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Archive for the 'Email' Category

14 Ways To Persuade Your Web Site Visitors To Give You Their Email Addresses

Wednesday, June 28th, 2025

To help get your creative juices flowing, here are 14 tips you should consider:

1. Ask visitors to subscribe to your e-zine. It’s a good idea to also give them a freebie when they subscribe.

2. Have them sign-up to get access to download a free ebook. The subject of the ebook should be related to your target audience.

3. Give your visitors a free membership inside your member’s only web site. Have them sign-up to receive a user name and password.

4. Hold a free contest or sweepstakes at your web site. Ask them to give you their contact information to enter.

5. Offer your visitors free consulting via e-mail. Have them fill out a web form to e-mail you with their questions.

6. Hold an interactive poll on your web site. Ask your visitors to e-mail you their vote or opinion.

7. Ask your visitors to sign-up for a chance to get a web site award. Have them e-mail you their contact and web site information.

8. Have visitors fill out a survey on your web site. Give them a free gift as an incentive to complete the form.

9. Offer a free online service from your web site. Have visitors fill out their contact information to sign-up to the free service.

10. Ask visitors to sign your guest book. Tell them they will get a free gift in return.

11. Offer a free affiliate program for your visitors. They will have to sign-up in order to receive marketing materials and commissions.

12. Allow visitors to submit a free classified ad on your web site. Require them to give a valid e-mail address in order to post an ad.

13. Give people who visit your web site a free course sent via autoresponder. Just ask them to fill out their contact information to receive the free course.

14. Offer your visitors free software to download. Have them sign-up to get an access code to unlock the software.

All 14 steps above seem really easy. It’s one thing to read and go “ahh” and another thing to read those steps and actually take solid action. Use what you’ve learned. Convert more of your visitors into subscribers and establish your online presence.

Email etiquette…

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2025

1. When replying to emails, include a copy of any previous emails, don’t just send a new one. I can receive 50 emails a day that need a reply and I simply cannot remember every single ‘conversation’ with every single person.

2. If you have a problem/complaint, then of course, email for assistance. But be polite - don’t start off with an abusive email (you can send that later on if you don’t get the help you require!).

3. Simple words like ‘please’ and ‘thank-you’ take a second to type and mean so much. If you want someone to give you free advice, then use these words - you are more likely to get what you want.

4. If someone takes the time to give you free advice, then take the time to thank them. I get emails everyday asking for assistance on all manner of topics - selling on eBay, buying from wholesalers, setting up a website etc. I don’t get paid for giving my advice and it is amazing how many people can’t even be bothered to say ‘thank-you’ after I have helped them.

5. Allow 24 hours for a response to your email before sending a second one chasing a reply. Not every business has 24 hour email support. For example, I reply to most emails within 2 hours but I do have to sleep and sometimes I even turn my PC off for a few hours!

6. Remember that the email system is not 100% reliable - sometimes emails just don’t make it to the recipient. If someone says ‘I didn’t receive your email’, they may well be telling the truth, so give them a second chance before losing your cool.

7. And finally, if your enquiry relates to a particular product always include details of which product you are referring to. For example, I sell over 20 different digital products from 7 websites but regularly get emails that simply state ‘I have paid for my eBook but didn’t get it’. Which eBook? How did you pay? What is your name? When did you buy it? What email address did you use when you made the purchase? C’mon, gimme a clue!

If you run a web business, I am sure the above points will hit home. If you don’t run a web business, please bear them in mind for when you are dealing with someone that does :-)

How to install and use phpList

Thursday, December 8th, 2025

Web hosting requirements for phpList:

Before you start the installation process, ensure that your web host support PHP and MySQL database and you have at least 10 MB free disk space (more space will be necessary when your newsletter will grow and more data will be stored in MySQL database). PHP version must be at least 4.3.x or higher and MySQL version must be 3.23 or higher. Developers recommend to run this script on Linux servers with Apache Webserver. They highly recommend to run phplist with “safe mode” in PHP off too.

