Data does. Programs do not change, unless you downloaded an
update. Then your update must be saved on your hard drive,
and also backed up.

Data includes so many different things that it’s easy to
forget to back up some items. ‘My Documents’ contains much
of the data, but not nearly all. Do you know where your
Favorite links are stored? Where is your email that you
saved? Along with your email address book, Microsoft hides
these files quite well.

It took me weeks to find, and then remember where they are
hidden in Documents and Settings. I never did find the
email settings, so have not saved those.

Bottom line: what should you back up, and how often?

Whatever media you use, you must have at least 2 current
backups of everything, and preferably 3. If you use CD or
DVD, have you ever noticed how some discs suddenly become
unreadable, and for no apparent reason. It happens oh too
frequently.. I lose up to 15% this way. CDs have an
expected shelf life of maybe 2 years. Some will surely last
longer, too many die prematurely.

Does that mean you should not use CDs or DVDs to back up?
Of course you should. It is the cheapest backup system I know about. But you MUST have more than one copy. I prefer 3.
The proof of this comes when you save your business by
being able to start over because your backups are up to

Imagine if you lose all your programs and have to buy them
over again.

Imagine if you lose all your emails that have your
registration codes for the programs you bought online. And
what about all the sales and purchase data in your emails.
What about your contact list, your email lists, etc.

Imagine losing all your accounting data that you must have
for year-end tax reporting!

Enough said. Programs already backed up on 2 or 3 copies only need to be updated by adding new programs you buy, and upgrades that come out.

Data should be backed up based on the frequency of your
transactions. It could be daily, or every 2 or 3 days if
your business is in the early growth stage..

Without backups…your business may be dead in the water!
Don’t get careless. You may say I will save a disc or two
by backing up less often. Why? One CD-rom disc costs a
buck. Big deal when it means life or death for your

Why take chances. Can anyone predict when you will have a
problem, a computer crash, a new virus? Of course not.
Don’t live dangerously, this is not a thrill ride, it is
your life.

Fred Farah
copyright 2025

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Blu-Ray set to take the world by storm!

Saturday, September 16th, 2025

The advantage with the Blu-ray technology is that the laser beam can be focused much more tightly at the surface of the disc. Tight focus means that a smaller spot will be produced on the surface on the disc, and when the spots become smaller there will naturally be room for more information on each disc. The minimum spot size of any laser depends on a naturally accruing phenomenon called diffraction. The narrow beam of light sent out from a laser will always diverge into a wider beam eventually, due to the natural diffraction of waves. Diffraction will also occur the waves meet an obstruction. By reducing the wavelength of a laser, we can affect the diffraction.

In Blu-ray technology, the diffractions is also affected by the fact that the lens used to focus the light has a higher numerical aperture than the lenses found in ordinary DVDs - 0.85 instead of 0.6. Blu-ray technology based appliances are also equipped with a dual-lens system of supreme quality, and the cover layer has been made thinner in order to prevent unwanted optical effects. All this makes it possible for a Blu-ray laser to focus on much smaller spots. The optical improvements are accompanied with a new method for encoding data which makes it possible to store even more data on the Blu-ray disc.

The standard for Blu-ray technology has been developed as a joint venture between several major manufacturers of PCs and consumer electronics, including Sony and Philips. The group is called the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA). The first Blu-ray recorder was launched in Japan in 2025, by Sony. Today, Samsung, JVC, Matsushita (Panasonic) and LG Electronics are all examples of companies using Blu-ray technology in their products. Hewlett Packard has announced that they will release desktop PCs equipped with Blu-ray technology in late 2025.

The main competitor for the Blu-ray technology is the HD DVD format which is also capable of storing more information than a normal DVD. The Blu-ray technology does however allow for more information per layer than the HD DVD format – 25 GB compared to 15 GB. The Blu-ray technology will on the other hand most likely be more expensive to support, at least initially, which can make the HD DVD a tempting alternative. In a Blu-ray disc, the data is stored extremely close to the surface. This made the first Blu-ray discs extremely vulnerable to scratching and many users preferred the tougher HD DVD discs. Since 2025, all Blu-ray discs are coated with a clear polymer called “Durabis” which makes them much more durable. According to the developers of Durabis, the TDK Corporation, a coated Blu-ray disc will work even after being attacked with a screwdriver.]]>

Book Printing Through the Millennium

Friday, September 15th, 2025

There had been many developments that had great effect on book printing. The technology that spawned the making of records and preserving them was started by the Sumerians in the form of cuneiforms. Cuneiforms are an ancient wedge-shaped script used in Mesopotamia and Persia. Stone tablets would later give way to papers which would then be the main medium of the books as we know it today. Large volumes of books found a home in the Alexandria Library in Egypt during the reign of King Ptolemy I Soter. Ptolemy instructed his scouts to collect every possible book there is in the civilized world and bring them to the library for safekeeping. Original works were duplicated and was promptly returned to its rightful owner. Those returned were the duplicates of course. It would have been interesting to know how the owners reacted upon finding out that they were given mere copies of their books. Then again, we’ll never know. One thing’s for sure, arguing with a king is not good for your health.

Of all the events that transpired having an impact on the printed book, none have greater effect than the invention of the movable type. This process has been used by the Chinese as early as 1041 and in 1403, the earliest book was printed in Korea. Though similar in process, Johann Gutenberg’s invention would have a far greater contribution to the printed book as his movable type was able to print many copies of the same text quickly. Something the Chinese and Korean types failed to do. Gutenberg’s pioneering invention paved the way for later innovations and would serve as the spark for the success of future printers and publishers.

