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Archive for the 'Domains' Category

Why Publishing MP3 Can Cost You A Fortune

Saturday, December 2nd, 2025

allmp3Then type:find . | grep zip > allzipThis will then give you two files on your server: allmp3 & allzipDownload these files and take a look at them in a text editor. They’ll show you the path of every MP3 and Zip file on your server so that you can quickly and easily find which files you need to convert to OGG. Dead handy.Okay - so after you’ve converted and uploaded the audio, you’ll need to change the text around the download links. You’ll need to take out any mention of “MP3″ from your website.I don’t suggest replacing it with “OGG” on a sales page for example since that will probably confuse people. Just replace “MP3″ with “downloadable audio” or “high quality downloadable audio”.And then on your download pages mention that the audio is in OGG format which is just as high quality as MP3 and just as quick to download. Then link to a couple of audio players that you know for a fact support OGG.The audio players I personally mention are Winamp from and Quintessential Player from Note About Winamp: As I write this only the Full version (not the Lite version) of Winamp supports OGG successfully. So make sure to tell your visitors to download and install that version. It’s still free though so your visitors won’t have to spend any extra money just to listen to your audio.And that’s pretty much all the steps needed to convert your published audio from MP3 to OGG, which can save you a small fortune in licensing fees without compromising audio quality or speed of download.

10 Great things NOT to do with Google AdSense

Thursday, July 13th, 2025

1. Do not use fake information when opening your Google AdSense account.

Google says that’s a no-no and they will cut your account off and keep all the money you may have earned. Besides, trying to hide your true identity can cause serious problems with the I.R.S. or whoever your tax authority is.

2. Do not hack or modify Google AdSense code other than to change the parameters that Google authorizes you to change.

Any attempt to bypass Google’s built-in algorithms not only poses a danger to the integrity of the network, but it threatens the financial modle that Google operates under. You’re not dealing with some Mom-and-Pop company here, and Google has the legal muscle and deep enough pockets to drag you through every court in the land if you damage their business with your hacking antics.

3. Keep AdSense ads off of your registration, confirmation, and all “thank you” pages.

Don’t ask me why you can’t put your ads there. It makes sense to me that those would be wonderful locations. Google thinks otherwise, however, and doing so is a hanging offense according to their Terms of Service.

4. Do not display AdSense ads and a competitor’s ads (like Overture’s) on the same page at the same time.

That just makes plain good sense. Google doesn’t demand 100% SITE loyalty from you, but they do insist that their own ads not be cluttered up by offerings from their competitors.

5. Don’t “beg for clicks” or provide any incentive for clicking on your Google AdSense ads.

This is a biggie and you see this rule violated all the time. Any of the “get paid to do stuff” sites that put Google ads in the member’s control panels are walking the plank and they don’t even realize it. Even those sites with the polite little messages asking you to “help keep my site running by clicking on our sponsor’s ads” are asking to be cut off if those happen to be Google ads.

6. Never click on the ads running on your own site, even if you are genuinely interested in the product or service and are thinking of buying it!

Nothing screams FRAUD louder than a webmaster running up his or her own click counts by happily clicking on ads fromtheir own site. The Google Gods can track this activity and it won’t be long until you find yourself getting a goodbye note from their fraud team.

7. No misleading labeling

Google is very specific about what text can be placed around their ads. Their Terms of Service state: “Publishers may not label the ads with text other than ‘sponsored links’ or ‘advertisements.’ This includes any text directly above our ads that could be confused with, or attempt to be associated with Google ads.”

This is to keep visitors from becoming confused and barking up Google’s tree when they clicked on an ad that led to a porn site instead of the recipe site they were expecting to visit.

8. Avoid keyword spamming and other divisive tricks

You may be tempted to buy one of those “generates thousands of key-word rich pages in seconds” programs that are so popular these days but I’ll tell you this: Their days are numbered. Google is wise to such shenanigans and they will be hot on your trail. Other prohibited gimmicks include:

• ”Sneaky” page redirects that send a visitor off to a different site then they were expecting to visit.