How to install phpList:

Download the *.tgz or *.zip package from developers website. Unpack the archive files using WinZip, Total Commander or similar program. Then upload files in public_html folder to your web host. Edit the lists/config/config.html file and setup variables like Mysql database server (usually localhost), database name (if you have not created the database yet, you should do it through your web hosting control panel), database username and password. Other settings you should leave intact unless you are sure what are you doing. Then point your browser to and follow the instructions on the screen. That is the last step, when done the installation should be finished.

Another and easier solution how to install this PHP script is to sign up for a quality web hosting service which offers pre-installed PHP scripts. Then easily go to your control panel, find the section with pre-installed scripts and select phpList. The installer will do all the job for you. All you need to do is to choose the script you want to install.

How to use phpList:

Login to admin interface and look at configuration functions. From this place you can setup e. g. mailing list url, how often you want to check for a new version, url where users can subscribe and unsubscribe etc. Then check out links under list and user functions. This is the section where you can see and manage current lists, users, eventually import or export users. Under administrator functions it is possible to add, edit or remove administrators and configure attributes for administrators.

The most important section is called message functions — from this place you can send messages to your subscribers. You can choose between HTML format, plain text or combination of plain text and HTML, pick some of the templates, set up criteria (e. g. send email only to users that answered “yes” particular question when they signed up) and other options.

I hope the installation and settings will be easy for your. Anyway if you will have any problem you can visit developers website where is extensive documentation and forum.

How To Market Affiliate Programs With Your Newsletter

Friday, December 2nd, 2025

First you should note that the newsletter must be of high quality. Just sending your list advertisements will not cut it in today’s competitive online market place. Your subscribers do not want advertisements – they can find those anywhere. What they want is quality up-to-date information. As a marketer, you produce that information, and build the information around one of your affiliate programs.

Start by choosing a product that you feel your highly qualified list will be interested in. Really think about this long and hard, and make sure that you pick a quality product or service. If you’ve used your newsletter in the right way up to this point, your subscribers will put a lot of faith in your recommendations – and you are about to make a recommendation.

With that product, write an article. The article should not be about the product – unless it is a review of the product. Instead, it should pertain to something that relates to the use of that product. For instance, if you are advertising a shampoo, you would probably want to write an article about hair care – not about the shampoo.

You can work the product into the article in various ways. For instance, if you are just promoting one product with your article, at the end of the article, you might suggest to your readers that using brand x – with your affiliate link – will help them achieve better results or that you’ve found that this brand is better than that brand, or something along those lines.

If you are promoting several products within one article, spread them about throughout the text, but make sure that your article doesn’t become one big advertisement – and avoid promoting too many products within one article. Also avoid including more than one article in each issue of your newsletter. You want your visitors attention to remain focused – and if you give them information overload in one issue, your chances of making any sales at all diminish!

It is vital that you use a professional link cloaker. You do not want your affiliate link to look like an affiliate link! A link cloaker will change the text of your link, but when clicked, the linked cloak will take your reader to the site with the product that you are promoting – and you will get credit for the sale. Using a link cloaker also prevents link hijacking – where someone exchanges your affiliate ID with their own affiliate ID in the link.

Be personable with your readers. Become their friend. Let them know that you are looking out for them, and that you are interested in helping them achieve something. Developing a relationship with your readers is the key to getting them to trust your recommendations.

Discuss this article in the Affiliate Marketing forums at ReveNow!

Three Steps To Building A 50K Email List In Less Than 90 Days

Friday, June 3rd, 2025

“How can I grow a huge guru-type email list and how long will it take?”

What many of us know in the internet marketing world is that it can take a very long time to build a list of 10,000 subscribers. And building a list to this size is a lot more complicated than sending hundreds of visitors to your website. I currently have a website that averages over 500 visitors a day. Out of those 500 visits, I will be lucky to get at least 15 subscribers per day to my list. With these statistics it will take me about 2 years to build an email list to 10,000 subscribers.

So what can you do in order to get 10,000 subscribers very quickly?

Well, the focus of this article is to show you how to easily build a 50,000 subscriber opt in list in less than 90 days. What I am about to show you really works, and if you follow these steps precisely, you will see tremendous results.