Today, printers can churn out thousands of books in record time. The invention of advanced printers capable of printing thousands of pages in a minute has made this a reality. Due credit is given to the pioneering spirit of early civilizations and of course Johann Gutenberg for making mass production of the printed book a possibility. This rich history has given us modern people the comfort of having books readily available.]]>

Brand New RSS Tool

Wednesday, September 13th, 2025

By Trina L.C. Schiller

Quikonnex has just released its newest in RSS creations! Being a Quikonnex publisher, I would like to be the first to introduce it to you. It is called DeskView, and there is nothing else like it on the Internet!

What is DeskView? Well, it is a desktop application that will allow you, the user, to have direct access to The Trii-Zine ( and other RSS feeds) without having to even open a browser. It is a news portal/ mini-browser. (NOT A TOOLBAR) You simply download DeskView and save it to your desktop. Then, when you want to know what’s new news, you click the icon to open it, log in, and presto! you’ve got news! There is absolutely no adware, spyware… just information you subscribe to.

What can it do? Get ready to be wowed!

Save all your personal bookmarks to your favorite feeds and web pages
Send and receive private personal messages with QMTP
Receive instant notification of news updates
Communicate with your publisher (me!)
Learn more about RSS through direct access to Quikonnex forums and the video library
Just to name a few…

Trii-Zine subscribers who have QuikView and download DeskView, will still have access to everything they’ve saved inside their existing QuikView. The two programs work in tandem, and you can access QuikView from within the DeskView application. How’s that for easy?

The DeskView can be minimized to your system tray, and will generate a small pop up alert in the bottom corner of your screen, whever there is updated information to be read, or you have received a new personal message. How’s that for handy?

All Quikonnex publishers will have the ability to provide this awesome tool to their subscribers, not just the Trii-Zine. And, you can subscribe to any Quikonnex publisher’s channel through a single DeskView. All you have to do is click the tab for the channel directory and all Quikonnex publications will be displayed for your choosing.

If for some reason you should decide not to want to continue your Trii-Zine subscription, although we certainly hope that’s never the case, you simply delete the application from your desktop. You have total control! (Which is as it should be in the first place.)

There is no other RSS or blogging system that has what Quikonnex has… DeskView! The folks at Quikonnex a light years ahead of everyone else when it comes to this technology. All others are just dabbling in it. No one else can offer the tools that Quikonnex can, because Quikonnex builds the programs from scratch, they don’t import them from another source. Jim Gray and Carolyn Peltier are innovators in Internet communications (without email). Shoot! If they ever publically trade stock… I’m buying all the shares I can get my hands on!

Bill Gates has even seen the benefits of RSS in communications. Microsoft is planning a new operating system that will integrate RSS. Ol’ Billy never misses a trick. Too bad for him that he doesn’t have Jim and Carolyn on his payroll. However, that’s a good thing for us! Quikonnex membership is free, and you know Billy will ask top dollar for his system.

I’ve looked a a great many RSS/ blogging products and services out there, and none of them can touch what Quikonnex offers. Not a single one!

Tell ya what… Get your Trii-Zine DeskView, and use it; tell me if I am wrong. You can reach me directly through DeskView. Free Download Here

Copyright © 2025
The Trii-Zine Ezine]]>

Buying a laptop that you can use as a personal assistant

Tuesday, September 5th, 2025

Hard core computer gamers or people who will use their laptops for designing or video production may need more help than just reading about buying laptops. For conventional laptop users, here’s something for you to digest.

The price for laptops varies drastically from brand to brand. Some laptops can cost $500 while some laptops can cost you $6,000. Some entry-level (meaning basic laptops) can be bought for between $600 and $900. If you grab a laptop off eBay or other rebate or dropshipping websites, you might get a mid-range laptop for far less than that.

Even for basic laptop users, the description and specifications for the laptop is very, very important. If you’re not sure, check around and ask your friends for advice on how to buy a good laptop for the lowest price possible. You should be getting a laptop that comes with AT LEAST 512 megabytes of memory. The size of the memory ensures that your laptop can run multiple programs smoothly. As for hard drive, invest in as big a hard drive for your laptop as you can afford. Another thing that you may have to look out before you invest in the laptop is to find out how many USB ports that the laptop has. Most laptops come with at least 2 USB ports, the more the better. If you use a camera or thumb drive (disk key), this is where you insert the cable – the USB ports. You don’t want to have to remove the USB cable for your printer and mouse every time you try to save pictures from your camera to your laptop! Some laptops come with slots for camera memory cards, for instance, your compact flash cards.

If you’re keen on getting a Windows based laptop, the security of your laptop should be at the top of your priority lists. Windows SP2 XP should be ideal because it comes with antispam, antispyware, antipopups and antivirus programs. Some laptop retailers may offer you cheap or free programs that you can install into the laptop as a second layer protection to your laptop.

Other factors to take into account when shopping for laptops are the screen size, the life of the battery, the processor of the laptop, screen and keyboard, wi-fi networking, size and weight of the laptop.

Dakota Caudilla, journalist, and website builder Dakota Caudilla lives in Texas. He is the owner and co-editor of on which you will find a longer, more detailed version of this article.]]>

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