• Multiple sites, domains, pages, etc. which have substantially duplicate content.

• Hidden text or links of any type.

• Excessive outbound links on any page. Google recommends no more than 100. I’d keep it way below that.

• And here is a nugget of wisdom straight from Google’s mouth: “Do not participate in link schemes designed to increase your site’s ranking or PageRank. In particular, avoid links to web spammers or “bad neighborhoods” on the web as your website may be affected adversely by those links.

9. Don’t advertise anything on Google’s prohibited items list.

It’s a lot shorter lists than PayPal’s or eBay’s, but it includes a lot of the same stuff like hacking/cracking content, porn, illegal drugs, gambling sites, beer or hard alcohol (I guess wine is OK), weapons, and the other usual stuff.

10. And the 10th dumbest thing NOT to do with Google AdSense is to let the other nine things stop you from running an honest site that’s designed to make the most out of this very profitable opportunity that Google offers!

10 Tips For Reciprocal Links

Wednesday, July 5th, 2025

Reciprocal Links help you improve search engine ranking and generate more traffic to your web site. The quality and quantity of reciprocal links with other web sites allows you to increase your link popularity. Increasing your link popularity will drive more traffic to your web site as more visitors will click through to your web site and better search engine ranking will result bringing more targeted traffic. With the increasing competition, getting a good ranking in the search engines is important. If you really want a high rank position with the search engines and more traffic to your web site, you need to work out a focused linking strategy to establish reciprocal links with other web sites. I know that exchanging links is not simple and take time, but is the best time investment you will ever do.

The basic concept is simple - you link my site, I’ll link yours and we’ll both get an increase in traffic. I have exchanged many links in my web-based career. Here are 10 tips from my experience ….

1) Find the right site to do a reciprocal link exchange with. Define the kinds of sites with which you want to trade links. These sites are normally in your website’s category of interest, or sites that you feel your visitors might find interesting.

2) If you are at the beginning of promoting your site and want to see results soon, exchange links with popular and quality web sites. This doesn’t mean that popular web sites will accept that, but you have to try. Don’t hesitate. Lots of popular web sites that are in another category of interest, maybe accept exchange link with you. It’s your decision …

3) When you contact the webmaster of the other site, you should be kind. Tell him that you run a site that has a similar topic and describe your site a bit. Say that you like his site and have included a link to it in your site (give him the address of the page where the link is), then ask him to return the favour by linking to your site. If you never get a reply or your proposal gets rejected, just forget it and find another site.

4) Never be disappointed! There are a lot of webmasters who will exchange links with you.

5) Be patient! With hundreds of thousands of sites out there, it takes time and efforts to find and choose web sites for reciprocal links. Keep working.

6) If another webmaster asks you to exchange link, give him an answer. If you deny, explain why. If you like the content of that web site then add the link. Every link is useful.

7) Exchange as many links as you can. Don’t be afraid to swap links with competitor websites. This is not going to hurt your business. World wide web is a huge area. Internet has space for everyone.

8) Don’t remove your link without contacting the webmaster of the other site first. Some webmasters agree to exchange reciprocal links, add your link on their site and after a few days/weeks they remove it without noticing you. You should check the site of your partner every now to see if he’s keeping his part of the deal. If he is not, contact the guy and kindly ask him to explain why your link has disappeared. If you don’t get a satisfactory explanation, remove the link to his site from your site and find another partner.

9) Prefer text links rather than graphics as this would be more search engine friendly. If you want to make your site more impressive and satisfy your partner, add a graphic link too, but don’t overdo it.

10) Your reciprocal link request is more likely to be taken seriously if you have your own domain! Some webmasters may not even wish to trade reciprocal links with websites with URLs based on other providers’ domains, fearing the sites are not high quality. If you are serious about your website, consider getting your own domain. It costs some money, but the cash spent is well worth it when you realize how much better your website will be perceived in the eyes of your visitors.