Step 1: Get a Virus To Build Your List

In order for you to build a 50k opt in email list in 90 days, you need to spread your marketing message over the internet like a wild fire. The method that is best capable of doing this is known as viral marketing. Viral marketing, in its simplest meaning, is getting others to market your product or service for you and spreading it to others so that they can do the same also. I also call this wild fire marketing because as soon as your marketing message starts, it will be very difficult to stop it and to keep it from spreading across the internet like a wild forest fire. This is the type of response you want when you begin to grow your email list. And the only way for you to generate this type of response is to partner up with hundreds of other marketers that will help you promote your email list in return for something. This is known as joint venturing and it is one of the better strategies for building a huge email list. Located below is a free service that will help you combine the viral marketing component with the joint venture marketing component in order to rapidly grow your email opt in list.


Step 2: Start Promoting Your Viral List Building Machine

The next step is to promote your viral list builder so that you generate a minimum of 50 partners and fellow subscribers. There are multiple ways of promoting your viral list tool, but the easiest way to do this is through ezine solo ads. I know from experience that sending solo ads is a sure way to jumpstart any internet business. Just one solo ad mailing to a good newsletter or ezine can easily generate up to 85 partners and fellow subscribers that will help you promote your email list. Listed below is a series of ezines that provide excellent results every time I use them.








As soon as you receive your 50 partners that will help promote your email list for you, you will slowly begin to see your list virally grow on its own. But the growth that will be taking place is not rapid enough to generate the 50k subscribers in 90 days. You need to create tremendous momentum in the beginning in order to see rapid, exponential growth of your email list. This is where step 3 comes in.

Step 3: The KEY To It All

The last and final step for creating a large email list in a short amount of time is the most important step out of all the 3 steps. In this step, it is crucial that you motivate and train your partners/subscribers to do the very same things you are doing to build your email list. Out of all the people marketing on the internet, less than 3% of them know how to market properly and build a nice subscriber base. The key to getting around this problem is to show them the exact steps you took to promote your very own list. This is known as duplication. This concept is so powerful that it is the key for experiencing exponential growth with any online business. The reason why most online businesses fail is because they do not know how to train their partners to market effectively online. If you do this, you will gain the trust of your partners and you will grow your list exponentially.


Building a 50,000 subscriber opt in email list can take a very long time if you do not know what you are doing. As revealed, you can actually generate a 50k email list in less than 90 days by following steps 1 - 3. Step 1 explains how you must build your list virally by allowing hundreds of other marketers to help you build your list. Step 2 shows you a very easy way to get your first 50 partners/subscribers to help you build your email list for you. This is done through solo email ads. The final and most critical step is to motivate and train your partners to actively do the very same steps you are doing to build your email list. If you follow these steps precisely, you will build a 50k subscriber email list in less than 3 months. So you should really start on this as soon as possible. Here is a free resource that will help you get started:


Ways To Persuade Your Web Site Visitors To Give You Their Email Address

Friday, April 29th, 2025

1. Ask visitors to subscribe to your e-zine. It’s a good idea to also give them a freebie when they subscribe.

2. Have them sign-up to get access to download a f.ree ebook. The subject of the ebook should be related to your target audience.

3. Give your visitors a free membership inside your member’s only web site. Have them sign-up to receive a user name and password.

4. Hold a free contest or sweepstakes at your web site. Ask them to give you their contact information to enter.

5. Offer your visitors free consulting via e-mail. Have them fill out a web form to e-mail you with their questions.

6. Hold an interactive poll on your web site. Ask your visitors to e-mail you their vote or opinion.

7. Ask your visitors to sign-up for a chance to get a web site award. Have them e-mail you their contact and web site information.

8. Have visitors fill out a survey on your web site. Give them a f.ree gift as an incentive to complete the form.

9. O.ffer a free online service from your web site. Have visitors fill out their contact information to sign-up to the f.ree service.

10. Ask visitors to sign your guest book. Tell them they will get a f.ree gift in return.

11. Offer a free affiliate program for your visitors. They will have to sign-up in order to receive marketing materials and commissions.

12. Allow visitors to submit a free classified ad on your web site. Require them to give a valid e-mail address in order to post an ad.

13. Give people who visit your web site a f.ree course sent via autoresponder. Just ask them to fill out their contact information to receive the free course.

14. Offer your visitors free software to download. Have them sign-up to get an access code to unlock the software.

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