Never forget … The traffic that reciprocal links generate is FREE!!!

10 Ways To Kick Your Competition’s Butt!

Tuesday, July 4th, 2025

What’s worst is that major companies have started to get involved in internet marketing. Big companies are pouring in millions to take their brand online, making it pretty hard for us little guys to compete.

Well, there are still ways you can fight back and beat even Fortune 500 companies if you just use these 10 strategies (and use them religiously).

1. Offer free original content. It’s important to give your visitors information they can’t find anywhere else. If you’re the only source, they’ll visit your site.

The internet is about information and content - that is what your visitors want. You can skip the “bureaucracy” of a big company and make great content and fast.

2. Give people free software. Most people like to find good deals on software for their computers. If the software is free, that is even better.

Software is becoming a great viral tool now. Everyone wants to make their lives easier and automate things - software can do this. If you can come up with a great piece of software, just plug your website url into it and you will see great viral marketing.

3. Hold free contests or sweepstakes. Most people like to win things. If you can fulfill that need, people will stop by to visit. This is yet again another great viral marketing tool.

4. Provide a free web directory. Create a directory of web sites on a popular topic that will attract your target audience: A great resource website means you can have repeat traffic.

5. Offer a free e-zine. Most people love to get free information that’s e-mailed to them regularly. This saves them time and money.

Having an excellent newsletter or e-zine is by far one of the best tools to build loyalty from your visitors. Not to mention, having a loyal subscriber list is a great way to make money week after week!

6. Make your web site look professional.

You want to have your own domain name, easy navigation, attractive graphics, etc. Please don’t go crazy with flash and lots of “fancy” things - they don’t sell. However, having a nice clean site that flows well is critical.

7. Let people read your ad before they get to your freebie.

When you use free stuff to lure people to your web site list it below your ad copy. Always make sure to get your URL out there as much as possible - start thinking about branding the way the big companies do.

8. Attract the target audience that would buy your product or service.

A simple way to do this is to survey your existing customers. Offer the right products to your visitors. Too many times I see websites offering a service that their visitors don’t want. If they only took a few minutes to survey their subscribers, even a small tweak to their product could launch sales.

Large companies spend millions on juts product research! All you have to do is put up some links or send an e-mail to your list!

9. Test and improve your ad copy.

Simple is it not? Finding better ways to use the traffic you already have! There are many people who write an ad and never change it. Make sure you get the highest possible conversion rate.

10. Give people an urgency so they buy now.

Many people are interested in your product but they put off buying it until later and eventually forget about it. Have special promotions and give them a reason to act now.

There you go! There are 10 tips you can immediately implement to help better brand your website and increase sales. These are the exact things that the big companies will soon be doing, so you can beat them to it!

6 steps to Adsense Domination

Saturday, June 24th, 2025

One of the easiest and most lucrative ways to generate a secondary income, which also happens to be passive, is via Google’s Adsense program.

I’m sure you’ve read the claims of a few individuals generating five figure monthly incomes from Adsense. For many of you, I’m sure you are wondering why you aren’t making this same income yourself.

Well, wonder no more. If you follow my simple six step system, you will be well on your way to healthy Adsense profits within three months.

Are you ready? It’s now time to pay attention.

Step 1 – Preparation.

The key to making money with Adsense is all about numbers. BIG numbers!

Sure, there are a few people making serious money with less than ten sites, but these are the exception.

Your goal will be twenty-four sites in three months. That’s just TWO sites per week!

In order to accomplish this, I recommend one of the many available page generation tools available today.

Step 2 – Determine Your Markets.

In order to maximize Adsense income with only twenty-four sites, you must know which markets are paying well.

To break this down even further, you need to know which keywords within those markets are paying the most.

Step 3 – Register you domains.

Once you’ve identified and chosen your markets, you must register domains appropriate to those markets. For example, if your market is ‘Cabbage Patch Dolls’, a domain such as would be appropriate.

Step 4 – Create your site.

Using your favorite page generation software and keyword list, it’s time to develop your site. There are several key points to bear in mind when you develop these specifically for Adsense.

1.Format – Always use the large 336×280 large rectangle.
2.Border – Match the same color as your background.
3.Background color - Border – Match the same color as your background.
4.Link = “0000CC”
5.Color_url = “999999″
6.Color_text = “333333″
7.Position – Far left or center and just above the page fold (Top 25% of site)

Step 5 – Verify and track your site

Visit your site and make sure all links work and that the sites appear to your satisfaction. You should also check out the ads Google is displaying. Are they targeted to your primary high paying keyword? If not, recreate your site using your high paying keyword in a higher density throughout your site.

Make sure you track your Adsense format, position, and traffic with a tracking system specifically designed for Adsense. Once you know your stats, you can adjust for maximum clickthroughs and higher revenues.

Step 6 – Get your site listed in the search engines.

This is simple… no tricks involved. Simply rent links to your site. A PR7 or PR8 link will do the job.

While I’ve simplified the process here, you are now armed with enough information and resources to make some serious money with Adsense.

5 Quick and Easy Steps On HOW-TO Send Your Website A SURGE Of Amazon’s Traffic For FREE!

Monday, June 5th, 2025

As you know, Amazon is a buyers market place and is a VERY powerful search engine for products of all sorts, especially Books.

Now, you’re probably saying to yourself, “yeah, I already know that about Amazon, but how do I get my share of Amazon’s traffic?”.

Well, I’m going to answer that question in just a few moments, but first, here’s just some of the benefits you’ll receive once you’ve ‘Set-Up’ what I’m about to show you:

- you’ll position yourself as an Expert within your Niche

- you’ll receive Highly Targeted traffic to your website

- you’ll be able to build a HIGHLY targeted ‘Opt-In’ list

Those are some pretty Powerful benefits wouldn’t you say?

And who would of ever guessed that Amazon could deliver this to you.

I only recently learned of this tactic myself from a Very well known Internet marketer who was kind enough to share it with me.

So now, I’m going to do the same for you.

Are you ready to see what Amazon can do for your Business and Credibility?

Enough said, lets get started.

Step #1. Set up a account with Amazon.

This is the easiest part of the whole task. Simply go to and set up an account for yourself.

This should only take a few minutes and is very straight forward.

Step #2. Click on your “Your Name” Store tab.

Once you’ve set up your account you should have been given a password in order to login to your account.

If you’re not logged in already, login now.

Now, from within the members area there should be a row of tabs at the top of the members area, click on the one that says “Your Name” Store(ex. ‘Corys Store’ tab).

This will take you to a different area with a different sub-menu.

Click on the tab in the sub-menu that says “About You Area”.

Step #3. Setting up your “About You Area”.

Now this is where you have to pay ‘Special Attention’ because this is what people will see when they click on your ‘About You’ tab.

Assuming you are at the ‘About You Area’ you’ll notice that you have spots available to put your Picture, Name, Nickname, eMail Address, Real Name and About Me.

Go ahead and fill out all the area’s accept your ‘About Me’.

The ‘About Me’ spot is what I’ll talk about in the next step, but for now, just fill out all the other area’s and if you want to put up a picture of yourself, you can, it’s up to you.

Step #4. Setting up the ‘About Me’ section.

This is probably the single most important part of this whole process because this is where your potential customer will read about who you are and what you and your business is all about, so do take this seriously.

Now, you have about 4,000 characters of space to write up a description about who you are and what your business is about, so its up to you on how long you want your description to be.

Before you start writing your description this is what You have to do First within the first 70 to 80 characters of your ‘About Me’ description and I’ll show you an example of how mine looks so you’ll be able to see this in action.

(ex. About me: Hi, I’m Cory Threlfall and I’m the Editor/Publisher of ‘’ which is a …)

Do you see what I’ve done?

I’ve incorporated my ‘Domain Name’ in quotes into my First 70 to 80 characters of my description so when they click on my ‘About Me’ and read my profile they’ll also see my Domain Name, and if they wish to find out more about me they can either ‘Copy and Paste or Type’ my domain into there browser which will then bring them to my website where they can either ‘Subscribe’ to my newsletter or read my sale copy which will then get them to Opt-In to my newsletter.

This is where the ‘List Building’ starts to take place from the traffic sent through Amazon.

Now, we’ve already established that Amazon is a High Traffic website and now that you’ve set up your ‘About Me Area’ the way I’ve outlined it above I’m now going to show you how to direct Amazon’s traffic to your website.

Step #5. Directing Amazon’s traffic to your website.

This is where the fun starts. And once you see How its done you’ll probably kick yourself in the butt like I did when I was shown How-To do this.

What we need to do now is a little exercise so you’ll see for yourself how you’ll tap into Amazon’s traffic.

So, we know that Amazon is best known for Books, so click on the ‘Books’ tab within Amazon’s members area. This will take you to a different page.

In the upper left corner you’ll see a ‘Search Books’ search box.

Now, for the purpose of this exercise, just so that we’re on the same page, lets use ‘internet marketing’ as the search term.

So, go ahead and type that in and press GO!.

You should now see a bunch of listings on books related to ‘internet marketing’.

Scroll down and select the “33 Days To Online Profits” link. This will bring you to its Product Description page.

Within this Product Description page you’ll find Product Details, Editorial Reviews and most important of all, All Customer Reviews.

Notice I said “and most important of all, All Customer Reviews”.

Thats right, all you need to do is ‘Write Reviews’ on books within your particular Niche and when potential customers are reviewing the book you wrote the review on and they scroll down and happen to read your review and click on Your Name to see what you’re all about, guess what they’ll see?

They’ll see your profile with your Name, Nick Name, eMail Address and your ‘About Me’ description with your Domain Name screaming out at them which can easily be typed into there browser.

There you have it, “5 Quick and Easy Steps On HOW-TO Send Your Website A SURGE Of Amazon’s Traffic For FREE!”

I truly hope you see the benefits of writing reviews and how it will make you look in the eyes of your potential customer.

This is a great tactic to use if you’re looking to establish yourself as an Expert within your Niche and at the same time, build a HIGHLY targeted ‘Opt-In’ list that you can market to for years to come.

A peep into Senze’s Mini-Encyclopedia

Tuesday, May 16th, 2025

From the laptop of Adwin


I am Adwin. Nice meeting you. Thank you for taking your time to read this personal
review by me on Senze’s latest mini-encyclopedia.

Believe me, this is the hottest cake now in internet marketing arena. I have read
through most of the chapters and have implemented some of the business models. The result is fantastic.

I hope you would finish reading this review as there is a surprise on how you can make
this mini-encyclopedia generate passive income for you.Isn’t it what you always have been thinking?

Ha, ha. Me too all the time.

Well, the following review which you are going to read is base on my own personal view and does not represent any other person input or idea.

Overview on the Table of Content

Most of the ebook which you have bought does not have a action packed content. Until this mini-encyclopedia is born. Thanks to Senze.

You will discover :-

1)Top 8 Low-cost, High profit Internet Business Model. What is comprehensive catalog model, killer sales letter model, membership site model, expert model, super affiliated model, eBay Power Seller Model, InterNetwork Marketing Model and Automated Service Model.

2)Another 11 Low-Cost, High-Profit Internet Business Models which are gaining
popularity in the recent years. They are: Paid Ezine model, Virus Model, Community
Model, Comprehensive Resource Center Model, Free Functional Tool Model, Free Tip of the
Day Model, Directory/Guide Model, Domain Name Trader Model, Packaged Residual Income

Model, Free/Cheap Software Download Model and the Thank You Page Model.

3)Power packed Summary for you and the step by step activities to set up your own Internet Business. Plus understanding what are the basic free Internet Marketing
Activities Matrix and Basic Paid Internet Marketing Activities all consolidated for you in a form of a Matrix Table. This is for your cross reference. You need to understand not all activities are suitable for the model you have chosen. Indirectly save you money and time.

4)Last part is to discover how the back-end program built into this encyclopedia which you can earn passive income with minimal effort. Just in case you want to be in business within 1 week, there is a special arrangement to a member website. You will be amazed by the free but expensive marketing tools and good customer service provided by this website.

Sample Model Extracted from Mini-e: Internet Business Model No.16

In this model, you will have product to call your own but you don/t have to create and yet can provide you with both up-front and residual income for a long time.

An example of this model is the Mini-Encyclopedia which you are going to purchase. Some of the links within will lead to highly-recommended products of which you are an associate or affiliate.

You’ll be earning directly up-front income through the sale of the e-book, plus all
income directly from any sale that resulted from your associate/affiliate links!

All Profits goes to you. Isn’t it Great!

What you need to get started
1. A High-Quality e-manual/e-book/e-report
2. Resell Rights
3. Customization
4. Domain Name
5. Hosting
6. Marketing Materials
7. Follow-up autoresponders
8. Real-time credit card processing system
9. Associate/Affilate Programs
10. Mailing list

Building your credibility
1. Professional Website
2. Well-written Killer Sales Letter & Follow-up autoresponder messages
3. Killer Product Cover

Making Your Money
1. Up-Front (you earn 100% of the Selling Price)
2. Back-End ( Recurring, Residual income in the form of Recurring Commissions,2-tier
affiliated programs which give you overriding commissions on sales of associates sign up under you)

Well, the above is just an extraction form the mini-encyclopedia. The detailed would be much explained in page 187, Model 16.

There are many other models highlighted in this ebook which you could choose from.

This book is packed with action YOU must TAKE to ensure your SUCCESS in Internet
Business world. You can get a copy NOW at

Your success depends on your action taken NOW!

I can guarantee you I am experiencing the power of Internet Business and potential
passive income I would receive.

Thank you and hope you would enjoy your freedom of work and play brought about by the Internet world.

Best Regards


Thursday, May 11th, 2025

Regardless of the frustrations involved in launching your own newsletter, never forget this truth: There are people from all walks of life, in all parts of the world, many of them with no writing ability whatsoever, who are making incredible profits with their newsletter.

Your first step should be to subscribe to many different newsletters. Analyze and study how the others are doing it. Learn how the successful newsletter publishers are doing it, and how they are making money. Adapt their success methods to your own newsletter, and add your own flare to it.

Plan your newsletter before launching it. Come up with a plan of action, daily, weekly, bi-weekly, etc. Make a plan to distribute it, using subscription services and lead sources.

Most newsletter publishers do all the work themselves, and are impatient to get that first issue online. As a result, they neglect to devote the proper amount of time to market research and distribution. Don’t start your newsletter with out first having accomplished this task!

Market research is simply determining who you will be marketing your newsletter to, and who will be interested in buying your products and services, and reading your newsletter. You have to determine what it is they want from your newsletter.

Your market research must give you unbiased answers about your newsletter’s capabilities of fulfilling your prospective buyer’s need for information; The questions of why they need your information, and how they will use it should be answered. Make sure you have the answers to these questions, publish your newsletter as a vehicle of fulfillment to these needs, and you’re on your way!

You’re going to loose prospects unless your newsletter has a real point of difference that can be easily perceived by your prospective buyer. If you are using someone else’s newsletter and just adding your own affiliate links, don’t be surprised when you prospects start dropping out.

The design and graphics of your newsletter, plus your unique content will help with keeping your prospects from opting out.

The name of your newsletter should also help to set it apart from similar newsletters, and describe what your basic premise is all about. A good name reinforces your advertising. Choose a name that defines what your newsletter is all about.

Try to make your newsletter’s name brand able and memorable - one that flows automatically. Don’t pick a name that’s so vague it could apply to almost anything. The name should identify your newsletter and its subject quickly and positively. You should also brand it with your domain name if at all possible.

When you send out your newsletter, make sure that you use a name variable with your autoresponder. People like to see and feel that they are the only one that you are sending your newsletter to. You create trust and a feeling in the reader that they are special.

You may want to add a picture of yourself, so your prospects have an idea of whom is sending them this valuable information. The use of pictures will set your publication apart from the others and give it an individual image, which is precisely what
you want.

The decision as to whether to carry paid advertising, and if so, how much, is another policy decision that should be made while your newsletter is still in the planning stages. Some purists feel that advertising corrupts the image of the newsletter and may
influence editorial policy. Most people accept advertising as a part of everyday life, and don’t care one way or the other.

The only problem with accepting advertising in your newsletter would appear to be that as your subscription list grows, so may the number of advertisers. At this point, the basic premise or philosophy of the newsletter often changes from news and practical information to one of an advertiser’s showcase. So think this out clearly before you decide what you want the reader to experience with your newsletter.

Promoting your newsletter, finding prospective buyers and converting these prospects into loyal subscribers, will be the most difficult task of your entire undertaking. It takes detailed planning, persistence and patience.

Make sure you send a welcome letter when a new prospect signs up and tell the reader how they are going to benefit from your newsletter, and then keep emphasizing right on through your “PS”, the many benefits they will gain from staying on your subscriber list. . Give the reader a solid list of benefits with examples of what you have, or you intend to include, in your newsletter.

You have to make your prospect feel that “this is the insider’s secret” to the success they want to achieve. Present it to your subscriber as their own personal key to success.

Prepare yourself for the fact that not everyone that signs up for your newsletter will buy your product or service. That is all part of the internet marketing business. However, you should not be discouraged, keep trying to get as many subscribers as possible and always be available to answer any questions your subscriber may have. Good luck with your newsletter.

An Easy Way To Write Articles To Promote Your Biz

Friday, May 5th, 2025

Your list articles could be a top ten list or top seven list that deals with a specific subject.

You could also write up a list of tips that deals with a broad subject such as marketing or promotion, and then add a
catchy headline or title to your list.

Your list article could be without an introduction or you could write up a few short sentences or paragraphs to lead into your new list article.

With your introduction, write just enough to get your readers interested in your article before going into your list.

Some tips that will help you to maximize the success of your list articles are:

1. Make each tip informative.

You could tell your reader the benefit of using your tip, go into detail about how to use your tip, or define how your tip works if you’re writing about something that is new to your reader.

One tip could simply state the benefit of using your tip, or you could tell your reader the benefit of using your tip and
also how to use your tip.

The key is to provide genuinely useful information to your reader. If you’re able to do this, you’ll be able to get your articles published and achieve long term promotion of your business.

2. Write for your target audience.

For example, if you wrote a manual on
e-zine publishing you could write up a list of ten e-zine promotion tips.

3. Use lots of white space.

Your articles will look cleaner and more professional, and you’ll be able to keep your readers, including your skim readers, interested in your article.

4. Vary the length of your sentences.

Use short and long sentences to get your points across.

For example, if you have two or three short sentences in a row, you could transform these short sentences into one compound sentence.

You could also make these short sentences into one compound sentence and one short sentence.

5. Write your articles as if you are writing to one person or even talking to that person.

Writing your articles in this way will help you to add your personality to your writing, and make it feel like you’re
speaking directly to your reader.

6. Use the active voice.

Using the active voice will make your writing more straightforward.

It will also help you to keep your list article from becoming uninteresting or confusing to your reader.

7. Go over your article for mistakes.

Many article writers, even though they write very informative articles, have a problem with spelling and grammar mistakes.

Because they’re easily avoidable, making mistakes like this can make your writing seem amateurish and decrease your chances of getting your article published.

8. Leave your list article for a couple of days and then go over it again adding detail where it’s needed and eliminating parts of your article that are unneeded.

Afterwards recheck your article for mistakes.

9. Read your article out loud.

By doing this, you’ll be able to make your article read just like you speak.

You’ll also be able to make changes to parts of your article that don’t flow very well or that are unclear to your reader.

10. Have someone else read over your article after you’re done.

You’ll be able to get honest feedback for your article that will either tell you that you’re article is really good or that your article needs some work.

If you’re article needs some work, getting this feedback will help you to avoid making the mistake of promoting your article before it’s ready to be published.

11. Promote your e-zine in your resource box.

Promoting your e-zine in your resource box will help you to successfully keep in contact with your readers and keep your
marketing message on their minds.

In your resource box, have your readers visit your site to subscribe to your e-zine or have an email address (i.e., that forwards emails to your subscription email.

Doing this will enable you to continue to get more subscribers from your list articles even if you decide to change list hosts or autoresponder services.

12. Promote your finished article.

Submit your article to article directories, article announcement lists, and also to
e-zine publishers.

Also post your article on your site, and keep your site updated with your new articles.

Central Nic Domains

Wednesday, March 29th, 2025

1.Central nic is a domain registry offering alternative to the TLD and Country level domains. If you missed out on your chance to get the domain name you desired, now you are offered a second chance to get in on the action. Get the domain name you want with a .com extension!

2.,,, and more are all available from domain registrars. Thus, if you missed out on your opportunity to get a .uk, .gb, or a .eu domain name, you will get a second chance to get the domain name you desire when you register for a central nic domain.

3.If you are set on a name that has been taken by another Webmaster, a Central nic name can be a good alternative. With a Central nic domain name you can still get the domain name you want with the added commercial extension. Don’t settle for a second choice domain name—get your central nic domain name precisely the way you want your domain name to be.

4. The commercial extension in a central nic domain name is already well established. So many websites on the Internet use .com extensions that it has become a near universal aspect of many domain names. Plus, the short extension is unobtrusive—it does not hurt the overall length of your domain name—nor does it decrease the effectiveness of a central nic domain name.

5. Using keywords in a domain is useful for SE purposes—yet, it can be difficult to get a domain name that is keyword enriched if the applicable domain names are already taken. Now, with our central nic domain name offerings, you get another great opportunity to get a keyword enriched domain name that will immediately improve your search engine ranking.

6. With a short commercial extension, Webmasters will still have a domain address that is easy to remember. You don’t have to worry about compromising a memorable domain address—the .com extension is easy to remember and hardly increases the length of a domain name at all. In fact, with so many domain names ending in .com, the commercial extension is almost expected by web users.

7. Registering for a central nic domain name now will ensure that you get in on the most popular domain names available. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to get the most popular domain names available. Popular domain names that draw significant traffic to websites will disappear quickly. Thus, the sooner you register for your central nic domain name, the better your chances will be that you get the exact domain name that you desire.

8. Beat the rush—you already know that on April 7, 2025, the Landrush phase for .eu domain names will commence. Why submit an application in hopes that you will be able to get the domain name you desire. Instead, secure a central nic domain now with a .com extension and ensure that you get the domain name you want. Thus, while everyone is struggling to get in on the .eu domain names, you will be ahead of the game when you register for your central nic domain name.

9. Whether you want to establish a business website or a personal website, there is no restrictions when you apply for a central nic domain name. That’s right; anyone can apply for a central nic domain name, even if their website is not for commercial use. No need to wait for the proper time to submit your application—if you want to register for a central nic domain name you an do so right now—today, this very minute!

10. Why wait until April when Eurid opens to the public, to get your domain name, when you can register for a central nic domain name and get your domain name quickly? Now is the time to get in on all of the central nic domain names available—the more time you spend delaying—the lower your chances are for getting in on the most popular central nic domain names.

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